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Adrian Bridges

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Everything posted by Adrian Bridges

  1. Colin agree they and Paul Rome do not have a clue how to create a traffic flow nor understand how to create an integrated transport system. May 19 is coming
  2. As promised the goal posts have been installed and have being put to good use, over the last few weeks. The local young people are grateful for these
  3. Well done to everyone. Sorry I could not be there as walking across Scotland on a sponsored charity walk in aid of Barbados children. Good community spirit role on the next one.
  4. Ah they may have secured but they want to see the state of the foot path in Villa Street / Golden Post this has more pot holes than the roads.
  5. It is my great pleasure to report some good news. Belmont Rural Parish Council has agreed to support the continued running of the library. However, instead of the usual 1 year grant support where each year a request comes back to the Parish Council for a further grant to support the next year we have agreed to support this for the next 3 years. This will also give the Library the opportunity with some security behind them to develop the services they offer even further. My final note is that during the coming 2017 there are many projects earmarked for the Parish, which you will hopefully see the area being enhanced and improved, plus with our new Handyman out and about you should see a difference. These will be reported on as they happen.
  6. I am pleased to inform all on Hereford Voice that as promised the 4 Salt Bins were today installed by myself and two other Parish Councillors Neil Hooper and Derek Preedy (Photos attached). 1 - Northolme Road 2 - Sydwall Road / Glastonbury Close Junction 3 - Glastonbury Close 4 - Whitefriars Road opposite Tavistock Drive.
  7. I am pleased report that Belmont Rural Parish Council approved last Thursday (08 December 16) to reinstate the goal posts on the play area behind Northolme Community Centre. These will be installed as soon as the right conditions arrive. I will post an update when this work is completed.
  8. Update on salt bins Myself and the Vice Chairman had a site visit to re-review the locations for salt bins, for which this item was deferred from last year. This was again tabled at last Thursday Parish Council meeting. I am finally pleased to be able to announce that we as a Parish approved the installation of 4 new Salt Bins within Belmont Rural Parish. 1 - At the Junction of Sydwall Road and Glastonbury 2 - One at the corner of Glastonbury close where the road turns sharp right. 3 - One on Northolme Road where the road drops sharply 4 - One opposite the Junction of Tavistock on the grass verge. Over the coming weeks these will be installed once we can get a supplier to deliver these along with the grit. The plan next during next year will then be create a permanent base at each location to make them secure
  9. Still down
  10. Colin Reported this to Balfour Beatty via email so hopefully should get sorted next week
  11. Another vital service looks like we could loose. The cuts are now hitting hard the most needy in society it has to stop, but this service is not just used by local folks but people from Ross to the Golden Valley Area due to reasonable ease of access. I know the County Hospital also relies of this service to take the pressure off them when demand is high. What are MP's doing about this?
  12. I think this is a good idea as it would be strategically located right in the heart of the City and be a natrual passing point. If would also occupy one of the closed building and at least make the approach more pleasing.
  13. I personally think that all European countries should bring back border controls,I know it smacks in the face of free movement this then at least mitigates against people smuggling arms across unsecured borders. Also agree we do need to tighten our borders even more. How do know the refugees we are now starting to accept are all genuine?
  14. Shame that Councillor Price does not understand that without good transport links this County will not prosper. Why is the railway station not being used as a transport hub where all modes of transport can interchange and make the front of the station a bus terminal too and allow buses to arrive from the Edgar Street and Aylstone Hill direction and by placing bus stops on both sides of the road. This link road here bypasses the railway station. ill thought out project,the same with the A49 to A465 it is predicted that the Belmont Road will see a 13% drop but the A49 will see an increase by 15% so a negative impact on Greyfriars Bridge by 2% so of course long term road users will gradually return to the Belmont Road. Then there is Rotherwas and the excellent public transport links? Councillor Price thinks that everyone will drive,he needs to think long term and look at putting in alternative transport links if they want to attract large businesses from outside the County because at the moment this is not happening.
