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M. Preece

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Everything posted by M. Preece

  1. So you telling us that the bin men actually open your wheelie bin? because they never open any near me, lorry just picks them up and empties them. On the stickers provided with the wheelie bins it is quite clear.
  2. Good for you, keep up the good work, excellent website
  3. I agree with Bill, a little more than I was expecting, seems a lot of money, and money that I feel could of been used better elsewhere. Thank you Colin for your perseverance, good to see that you will not be fobbed off.
  4. What is wrong with people, some just think they can dump their rubbish and get away with it.
  5. No reply about what has been done?
  6. So what happened at your meeting?
  7. All this money wasted, I am not convinced that many people actually read them.
  8. I expect it will be a stupid amount of money, and yes we have a right to know how much of our money is being wasted :Angry_32:
  9. That does look a lot better than the other day. Well done Amey :Thumbs-Up:
  10. Why on earth did they not cut them down in the beginning as was asked? they have to spend more time and money again to cut them all again.
  11. I think you missed the point Cllr and the point being made was it is clearly not easier to get onto the roundabout judging from the comments made and pictures posted.
  12. I think if Amey painted some lane guidance around this roundabout as Colin James has suggested it would help. Most of the traffic entering the city is almost already in the right lane, but that lane should be for turning right only, so a right arrow in that lane and a straight on arrow in the left lane I think would help.
  13. Ok that's fine, as long as you objected prior to the work being carried out, as Amey in their letter have said that no objections were received, so I was confused and wanted to clarification. Thank you.
  14. So when did you object? before or after the work was carried out?
  15. Typical of Hereford Council - short sighted!
  16. I agree that this can be frustrating, I do not put my bins out until on the day because the local cats rip open the bags and when they do this, the bin men do not pick up the excess that has been spilled out on the the footpath, which defeats the object really.
  17. This is better than nothing and hopefully will help, especially at peak times.
  18. I don't care for the other website, it certainly does not reflect the true opinions of the local people, that is why I choose to use this site. "It is what it says on the tin"
  19. Meetings and more meetings then all this red tape, no wonder the country is such a state, something so simple as sending someone to spray a yellow square box on a road to make life a little easier for our road users, and after two and a half years then they say no! :Angry_32: how pathetic, really. The efforts of our councillors is appreciated, but this is just ridiculous.
  20. I agree with you on this is a good forum and possibly other councillors will join in the future, but quite frankly, I think it's pathetic and immature it is also very unprofessional. :Sick_32:
  21. Thank you for your update but we were already informed yesterday.
  22. Not much use if your being attacked at 2am, ok thank you anyway.
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