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M. Preece

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Everything posted by M. Preece

  1. Bobby, their reasons could be racists or political, half the time the idiots doing this sot of thing have nothing better to do!
  2. I see your point but you suggested that they pay for camera between them and I do not think that they will. As for them having camera on their property, yes they may well be happy to point them in the direction of the sign, but I think both are probably too far away to be able to give clear identity.
  3. Why would McDonald's or the Three Counties Hotel pay towards a camera? I am sure that the fact that a Council sign has been defaced is nothing to do with them? They may well allow a camera to be positioned on their property though. something needs to be done as this is racists and disgusting in my opinion, if the sign said something about black people there would be major implications! The same should apply here.
  4. I agree with you Colin, certainly handwriting looks the same, pity they cannot put a camera up and catch them!
  5. Really good, I heard it all morning on the radio at work.
  6. What happended at the meeting? Can we have an update please?
  7. All signed and I have shared this link becasue this is a great idea, maybe the council will listen to you now Colin
  8. I have just read your letter in the Hereford Times Colin, well done, Star Letter too
  9. How dangerous does that look, absolutey unbelievable :Angry_32: WHY?
  10. I was not aware that you could not purchase hot food after 1am that is ridiculous in the highest order. WHY? So that must be a nightmare because after drinks your get the munchies, that must wind people up more, NOT being able to purchase hot food so a reverse effect.
  11. M. Preece


    I bet they are still there!
  12. That is beautiful
  13. Yes very dangerous, I hope they remove all of these posts asap.
  14. I agree with all the above comments including Colin James's letter in the Hereford Times very well written and it covered the traffic issues as well as the fuel prices.
  15. I think i would have to agree
  16. Surely they ar not going to leave it like this? cable ties is ridiculas
  17. I am not being funny here but I would not have Cllr Powell on here, she is completely out ot touch with everything and everyone, she is never wrong, yes she has done some good things over the years without question but in the last 12 months she has got into disputes in virtually every topic, often giving out the wrong information. If you are going make such statements you should at least make sure what you are saying is correct. Several members have tried to explain to her, that some of the details she has posted is wrong but then immediately she jumps down their throats! and goes off on one, saying that she was not informed or words to the effect but never once have I seen her appologise for mistakes she has made, never her fault, always someone else's, sorry but that is how I see it. Christ, we all make mistakes and at time we can be misinformed, sometimes something has been updated that we have missed, that's just life, but to claim everytime that she checks and double checks everything is just not true, becasue if it was we would not be seeing these continious errors. Rant over....
  18. I never thought of it like that but yes I guess it would be illegal, good point
  19. Mrs Preece actually. Councillor Powell you did correct someone here by suggesting this was actually the withy brook and not the newton brook as Colin James had illustrated. I am not being funny with you just pointing out, that making a statement like that is confusing to the other members. I think you need to point out as a councillor that you were actually wrong and infact it is the newton brook within the Glastonbury Close area.
  20. It is just a little annoying when people post and Councillor you correct them as if they are wrong but the information that you correct them with is actually wrong, like below you said, Which is actually not correct at all, Colin James was 100% correct with his original illustration (Newton Brook) so you were wrong all along, yes? all you did was to confuse everyone.
  21. This map also refers to this brook as the Newton Brook? The Withy Brook seems to be further over according to THIS page, (Abottsmead Road)
  22. So you stating that the brook within Glastonbury Close is actually Withy Brook then?
  23. I had the same thought?
  24. Withy brook is in Lower Bullingham not Belmont, near to Rotherwas. This whole area is a lot better now, I am pleased the you got it back to it's original state Colin. Good communication with Amey, worth all the effort.
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