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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Whole place needs cleaning up, all along the Newton Brook and the Brook in Widemarsh Street, BB should be ashamed that they have ignored this for so long.
  2. Your input is appreciated councillor but I think Colin and others with this campaign had already opened the door some time ago, see the first post in this topic, we are just waiting for other restaurants and hot food establishments to follow suit and apply to extend their opening hours too.
  3. Good to see the HT using your images here Colin, to be fair they have credited HV, still good to see, great photo's btw.
  4. Same thoughts. They should offer free parking for all shoppers who spend money at the old market and only charge people who do not spend, maybe a minimum spend of £2 or £3. I will often drive and meet friends for a coffee and to chill but usually end up buying something from one of the stores anyway.
  5. Alex


    Yes, it's growing alright, should of been removed completely in the first place, how long before it gets removed I wonder
  6. While this is good news surely there will be less homes if they are replacing the blocks with houses?
  7. Are they knocking down all of the flats and replacing them with new ones?
  8. I am with you on this one.
  9. The newer LED bulbs throw out more light than the older bulbs its just more directed with a lot less pollution. The taxi drivers refusing fares certainly needs dealing with by the council before something happens to a lonely person having to walk home because of their refusal to take them.
  10. Hi dippy, I was not referring to you with my comments about blaming the bin men, that was directed at the author and in general. I agree that inconsiderate parking and cyclists could be improved.
  11. I live in a cul-de-sac so maybe I am blinkered but we live in a World of convenience which includes wheelie bins, good or bad they are here and here to stay, while i did not appreciate the problems you are saying exist in Whitecross etc I am slightly confused as to the difference between 4-5 black bins bags, half of which would be open because of birds to a solid wheelie bin. Surely loads of all size and shaped black bags would cause a bigger problem to the visually impaired?? I still don't agree with laying blame with the bin men. There is no quick fix here, however, I think putting the wheelie bins on the road up next to the kerb has to be a better place than actually on the path for those people who do not have gardens.
  12. What a lot of rubbish (excuse the pun) due to the high winds in the last 24 hours there are currently 3 wheelie bins half way down our street i noticed this morning, i suppose that's the councils fault too is it? Well let me tell you what I have done today, I collected each of these bins and put them back where they had come from and wedged them as best as I could to prevent this happening again. I also informed each of my neighbours, who i must add were very happy and thanked me, so being a good neighbour has to be better than playing the 'Blame Game' in my experience.
  13. I cannot believe what I have just read, well actually I can...I suppose the people who died never really died either eh and they were just a load of actors who have been paid off. I find these conspiracy topics even more offending!!! Shame on you.
  14. Thats a nice story especially at Christmas, well done Mrs U. (I love hedgehogs too)
  15. Choice has to be good. This is an encouraging development and well done to HV for keeping up the pressure on this out of touch policy.
  16. This needs nipping in the bud and examples should be made by revoking licenses.
  17. So it's not just HV that has stronger opinions then, which is good to hear. I expected a big hot controversial debate on this topic.
  18. This was a non starter imo anyway, so I am pleased that HC rejected this one.
  19. I am not surprised that this planning application was refused, so many objections.
  20. Car park is expensive in the first instance in my opinion. Parking should be free after 6pm!
  21. I will try and go to this one looks like it will be good night. I am working late on Weds but hopefully me and the mrs can make it.
  22. A real pity Murph cant keep the Jailhouse open. Fantastic news though seeing the Left Bank reopening and brightening up the river wye again, nothing better than seeing all those lights as your drive over the bridge. I hope they have loads of Xmas tree's all around it will look amazing.
  23. Excellent news, some fun nights ahead over the next couple of months, should be fun, just need the council to allow some late night food and all will be good again.
  24. Discrimination! Mr Singh and Mr Chips cannot open but the Lunchbox can, absolutely ridiculas! Unfair too in my opinion. So are you more aggressive after you have eaten a kebab than you are after eating a beef roll? NO!! Because all you want to do after a few beers topped up with food is sleep in my experience. Jim Mooney has been doing this job far too long and either needs to get into the 21st century or hand the reins over to a younger person.
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