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Everything posted by H.Wilson

  1. This is all very sophisticated but 10 to or 10 for the imagination. Unfortunately they will end up with just another slap on the wrist, what actually needs to happen he is the culprits needs a prison sentence and the shop needs to be closed down! This will send a clear signal to others but as it stands it is become more of a farce and a micky take
  2. Broadleys pub is another local you could try.
  3. How can you rehabilitate someone who does not understand what is really going on around them. This guy needs to be in a secure unit at the very least.
  4. There is a hosing shortage so these are needed but I am sure someone will complain.
  5. This is sad to hear. I wonder how he managed to fall from the bridge?
  6. We should be happy that they are emptying these bins, lets not rock thereat by complaining.
  7. This is not good news at all, where will they house all these patients?
  8. Should this not be a question in the title? This is a good question though
  9. She was there a few weeks ago, so unless sometime has changed since
  10. This is a really kind offer
  11. I heard today that the Beefy Boys are relocating to this unit
  12. We have eaten at Chimichanga and although we did enjoy the dishes we did feel it was quite expensive.
  13. Would it not be a lot easier to just turn them off until the new year?
  14. I have to admit I also drive from Belmont across into Waterfield Road and out through the Oval for the same reasons that Frank has highlighted above, surely this is what rat runs are for?
  15. Some really good photographs thank you for putting some life back into this beautiful part of Hereford. Another achievement to add to the list for Hereford Voice.
  16. My daughter took this one last evening, barely enough room for a pedestrian here let alone a cyclist
  17. This is pretty standard stuff for a lot of cyclists.
  18. What utter nonsense, the police just need to issue fixed penalty notices (that is what they are for) no paperwork it is very simple.
  19. As pedestrian I too do not feel safe on footpaths because of illegal cyclists, can you so please explain to me where I can walk safely without the risk of being hit by an illegal cyclist?
  20. I am not having a pop at you but in fairness someone could say the same thing about motorways, my wife was behaving herself in her car and was then hit by a lorry then abused by the lorry driver. If she was driving along the hard shoulder, it would not of happened... So what is the difference here?
  21. This is not fair and the laws need to one changed.
  22. These are lovely looking retirement apartments and would be a welcome regeneration of this old site. I sincerely hope that these plans are passed.
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