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Everything posted by H.Wilson

  1. This makes for interesting reading some surprises here
  2. brilliant :)
  3. I will remember that for the next time you quote something from the web
  4. Well it seems that I am not the only one to think this, it is all over the web...
  5. Labour are complaining today that Northern Ireland should not get more funding than other parts of the UK and that May has given them a deal “to help her cling to powerâ€. “Where is the money for the Tory-DUP deal coming from? And, will all parts of the UK receive the much needed additional funding that Northern Ireland will get as part of the deal? This Tory-DUP deal is clearly not in the national interest but in May’s party’s interest to help her cling to power.†Almost gotta admire the hypocrisy… In 2010 Gordon Brown wrote to the DUP seeking a deal to help him cling to power. He guaranteed money for Northern Ireland and implied Northern Ireland would need more cash than the rest of the UK: In 2015 Labour under Miliband did the same.
  6. Glastonbury goers like to occupy the moral high ground but don't practice what they preach...
  7. You took the words right out of my mouth. They were never going to back in with the lib dems, green party were a waste of time with only 1 seat and who did that leave the stupid SNP, so they had no real choice
  8. Loads of work, wow well done end result looks a thousand times better, I will have to walk up tomorrow and have a look.
  9. Yes I completely agree
  10. Ragwert's headline could of read, Both political leaders visited the scene of this tragedy, I agree that using this as a tool to promote JC is out of order. One spoke with the hero fire crews and the emergency services who risked their own lives etc while the other spoke with families of the victims, either way they should both be commended. It looks like Ragwert is on another point scoring exercise for his political friend, who incidentally still lost the GE. This is one of the worse fire disasters ever with a huge loss of life, we should all be thinking about these people right now and how to prevent such a disaster happening again.
  11. Anything more?
  12. The sums it up pretty well
  13. Here are the results for Hereford The results are as follows: Jesse Norman: 27,004 Anna Coda, Labour, 11,991 Jim Kenyon, Independent, 5,560 Lucy Hurds, Liberal Democrat, 3,556 Diana Toynbee: Green, 1,220 Gwyn Price, UKIP: 1,153
  14. I really hope that you complain Colin, what an utter waste of tax payers money, the police should be concentrating their monitoring efforts on the extremists rather than innocent people who are simply reacting to a terrible murdering spree on London bridge.
  15. May in my view is the ONLY choice, can you imagine the chaos Corbyn being PM and Diane Abbott home secretary! What a joke
  16. I never had you down for a Corbyn supporter? God help us if he gets in
  17. This woman has the balls to speak out and her priority is the safety of her citizens which is exactly what the PM or President of any country should be doing in the first instance. Angela Merkel has a lot to answer for in my book.
  18. We could do with her here
  19. It has been offline all morning
  20. Both looking good Colin, good to see all had a good night at the ball, we heard the fireworks
  21. It is a shame to see another business close but I tend to agree with the comments above. I have probably been in this store twice in the last 2-3 years and I remember thinking that the staff could not be bothered. We usually walk into town on a Sunday if the weather is dry and walk over the old bridge along King St and then along Broad St and recall discussing with other half about being surprised at this hi tech shop being closed on a Sunday, when most others are open.
  22. Well you could always put your trust in this lot http://youtu.be/rneBbKrVE7A
  23. From my understanding there is no minimum £100 fine. The important point, apparently completely missed, is that the new guidelines only apply if court proceedings are instituted. The 36/30 example is ridiculous. 36/30 is a speed awareness course or otherwise a £100 fixed penalty and 3 points endorsement. 36/30 doesn't involve court proceedings and an income based fine - and it won't in future. The only reason 36/30 would go to court is if the accused didn't pay the £100 fixed penalty or wasn't eligible for a fixed penalty - because he has 9 or more points within 3 years of the latest offence. The new guidelines are near identical to the existing guidelines - but only the highest category changes from Band B to Band C. Drive at speeds up to and incuding 95/70 and the police will offer you the chance to pay a fixed penalty. Absolutely nothing to do with your income. The same applies to speeds up to and including 49/30. This is not changing.
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