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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Cilla Black, what a lovely lady God rest her soul, she will be greatly missed. RIP Cilla
  2. I was thinking the same thing, surely this can be resolved for the sake of the immediate people living either side. If any of these people own their property this eyesore next door must have had an impact on the value of their homes?
  3. The new type of CCTV is HD format so much clearer images are obtainable.
  4. I just turned on my pc and saw this terrible news, what is wrong with people? Such sad news
  5. Super photograph, well captured.
  6. Mick

    Mower Servicing

    Hardly a service lol more lack of service.
  7. Vital for the economy and business that the EU brings so I would stay in for sure.
  8. Is there anyway you can get the taxi number or vehicle concerned? I use taxis often and I will just boycott the ones named and shamed and I will be more than happy to tell them they are losing business over it. There was a rape on the Castle Green only this week apparently so this really needs sorting out, maybe she was refused a taxi, the council would show interest then I'm sure!
  9. There was a lot of good in some of his posts but I did not like they way he often conducts himself if people have a difference view, I noticed this a few times, but I do think he had a certain amount of negativity about him and a lot of it was nothing to do with Hereford. So have you banned him?
  10. Thank you Glenda, you have served your constituents well over the years and nobody can fault your commitment. I share the opinion the Mr Edwards has let his party down as well as himself, I honestly thought he was a better person than this, my views have changed now.
  11. All done in very poor taste, he is out of order imo. I thought 2for1 deals where for supermarkets.
  12. Really good photographs, I was stood watching myself only yesterday, ended up watching for an hour. There is something addictive to watching the crunching machine slowly take this old building down pice by piece, there is certainly a bit of an art to it.
  13. I'm sure knowing Colin he will be shaking in his boots. Surely striking any animal by using a vehicle as a weapon is animal cruelty! Bloke needs shooting himself. So are we supposed to believe that 16 dogs have all wondered into this Vikings field, worrying his sheep and all met their fete with the barrel of a gun?
  14. ha ha you could not of written this one, epic photograph
  15. I don't agree, people will not be flocking here to save a penny or two, like Tesco and Sainsbury's it will just be traffic that is already passing by or Asda customers will use it for convenience. You may get the odd extra car but I would think it will make no difference, in fact in may encourage the Ha to sort out that appalling cockup of a junction! Turn it back into a proper roundabout!
  16. There are VERY STRICT RULES for elections. I cannot see how Phil Edwards managed to get permission for the Oval loo's because they cannot find the owner! He was seen putting the sign up with his ladder, no excuses there.
  17. It does appear to be unfair placing a sign so so close the the polling station, it will be interesting to see what the rules say.
  18. this is very good news indeed, I'm sure the publication on HV may have contributed, this is excellent.
  19. Good for you Chris, respect
  20. I tend to agree with you Bill. It is a good catchment area being by the shops but I actually think it will be a disadvantage in the long run, I could think of catchphrase to write ha ha but I won't.
  21. I agree with Colin, until such times as we have another river crossing cycle lanes would in my opinion make the situation worse, reducing two lanes into one lane will just make the queues even longer. This tram suggestion is the best idea I have heard for many years and the council should embrace this now! Good interview on Free Radio this morning, they have been playing bits all morning.
  22. I think if the re-vampted the Butter Market it would help.
  23. I will be listening tomorrow morning Colin on the radio.
  24. Welcome jeanharris and mikefitz its is nice to see new members. You are only seeing these posts because the election is upon us, in fairness there are quite a few councillors registered some are a lot more active than others. There are lots of debates if you click on the navigation button and the top and read thru the various forums.
  25. I also echo all of the comments above and wish Glenda every success, you have my vote Glenda.
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