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Everything posted by H.Wilson

  1. Congrats to Jesse he got my vote in the general election, pity I do not feel the same about the conservative council in Hereford, I voted IOC locally.
  2. I am quite shocked that he stood against another independent, I do not believe he had the best interest of the party in mind when he made that decision more of a personal goal, unwise move because it has cost his party in the long run. It does however confirm to me what others have said about him.
  3. What a place to put your campaign board, love the circus clown posters alongside though he hee
  4. Lots of people complaining about the noise on Facebook. I think someone has reported them to environmental health.
  5. Oh bobby you have made my day, I can't stop smiling now after reading your comments.
  6. Not a lot dippy but topic Colin was left with little choice other than to remove it in fairness.
  7. With the closures of Mothercare, Topshop and Sirius a few more empty units to add the this miserable looking list.
  8. Half page wow, but I do think it will have a bigger impact being half page in size.
  9. Yes this is so very sad but true, the good old days of going out and having a good night to remember have gone, everything must close at a certain time of else! They will not be happy more of the clubs and pubs are closed and replaced with more flats thus preventing future licensing because of RESIDENTS, that's the next excuse.
  10. Brilliantly written and 100% correct!! You will ALWAYS have the odd fight and disturbance and yes occasionally there will be a serious assault on someone but that's life it has always been like that, I remember a huge fight in Bridge St years ago just outside the Crystal Rooms and another night some years later outside the IP Sisters, the fight ended up ironically in Goal St, so even on the Police doorstep things like this will happen, where alcohol and people mix often thing will get out of hand, from my experience weddings and family parties are often the worst. Forcing the pubs and clubs to close earlier will make NO DIFFERENCE whatsoever but what it is doing is killing the nightlife in Hereford and that is why many people choose to go to other towns and cities. Clubs should be able to stay open until 6am if the demand is there, what difference does making them close at 3am achieve? Recently, I was in Dublin and the club we were in did not close until 5am and there no trouble, I have seen more trouble in clubs that have closed at 1am, so whats with all these restrictions?? Hereford Council and Police need to get into the 21st century, Hereford is growing and the population with it, time to move with the times. Police should be doing what they are paid to do instead of watching from a distance. I feel sorry for these traders I really do, its the same situation not being able to buy a hot takeaway after 1.30am which again is pathetic it really is.
  11. Thanks for the information, I see that the HT got it totally wrong again, where would we be without HV.
  12. You obviously already agree with Colin by admitting your parking habits, you, like me, do not agree with being charged to park in the shopping centre otherwise you would go to such efforts to avoid paying, so I fail to see your argument. If the old market also offered free parking it would lesson you and other people having to keep driving around Tesco's car park in order to find a space.
  13. This is a brill idea, now we need to come up with a brief but catchy advert.
  14. I agree, very bold statement but that probably a power thing lol I think any planning in fairness to Chris refers to a possible change at the back of the property in way of some sort of extention.
  15. Oh I see, so do you think it was your attendance that prevented the inevitable closure? What is the point of your letter if the place was actually open?
  16. So did they attempt to close the housing solutions team or did they actually close?
  17. I cannot see how you feel the council are to blame for where the bin men leave your wheelie bin especially as they are emptying hundreds and hundreds everyday. Alex has highlighted a valid point, once the bin men have left anything can happen, wind, animals, vehicles, kids anyone one of these can cause these bins to move, how about applying a little more common sense and a little less blame.
  18. This would be a last resort i'm sure but if this is down to one family then as CVP has said they have a tenant responsibility to abide with too. I love the way that HH is almost being called the bad guy here. Give them a warning, stop treading on bloody egg shells with these people, put up some temporary CCTV and lets see if the situation improves, obviously some people need baby siting before they get the message! It's clearly this street, it's not happening in any other streets to this degree so this needs to be dealt with in my opinion.
  19. I completely agree, traffic south Hereford is a nightmare and has been for many years. There must be some sort of publication available or past surveys?
  20. This highlights the activity of our councillors, a couple have hardly posted.
  21. You could of just said he was hailed by a 'taxi driver' why do you find it necessary to suggest that the driver may of been one of our European friends got to do with it? It was a good read from you until that point.
  22. Good news indeed, must be disappointing for the younger people not being able to enjoy a good take away after a skin full like we used too in our day ha ha. As long as there is no added trouble it gets my tick.
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