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Peter Thomas-Cruttwell

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Peter Thomas-Cruttwell last won the day on August 6 2022

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  1. This is interesting, I read something about these things appearing all over the place recently, probably some marketing ploy or something
  2. The traffic build up in and out of this supermarket is going to be a real problem. I hope Hereford Voice highlight this once this blot on the landscape is up.
  3. What is the point of the committee if they are unable to vote or voice their objections without being intimidated by the panel?? Anyway, have a giggle and read what the local flood expert Stefanie Davies from youranythingbutherefordshire has to say in the file attached 🤣(sorry I am not sure how to reduce the file so just click it to read)
  4. I've heard it all now. This has to be the most stupid idea in years! The traffic in Hereford, especially on Belmont and Ross Roads are a nightmare on a good day, turning this lovely hotel with its pretty gardens into yet another supermarket is ridiculous and should be strongly apposed! I will be writing a letter of objection.
  5. I agree, a brilliant way to promote Hereford, well done.
  6. At least people will stop complaining or actually on second thought they probably won't 🤔
  7. I have to agree with you Damian, too many people complaining for the sake of complaining
  8. Have you seen that they have nicked the Positive News heading recently. I thought that their copy of traffic and travel was bad enough .😠
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