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M. Preece

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Everything posted by M. Preece

  1. I love this idea, a lot of people are finding things difficult so good to know there is somewhere to go.
  2. There is a lot of crime in Hereford at the moment
  3. Personally, the improvements I believe will be good especially encouraging cycling
  4. Thank you some good events here
  5. This is disgusting and the people who incite such hatred and anger should be reported to the police
  6. The prices are this garage are lower compared to most but the price for fuel is far to high still in the UK. Big corporate companies making vast profits.
  7. I will sign the petition, we need to stop this going ahead, I live right at the back of this hotel and it is beautifully quite in our road. We do not need another bloody supermarket!
  8. He must be super fit, excellent news
  9. Novelty seating, I like them, something a little different. 😀😀
  10. A lovely man, so sorry to hear this news.
  11. Well done Hereford Voice to be partnering with such a worthy charity, I have donated today.
  12. I remember watching him play back in the 80's. Only 78 not that old RIP Monty
  13. I voted for this coalition and so disappointed with the axing of the bypass. I had every faith in them to deliver and I and and a lot of other people have been let down.
  14. This is good news for Hereford, wish them good luck for the future.
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