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Everything posted by H.Wilson

  1. He is too far to the left for my liking and that will be his downfall, it is all good at the moment but let the dust settle a little bit. People will often in public suggest that they are more to the left but once they get into the voting booth the real person within pops that tick where they really believe it belongs. We no longer have a coalition after the general election but hey ho that just my two pence worth.
  2. My mistake sorry, it is Jack Wills.
  3. This is a real shame, we purchased a shirt from here a few months ago and there were some other people buying a jacket at the same time.
  4. Would you be referring to Jack Jones? This is old news unless there is another?
  5. I thought I read somewhere that you had decided to leave HV again bobby? I hoped this was not the case because I sincerely enjoy reading your topics but it is funny what topics suddenly bring people back..
  6. This looks like a good idea.
  7. Fairplay, I can see from just looking at those photographs a vast improvement. I will also do my utmost to help out on Sunday. great effort from Jim Kenyon and Colin, credit where credit is due.
  8. Yes this chap has a habit of being paid off... :Cha ching: :Cha ching: :Cha ching: :Cha ching: :Cha ching: :Cha ching: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10151569351259767&id=248435374766
  9. I agree with M Preece - People buy/live in flats etc in the "busiest street in the city centre" and then some will complain about businesses trading until 4am. I suspect this application for the Indian will not be granted until 4.30 but time will tell.
  10. I regularly give to my chosen local charity and I will leave loose change in charity boxes. I will occasionally drop a few quid into the buskers box. Hate being stopped by people with clipboards. I bought a chap (begging) a coffee, sausage and chips outside the chippy one evening, he thanked me gave his dog the sausage and then said "I would rather of had the money" I was quite taken back with that comment.
  11. Completely agree with you Roger, it is not fair on the people living either side either and I am shocked to learn that is has been left like this for all these years!
  12. Please lets not turn this topic into another immigration/refugee discussion which we all have different views on. K Butt comments above sum it up in my opinion for this empty house in Newton Farm.
  13. Funny enough, my sister came over for coffee this morning she was there yesterday and she said it was expensive.
  14. Additional security guards for everybody, not just women on trains, especially at night.
  15. I voted IOC locally and Tory in the general election but thats my business, no good blaming David Cameron and his crew was it? If it wasn't for the previous governments overspending we wouldn't have to be making these cuts now!
  16. Colin advertises both SWCA and Northolme centres but I see only Northolme returning the favour, that said, there is nothing stopping them creating topics about up and coming events on HV. I think Northolme may have posted about their open days but I have never seen anyone from SWCA, they need to get more support and HV and a huge audience these days, here on Twitter and a huge following on their FaceBook page and is growing.
  17. Good news indeed.
  18. Hence my reply: shame because some of his posts were really very good.
  19. This forum has always been fairly busy, if you are referring to WirralPC he was not a member here for that long, so I'm sure the forum can survive without his anti tory splutter which became overpowering in the end, shame, because some of his posts were really very good.
  20. I'm here
  21. Can someone please explain what the new wards for Hereford are now since the elections?
  22. I think you made the best decision in the long term. Some good points he raised but did not like his bully boy tactics with regards to other members political persuasions, which frankly is THEIR BUSINESS and he has no right to agree or condemn someone for their choices either.
  23. Be proud of yourself, fantastic effort and you certainly gave him a run for his money and you beat the tory so that is a result on its own.
  24. No complaints about this application from me. Good luck to Asda
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