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Everything posted by Alex

  1. He was about last week
  2. This is looking interesting. Are there still changes to come?
  3. Taken from HT
  4. My girlfriend cannot wait lol I guess I will be going to this event, might be a laugh
  5. Yes, Jason Nellist, 40, and of Nicholson Court, Hereford, has been charged with her murder.
  6. Such a tragedy and waste of a young life. RIP
  7. I will have myself a go at this one
  8. This is a real shame, it is clearly a much needed service.
  9. I like the tram idea, it makes a lot more sense then some of the stupid ideas that the council come up with. As for buses they are pretty unreliable in Hereford in my experience, quite often if you do not have the correct change the driver will refuse to carry you, I complained many times in the past.
  10. There was talk of them extending the car park in this area but it never happened
  11. It was refurbished going back 4-5 years ago but probably in need of refreshing.
  12. Apparently, according to his daughter this guy had his license taken off him previously and has hypo's all the time and shouldn't be on the road.
  13. They must be able to trace the route of this vehicle from cameras, so surprised at the appeal to be honest.
  14. If this is the case then someone needs to be accountable, these people are supposed to be professional and experts.
  15. Oh dear, hope nobody was walking underneath when they came down
  16. Far too many traffic lights
  17. Lets hope it is worth, time will tell
  18. I try to shop locally as much as possible, keep up with promoting local independents
  19. I like the news posh signs
  20. New parking meters should of been turned on after Christmas, so the timing was not the best however, I can now parking in Broad Street for an hour now for a £1 which is ideal for me when I need to go and get my haircut or nip into M&S. It costs much more than this to park in the OLM but that does not stop people, their car park is always busy. Vouchers are not a bad idea and shows the council are listening but it would of been much easier to have just turned the meters off like H Wilson has pointed out.
  21. Hereford has litter all over the place and as good as it is to see these local groups cleaning up the city nothing is actually being done to prevent people discarding rubbish in the first place.
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