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M. Preece

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Everything posted by M. Preece

  1. It's the other director who is a bit odd, Matt Healey did the disco at a friend's party a couple of years ago, nice fella.
  2. This should never of happened. RIP to all those people who lost their lives.
  3. I agree wholeheartedly. I cannot believe how many time Councillor Terry James pressured members and to be careful, how much he he getting paid I wonder!!!!
  4. The money being spent is unbelievable and everyone knows that the majority are single men (economic migrants) and all to worried to say anything.
  5. Sadly we are reading news like this more and more
  6. Remember this terrible news, cannot believe 30 years has passed. RIP
  7. Thank you for providing these email address's I will be sending in my objections to this ridiculous plan today too.
  8. What the hell! Some people are just so stupid
  9. I wish I had of known. I never saw this advertised anywhere so missed this
  10. We are seeing more and more of this, this is slowly the end of decent customer service and everything will eventually be handled by someone who could not careless at a call centre!!
  11. Congratulations and I cannot think of a better person to win this award.
  12. Oh wow, I am not on Facebook but reading this little lot is shocking. You must have a strong legal case to take up here Colin? I have read them all, but this one stands out to me, how immature, who actually runs their page? Signs of jealousy here, they may have a good following but obviously and sadly a lot of arrogance to go with it. Hereford Voice have done a lot of good work locally over the years, I would let them continue with their clickbait material, people will soon see them for what they are and you have done well to call them out.
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