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the casual

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Everything posted by the casual

  1. The same Your Herefordshire who said Debenhams and M&S was closing....
  2. If only he was a few miles further east this chap would never have graced the local paper. http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/14575191.Pub_landlord_fined_for_not_displaying_food_hygiene_rating/
  3. I cannot support you on this Colin. Arming the police is changing our way of life and, ultimately, allowing the terrorists to win. You say it's dangerous now but i think it was far worse in the 80s when the IRA were at their peak.
  4. I hope Two Wheels is sat down before he reads this... http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/15145175.Council__39_s_new_website_cost___260_000/
  5. It was open yesterday
  6. Well, well, well. Robbo is still there... http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/14586390.Mystery_still_surrounds_future_of_one_of_Herefordshire_Council_s_most_senior_employees/
  7. It was a circus. Hardly dodgy, in fact they put on free performances for some children.
  8. The HT said a month or so ago that the nearest diving pool is now in Cardiff. Not good.
  9. I see the council are finally getting around to introducing a Traffic Regulation Order. The latest HT says it might be in place by the end of June. Seems amazing it has taken this long. Surely it's pretty simple to bring in?
  10. I remember seeing the mayor pictured in the paper outside that shop near the old house. seems a funny spot for it but as two wheels says, there are a lot of empty shops in that part of the centre.
  11. Does the BBC know where Herefordshire is? I think we should all pay a lot less in the annual fee as neither the TV nor the radio seems to cover anything here.
  12. Well said Bobby. I'll never understand how police officers stood by and did nothing when they could clearly see people being crushed. The FA should also face punishment as there were crushes in that stadium in the years leading up to 1989.
  13. Crike, this has taken some time to get the planning application in. This article from 2014 shows how long it's been in the drawing room. http://m.herefordtimes.com/news/11379379.__2m_boost_for_Herefordshire_Housing/
  14. I love the way people blame the papers when they have been caught with their pants down. And I agree with Adrian Symonds. Pointless event to be celebrated.
  15. Roger, this situation where breaking news stories go quiet happens all over the country and is down to two things. One is the law (the contempt of court act) and the other is the slow process of the courts and the legal system. As I'm sure Colin is aware as an excellent moderator of this site, once someone is arrested the media is not allowed to report anything which may influence their trial. If they do, they can themselves be brought before the courts. This would apply to the Whitecross case. I see you have hinted at being a police officer elsewhere. If this was the case I'd have thought you would have known things like this. Oh, and you do know it's an offence to impersonate a PC? Just saying...
  16. It was pretty obvious why the poor bloke was on the roof. The police said they were responding to calls over the safety of a person. No need to elaborate... As for other examples, I'd mention the poor bloke over the duck pond. The Hereford Times covered his inquest, I'm not sure why they needed to go into such detail, but even that wasn't enough for you. Maybe you would like to explain why you are so interested in other people's misfortune...
  17. The chap thankfully came down. The roads are back open. Life moves on. Roger, what else do you want to know? You seem to have a strange obsession with people who, for whatever reason, have found trouble in their lives.
  18. Good luck to them. Nice old building that. Been closed for too long.
  19. The link you posted refers to the homes near Pegasus Football Club, not the racecourse. They have people living in them.
  20. Those 300 houses have already been built. It's a non material amendment.
  21. I couldn't agree more ubique. There is a time and a place and it's not here nor now.
  22. I couldn't agree more ubique. There is a time and a place and it's not here nor now.
  23. I think I saw an inquest in the paper about a year ago. Memory is a bit sketchy but I think it was a bloke in his 40s from hunderton.
  24. Council probably hacked it seeing as they are getting one hell of a kicking on there today
  25. Just reread the story in yesterday's Hereford Times and they say that all the minor injury units (in ross, leominster, kington and ledbury) are also under threat. This doesn't look good.
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