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M. Preece

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Everything posted by M. Preece

  1. Never realised there was so much grass around the roundabout. It is more of an Avalons shape too which I didn't realise.
  2. Sign of the times unfortunately. Covid has just accelerated that now, most shops will not take cash at the moment.
  3. Need speed cameras on this road, far too many accidents especially around Dinmore Hill
  4. Good, fed up with all of these lockdowns which are clearly not working
  5. That was a terrible day, I can remember seeing all the smoke across the city. Sad news about the two firemen that perished. RIP
  6. Top local company
  7. In this day and age you simply cannot make stupid comments, particularly on a radio station, what was he thinking? I rarely listen to this station, I find them all quite amateur and far too many adverts.
  8. This is a good idea, I think they need to check the existing platforms before installing any news ones. They need to add some sort of grip to the surface because they are very very slippery from my experience if they have the slightest amount of water on them.
  9. Strangely enough we only had a bacon butty there a few weeks back, shame to see them closing.
  10. Happy independence day
  11. The sooner we can get out of this corrupt European Union the better. They have really shown their hand with their bully boy tactics.
  12. Oh and Labour could do a better job... Both parties are in array
  13. Good to see this area of the city changing for the good
  14. Part-Time lights would be so easy to implement, how many of us find ourselves the only vehicle sat waiting for a red light during the evening and throughout the early hours, it works in Oxford and Gloucester with no problems so there is no reason why this idea could not work here.
  15. All looks nice but it feels like it is taking forever.
  16. I am pleased that we were not the only people thinking this, no wonder the city centre is dead! The Old Market was all open
  17. Well done ragwert
  18. Police want better powers to deal with beggars in Welsh city centre. A public consultation has been launched on measures to tackle anti-social behaviour in Newport which could see a blanket ban on begging in its city centre. The city’s council is looking to update its Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) which was put in place in 2015 to prevent individuals and groups from committing anti-social behaviour in the city centre. The order sought to prohibit street drinking, touting for services and donations, aggressive begging, fly-posting and dogs not being kept on a lead. A breach of the order could result in a fine of up to £1,000. But now Newport council is considering a blanket ban on begging in the city centre after Gwent Police said the wording of the current order had proved “ineffective”. Speaking at Newport council’s overview and scrutiny committee hearing on Monday, Gwent Police’s Newport city centre inspector John Davies said: “In regards to aggressive begging, there has been an enormous amount of interest. If you look at the PSPO, it’s how do you legally state that someone is acting aggressively. “We’re reverting back to legislation from the 1800s when dealing with begging rather than having something which is a workable solution. To prove aggressive begging is something that is difficult.” He added: “There are several strands to the begging issue. We have genuine homeless people. In the last count in November we had 18 rough sleepers and that increases coming up to Christmas. “But when you start looking at the number of people who are begging who have homes but are using begging as a source of income, there’s a difference. “I would say there’s a 50/50 split, 50% will be genuinely homeless and the other 50% will have addresses known to us in Newport. “We’re working with the council and the Rough Sleepers group to give assistance to the people who are most vulnerable. The ones who don’t want to engage with us are using begging as a source of income and the PSPO will allow us to deal with that.” Full article This is a difficult subject but I am aware that are more and more professional beggars. We have recently just come back from a trip to Bristol we had for a few days and we were approached twice by quite aggressive beggars asking for us money. We do give to charities but personally, it is quite intimidating being approached in the street, especially, when we rarely carry cash anyway. One of these guys was sat more or less under the ATM outside a shop.
  19. The roads across Hereford are the worst I have seen in many years so this is a welcome decision.
  20. More and more businesses are going into administration, I hope they find a buyer.
  21. Just got home from a walk along here and please to say the brook is running almost perfectly, with the slight detour around that tree stuck in the middle which could do with removing really, other than that is is working well.
  22. I have entered this one too, I do like a little chocolate
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