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Everything posted by H.Wilson

  1. Oh wow what a lovely storey, these photographs are wonderful and what a transformation
  2. Very creative Colin, love the photograph.
  3. What does this have to do with Taurus or am I missing something here?
  4. I prefer to be positive but show me some new shops in Hereford high town?
  5. Hard to differ between genuine homeless people and scamming scum.
  6. I agree with everything your have written Adrian with exception to your last paragraph, for me, the tram would be brilliant! I also think it is worth looking into this idea in more detail. As for buses in Hereford they are a waste of time. There is only one bus in the mornings from Newton Farm to Holmer and I have to change at Tesco in town to catch it! There are plenty from Newton Farm into town but only one from town to Holmer and that arrives an hour earlier than I need, Have to be at work for 9am. So loads of people moaning that people use cars when they could use public transport but the service just in not there.
  7. How is it currently running Andy, volunteers yes?
  8. They have been taking the micky with these exterminate car park charges for far to long.
  9. I have enhanced the photo, why do people want to cling on to old drab victorian buildings all the time, there is nothing wrong with adding a few modern buildings from time to time. I am with ragwert and actually quite like it.
  10. They are really coming along with the garage, compare this to how slow the roadworks took on the Belmont Rd earlier this year and it highlights who is working is who were dragging their heels.
  11. I think we are moving to the bigger picture when it comes to discussing terrorists but in general I think drones for West Mercia Police are certainly worth exploring, they could sweep the great western way a few times a day from a central location, which would be a massive deterrent.
  12. Lets hope they do not read this comment..
  13. This is disgusting, I hope the police catch them ad make an example of them at the same time.
  14. Good observation my friend. It is the same in Portugal and France. I would tend to agree with the latter part of your comments and suggest that our benefit system is abused far too much. Hereford has to have more disabled parking bays than any other city of it's size.
  15. So your telling us that you would object to a new pub offering employment and another place for local people to visit on the grounds that a single carriageway road would cross over a tiny section of your sacred cycle path? Behave!
  16. Excellent work Councillor thank you for all your hard work and the updates.
  17. What a joke, this is the most stupid thing I have seen in ages, cones around nothing with traffic lights to control traffic. This could of been planner much better and with the least amount of upheaval possible.
  18. The police cordoned off the new skate park at Newton Farm last night and have been in attendance overnight. A young teenage lad was injured last night from an apparent fall with injuries to his face. Scenes of crimes officers (soco) are there today, so this is not looking good.
  19. It has all gone rather quiet on this debate now..
  20. This lady is clearly lucky to be alive and what a fantastic brave neighbour.
  21. Congratulations to the SAS on 75 years of service, you should all be very proud
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