  15. I should have put we have to think about those who could also potentially loose their jobs but hope this does not come to it and they can be redeployed
  16. Anyone working shifts may find it a bind but hey what did we do before 24 hour shopping Ah yes wait until the next day Also some of the other supermarkets are much cheaper and i find their quality is better
  17. I use LED's on my new railway signalling projects and we can now see them at 1000+ metres or old money 3000+ feet. The old ones would disappear in rain / snow or fog or the bulb would blow after a few weeks. Ours now last for in excess of 10years.
  18. Yes they do raise money for Local Charities and Community Centres which is what I call worthwhile as at least we know it does go back in the Local Communities
  19. Having now read all the comments there were obvously some good points but these were certainly outweighed by all the bad comments made. I was going to go but unfortunately ended working the bank holiday. My impression from the leaflet and advertising that I would have expected local producers to be there and for the cost of entry thought that samples would have been on offer so folks could try before they buy. The prices of the burgers and saugsages certainly seemed to be SouthEast prices and given most folks in the County are on the below average wage I can fully understand the gripes being made. What we want is an event that is value for money but also been searched before entering is a disgrace. Even the event I organise in Belmont we sell food but I would not expect people to be searched and not everyone can afford to even pay for a burger at £1.50, but over £4 well is a total rip off and I know folks at my event do sometimes bring their own picnics. I do hope this Council reads the comments and learns from the lessons, I think even the river carnival event was free entry and the now food festival was free for which we would go to abd purchase goods from the local producers. Basically it seems that folks felt they were well and truly ripped off. This just seems to be a money spinning event for the organisers and also for Herefordshire Council!
  20. I came across this tonight on Herefordshire Councils website and was quite surprised that there is an election in Newton Farm for the Hereford City Parish. Looking back too May I see that Glenda Powell and Phil Edwards were elected, can someone shed some light as to why we now have an election when surly the seats were taken up in May by the two successful candidates? I would find it quite difficult to say the least that one of the successful candidates from the May election did not take up their seat as this will now cost Hereford City Council many thousands of £'s to have a contested by-election when this money could have been spent in the local community. NOTICE OF ELECTION Election of a Parish Ward Councillor For the Area of Hereford, Newton Farm Parish Ward To be held on Thursday, 13th August 2015
  21. Thank you for the positive comments, I am glad you enjoyed the day and as one of the organisers and volunteers from the Northolme Community Centre it is pleasing to know that you had a good day. Adrian
  22. It seems daft but is maybe to ensure that the MOT (if any is up to date) and the Insurance which would then link the three together to make one valid car. I suspect their online DATABASE is only set up this way. But agree it was supposed to render the requirement for them to send letters and the tax disc out. So where is the savings???
  23. Yes if you live within Belmont Rural anyone can attend and has the right to speak.
  24. Belmont Rural Parish Council - Thursday 11 June 2015. Belmont Rural Parish Council is dedicating a 30 minute slot next Thursday 11th June to the SC2 Route road (Planning Application). This will be held at Belmont Community Centre, Belmont from 1900hrs until 1930hrs. Residents who live within Belmont Rural Parish will be given the opportunity and a maximum of 3 minutes each to raise any concerns or issues you may well have on this alleged road improvement. Please do come along as we want to know what issues you have so as your community representatives we can submit these to the Planning Department. HAVE YOUR SAY AND SEND YOUR COMMENTS BY THE 18 JUNE 2015 TO HEREFORDSHIRE COUNCIL in writing. Address these to Ms Kelly Gibbons Planning Dept PO Box 230 Blueschool House Blueschool Street Hereford HR1 2ZB Tel: 01432 261781 Adrian Bridges
  25. Get Balfour Beatty in. there will be none left, a little careful pruning and cutting off the odd branches is all that is required to brighten up the road? Also they may not be able to cut these back yet as there is the bird nesting season from March to September and trees are not supposed to be cutback until after this period unless it is on safety grounds. Hopefully they will be given some minor attention but do not let Balfour Beatty in they will chop them to the ground.
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