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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Did you find this original paperwork after? I bet not...trouble is Cllr Powell you are full of your own self importance and you hate it when you get it wrong, listen, none of us are perfect including me but I know when to admit when I am wrong.
  2. How silly was that? resident were complaining about this little field a few years ago, and some kids set fire to the fence, If I remember right, so this is just waiting to be set a light I am really suprised that nobody had the sense to come back today to remove this.
  3. Yeah right...
  4. May I suggest that you do your homework prior to making such statements Cllr Powell as you are wrong, no foil allowed.
  5. I'm impressed, I never noticed the site counter before until you posted his thread, then took ages to find it but got there in the end. It is at the bottom of the main page. Unbelievable amount of visitors, well done.
  6. RESULT!
  7. Have we be given the cost of this lot yet?
  8. Nothing by the sound of things
  9. I was having an argument with a friend. Can someone please clarify what area is considered as South Wye and what is Belmont and the difference when the word ward is added?
  10. I was referring to you suggesting that we contact Amey direct, surely that is down to you to deal with as our repesentative...
  11. With respect to Councilor Powell, I thought you were elected to represent the contituents of Belmont, so should you not be dealing with these complaints or are you only interested in the glory?
  12. Yes, I agree.
  13. Well done Mr James excellent article, I have also signed the petition, keep up the good work
  14. I fully support this campaign. Some brilliant replies you have quoted. Keep up the good work.
  15. Spot on Jane :Smile_32:
  16. I have signed the petition.
  17. I blame the councils for preventing parents from taking pictures and videos of their children. The council should encourage this not prevent it!!! :Angry_32:
  18. End of January? be too late then! this country is never prepared! :Angry_32: floods next and they won't be ready for that either.
  19. Alex


    This is neat, thanks for the link.
  20. Well said, I have read a few posts complaining about the BR closing, sorry but I have the same view as above.
  21. This has not gone unnoticed and I agree it's a poor show.
  22. Thank you for the information. I was unaware of this group.
  23. Found it within August 2009 minutes a bit cheaper than £4000 but still very expensive. Still over £2000, seems a lot to me.
  24. The result was published in September 2009 minutes but I cannot find the cost of the notice board.
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