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Bill Thomas

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Bill Thomas last won the day on July 1 2021

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  1. You know views but this is long overdue well done. I am a little surprised that you have not taken legal action for plagiarism. Good on you for exposing the them.
  2. This is brilliant, well done to everyone involved.
  3. Me either, I was a little sceptical when it was announced that they had rescheduled until the summer shame though in their anniversary year.
  4. A bike travelling at 20mph can cause a lot of damage to a pedestrian or a vehicle, all cyclists should be insured.
  5. How does a car end up on its roof unless travelling at speed
  6. A local stalker must have seen the hv Twitter post early this morning about just this, MASSIVE coincidence that 🤔
  7. Cheltenham Gold Cup comes to mind.
  8. it's a disgrace! This goes back more than 8 years, which for the majority was with the previous Conservative council
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