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Everything posted by Alex

  1. I assume that this is the same thing? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/dangerous-cycling-new-legislation-death-criticised-kim-briggs-uk-a8487701.html Cyclists should be treated no different to any other road user (or in many cases footpath users), some cyclists travel at very high speeds, not in comparison to cars but within the city limits it is often the same if not more, why should they be treated any different ?
  2. Surely there is enough space inside the store?
  3. Total load of pissed up idiots making decisions for other countries including the UK. I would tell them to shove it, do not worry they will soon come running.
  4. The sooner they build this the better
  5. Is it me or is the Hereford Times like months behind everyone else? https://www.herefordtimes.com/news/16337307.council-bosses-float-multi-storey-station-car-park-plan/
  6. I will do my best to come to this one, I missed the last one
  7. This is in desperate need of a facelift and the sooner the better.
  8. I hate seeing poor animals stuck in cars, if I ever see a dog stuck in a hot car I will just smash the window and call the police
  9. I wanted to pay using my debit card yesterday and they still have not sorted out card payments yet! Grrrr
  10. This whole area is in desperate need to tidying up, so I welcome this announcement.
  11. They should just close these shops down! Funny how it is always non European people who own these so called European shops, it is all a front for their illegal activities!
  12. Halfords still have a duty to keep the area around their store clean regardless
  13. Upgrades are cool thank you
  14. We had a fabulous meal here on the weekend, great food and great service, thanks for the recommendation, we will be returning for sure
  15. There does not seem to be any updates on this today so far unless I have missed something.
  16. Hmmm this is interesting, it does not really state what would be worshipped.
  17. This will be good for business people too.
  18. When people lives are at risk the emergency vehicles should ram the cars out of the way and inform the police who should then prosecute the drivers.
  19. Local people came to the rescue with a 4x4, to be fair many people have clubbed together to help people during this recent storm, good to see.
  20. I agree, how sad that there will be a nice clean new building project and this eyesore will probably remain untouched.
  21. I understand that but the land next to them is for sale from my understanding...I wonder if HH approached the people in these cottages in an attempt to purchase them before they submitted their plans for the new building works.
  22. That area that used to be Ray Bubbs is a right mess, full of weeds, pity they never knocked the lot down before they started with the new build
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