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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Another good exclusive Colin, best decision made.
  2. Its a no brainer for me, I have always been with Colin on this, turn them off!
  3. Northbound traffic all last week was great, once you had got over the bridge the problem was driving back up Edgar St where the temp lights were. WHY have they got those there? Pointless, this is the only point wee there is a problem, can't they see that?
  4. I clearly works Colin, keep up the good work with your traffic lights campaign, hopefully the council will see sense at some point and will at the very very least give it a trial as above or by turning them off for a few months. I totally and utterly agree that the main city traffic lights all round the ring roads could be made part-time like you have suggested and turned off at 7 or 8pm until 6am, thats a no brainer for me.
  5. Yep I agree with that. Well done Glenda
  6. Taken from this weeks HT, this is not good news but great for the criminals
  7. A good laugh and a curry is mind kind of evening, might just go to see Andy Parsons he is quailty
  8. I think it is also to attract tourists and people in general too.
  9. Well you will love this then, I use a small van for work and when I bought it the price on the forecourt was £4800 +VAT, now when i sold it I am not VAT registered so therefore I cannot charge VAT. But the next person, if they are VAT registered or if it sells at auction will charge VAT each and every time this van is sold which could be 4 - 5 times in its life, so how much are the Government making just from vans alone!
  10. I think Colin was thinking about extending the forums to cover all of Hereford sometime ago, I think if he did that it would be really good.
  11. Alex

    Hi, I'm new :)

    Welcome aboard you are very welcome here.
  12. Welcome to Belmont Voice, I hope to see you all here as regulars. We do not always agree with each other but we seem to have a mutual respect for one another which is good.
  13. No flies on you Colin I have read threw the topics from back in 2011 and to be fair you are right.
  14. I agree with you bobby, the mayor will not be getting my vote next time so Mr Edwards need not bother knocking on my door.
  15. Almost 3 months on and it has still not been replaced, drove past this afternoon
  16. Thank you. Well is that it? Whats all the bloody fuss about omg have they really got nothing better to do?
  17. Which topic is being referred to here?
  18. I think anyone who gives up their time to help the community needs recognition. Keep up the good work that you are doing Councillor
  19. Yes I noticed it had gone the other day when I drove passed. Keep up the good work Councillor Vaughan-Powell
  20. How did it get under the iron bridge on the Belmont Road? must of been very close
  21. Ignore it.
  22. Always good to have new members active, hope to see you involved in various debates. It's a useful forum.
  23. You welcome. I am not sure, I will ask him when I next see him but I am sure he did complain to the Store, not sure what the end result was though.
  24. Hello CV5 and welcome to BV. My best friend lives opposite Tesco more or less and he has heard this noise, I think it is some sort of generator or perhaps an outside refridgerator.
  25. That is a good write up again this week Colin.
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