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Everything posted by H.Wilson

  1. This is interesting
  2. This has been a huge success for the city and attracted thousands of people, money well spent imo
  3. I am saddened to learn of this news. RIP
  4. until

    The weeping window sculpture is absolutely fantastic, we visited yesterday and took some lovely photographs.
  5. Good to see that they are moving along nicely with this.
  6. Hereford has a lack of modern decent hotels, this ticks all those boxes.
  7. Good it might tidy up this area. More jobs for people too.
  8. I have also entered, nice prize.
  9. Herefordshire Council will be busy overnight
  10. Thanks for the photographs, by tomorrow it is going to be terrible according to all the reports.
  11. The area you mention is a total mess, cannot believe that it is just been left as it is to be honest.
  12. This is cool, lots of new thingies
  13. All looking very posh
  14. A speed camera here! This is not an accident hotspot and traffic usually just crawls along so I see no benefit installing a speed camera in this location tbh
  15. Small countries? These are massive in comparison to the UK. It is the UK which is a small country
  16. Like everyone is going to suddenly all rush there for a coffee. The plans look nice and would of hidden the big ugly building in the background. This would of bee na nice location to sit and watch the world go by in the summer months.
  17. Wow a new pub, plans do look pretty good.
  18. I thought this was one of the projects lined up for this year along with the city walls? I would be totally against covering up the bridge railings with a wall too.
  19. I was crossing the pedestrian crossing in Edgar St yesterday and the lights were on red all cars had stopped and a cyclists rode straight through the lights almost hitting me when I was crossing over, all the cars were blasting their horns at him and he looked but just carried on like it was nothing.
  20. YEs this line up includes a lot from our past but hey come on, an all day concert in Hereford surely that is something we should all be applauding, okay it is not the best line up but the latest singers and groups will costs 50 times as much, thy have to start somewhere, I think it is a super idea.
  21. This is unbelievable how our city walls have just been left to rot and decay without any maintenance plan in place. Well done to HV for highlighting this issue and let us hope that something is done to restore these walls again this year.
  22. Hang on a second, lets take the SAS Hero part out of this, I do not see why that needs to be mentioned. This guy since then has run a business which has now unfortunately failed along with his marriage, surely he just has to wait inline like anyone else apply for accommodation.
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