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M. Preece

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Everything posted by M. Preece

  1. So no Police are around this area between 10pm and the following morning then?
  2. A friend of mine came home from town along the great western way the other night and commented to me on how scary it was along that walk. The lighting was very poor and could do with more lights being put up and brighter, she also suggested to me that it would be more reassuring if the Police drove along there at various times to check the area, especially when people are walking home alone at night. How would one go about asking for extra brighter lighting along here and ask the Police to frequent the area at various times? thus reassuring people with their presence?
  3. That's a poor excuse, that was only weeks ago, this site has been here for over a year now, nobody was slagging anyone off, they merely raised some questions about some expenses of our public finances, which we have a right to know about, as soon as we all heard of this sad news, the whole topic was removed, which in my opinion was the most respectful thing to do under the circumstances. I don't understand why a few are having a digg at the one councillor that tries to help, i think we should start having a gripe at the absent ones instead. :Angry_32:
  4. I have eventually worked out how to add an avatar, this is cool, lots of features within the profile section that i did not see before.
  5. The notice for BV that was in the window seems to have been removed? I was looking in the window last night, there is noting on the door either?
  6. Thanks for the info
  7. Good work, hopefully this work will be completed sooner rather than later.
  8. This area does not look pleasant at all. I have read through all replies, have the contractors cleaned this up yet does anyone know?
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