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M. Preece

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Everything posted by M. Preece

  1. But they can still refuse to allow people into their country, they may get fined but they can refuse all the same and I do not blame them.
  2. I think Colin was referring to Poland refusing being dictated to with regard to what their refugee quota should be as laid out by Brussels or Angela Merkel, it is down to Poland to decide who can and cannot enter their country and I support that very much.
  3. I have just read through the comments below this article and I have to agree with the majority. Poland is being very smart about all of this and are entitled to decide what is best for it's own country, Britain and the other European countries should take note and not be bullied by Brussels or Angela Merkel
  4. I bet if the same request was made by her or one of the other councillors it would of just been a formality, why would they not agree other than to just be awkward?
  5. Copied from the HC website: Herefordshire Council has agreed to extend the time frame for the Hereford Library Users Group to formulate their proposals for the refurbishment of the library and museum building. The group has been campaigning for many years for a better library facility for Hereford and proposals include transforming the building into a centre for recreational, public and cultural services. In December, the council’s Cabinet committed to work with the users group as they come up with future options for the library building, which also houses the Museum and Art Gallery and the Woolhope Club. Since then the users group has been engaged in extensive consultation to find out if a major redevelopment is possible and feasible. This included a public meeting where overwhelming support was expressed for exploring a major improvement scheme to turn the building into a cultural centre for Hereford. John Faulkner of the Hereford Library Users Group, said: A report on the initial options for the future operation of the museum service, based on a recent independent service review, will be discussed by Cabinet this month. The report is available on the Cabinet agenda webpage. Work to remove the asbestos is under way by Hereford Asbestos Services and it’s anticipated to be completed later this month.
  6. I watched this today, this lot should be on the news instead they prefer to show some poor lost child to get the sympathy votes. This is an interesting but true picture:
  7. I hope they catch him but he will probably get a slap on the wrist what they should do with these criminal sex perverts is castrate them!!
  8. It makes complete sense to have an increase in place and to be charged a few extra quid to keep these vital services is excellent value in my view.
  9. Signed.
  10. European Union are too soft and try to PC. Many Italians are embarrassed at this decision and the person responsible should be sacked in my opinion.I cannot what I have read this morning, really, I can't.
  11. Had fish and chips from here this evening, very nice, I hope the manage to keep to these standards as time goes on. Very tasty and will go here again when we are next this side of town.
  12. Welcome to the forum Osmosis. I am please to see you offered an apology for you outburst which was quite frankly unnecessary. With respect, what makes your comments more informed than other members comments? Simply because another person does not agree with you makes it pretty ugly here? This is a forum and not everyone will not share the same views, so lets continue with debate.
  13. I agree with Denise, we can help many of these people and we are helping, could we do more? Possibly, but I am not in favour on an open door policy that Germany adopted and Angela Merkel is losing votes and popularity because of the problems her policy has brought with it. Many migrants are from north Africa and further a field, so these people are not all from war torn countries, it is a difficult situation and we cannot sort out the worlds problems, we are a small island in comparison to some countries and although we could do a little more, there has to be a limit. I also think Mick has a good point. Many Polish people were fighting along side us in the war including many Polish pilots.
  14. What made you think that? We have breakfast here a few times every month with friends. Nice to see it being revamped, looking through the window this morning it all looks very nice to be fair.
  15. I am a regular at Butterfly, the new shop is lovely
  16. Well done gents this is more like it. A brilliant idea
  17. Good to learn that they use Hereford beef too. I will have to go in a give them a try before too long.
  18. More choice for shoppers and one less empty unit, good news
  19. But some of the other lights are out too as a result, the one as you up the Belmont Rd from town side, so with Asda on your right as you drive past the two grey cottages the first light on the left.
  20. Happy new year to you
  21. I tend to agree with Mick, although we do not know the circumstances as to why this vehicle was parked here, it does not appear to be an emergency or the blues lights would be on, personally, I think they should be on considering where they are parked looks hazardess. I appreciate the comments that mystery has made but is this just hearsay?
  22. Just to clarify my comments of these figures, I actually mean that the movements of traffic would be a lot less than 48% NOT MORE.
  23. The figures that these people come up with are mind boggling. This application being discussed is for a garage nothing to do with any housing or flats as far as I am concerned. To answer the original question put to us by Councillor Chappell, I travel along the Belmont Road and across the river everyday to get to work and if Asda build a garage I really cannot see that making much of an impact of the traffic, I tend to agree on the side of what has already been written here by other members. A garage will make very little or no difference at all to the traffic congestion, it cannot get any worse! I do so see motorists flocking to this particular part of Hereford just because a garage has been built. The majority of motorists would be existing customers of Asda or passing traffic only.
  24. I could not agree more, Angela Merkel is not looking so smug now. I knew this would happen, all too quick to let so called refugees into Europe without any form of ID in many cases!! More to come I fear.
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