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Everything posted by Mick

  1. This sounds interesting do you have anymore information? What is this ancient row ditch?
  2. Excellent news welcome to the club
  3. I think most people at some point shop online and collect in store, I think that's the idea and to give rural area's better broadband speeds because Herefordshire is useless.
  4. How often do they get updated, I only ask because every time I go to the Oval it never seems to change.
  5. I really do like the idea of a covered footbridge across the main road, this will also connect the new shopping centre with the main shops in the city, excellent idea Colin
  6. Thanks for the updates Colin. I have noticed a couple of new things, and some new smiley faces
  7. Hello Neil and a warm welcome to Belmontvoice. I am at a cross roads with signing your petition as I am actually in favour of the new retail development and unfortunately for you I also am in agreement that the tree's need to come down in order to progress, Hereford needs to get into the 21st century! However, I do agree with you on points 2 and 3, there is my dilemma
  8. Welcome to the club
  9. Well this is the beauty of a forum I guess Colin you can always refer back to something that had been previously promised. Massive difference between how lovely it looked back then to how it looks today, I am not surprised the tree's look so bad if they have not attended to them in over 4 years! Saying that the bushes on the left look quite bad after not being touched for 2 years, lets hope they get it back to it's previous standard as per you pictures, more than a days works there though I suspect.
  10. Colin, I absolutely agree, you have my full admiration for not being bullied and standing your ground, your reply is brilliant and I almost choked on my coffee
  11. I have been reading a lot about this and yes its a big scam!! This is not about someone who owns a bit of land and someone parks on it, this is more about the scam companies such as Private Eye Parking and the a like. They approach companies and say, I'll tell you what, let me put up a few official looking notices and we can then operate a money making scheme and we will give your company half of the revenue and the company has to do nothing! Also pleas note that their is a different between these and council parking tickets. Read below:
  12. Massive improvement in fairness. :Thumbs-Up:
  13. What ever happened to good old lawn mowers! Nowadays strimmers and then they just blow all the grass or even worse they just leave the grass in clumps, no pride anymore.
  14. How fabulous, I wished I had seen it, this was earlier today I guess, I heard some people talking about it in the local shop. Thanks for the pictures.
  15. I have been reading a lot of these articles it's really surprising what you learn. I will never pay one of these private companies again, thank you for all the details, you see, where would we all be without the internet these days.
  16. I have just read this, very interesting stuff, you learn something new everyday, thank you for the information Colin.
  17. I do not think I have EVER seen a car drive in there let alone park, total waste of our money.
  18. As a member state of the EU we are not the only country to open our doors to Romanian & Bulgarian nationals & although I really do not have an issue with that, I do think we need to say sorry but we are full at the moment, it's no different to a nightclub, your all welcome until we are full then as people leave more are allowed to enter, I mean at what point do we say enough is enough?
  19. OMG this is terrible! These are peoples houses, the police need to do something about this, I agree with Colin more patrols for sure.
  20. Write to the Hereford Times and bring it out in the open, it's the only way.
  21. I saw your letter in the Hereford Journal this week. Good to see you still going strong with your campaign Colin. You have over 160 signatures now.
  22. Someone (maybe the same idiot) has also damaged the sign entering Hereford from the Ross - A49 I noticed this early this morning
  23. A warm welcome to the club CV5. Alex's reply sounds logical There were some very large cranes installing something several months back as we noticed these late one night, they were lifting something over into what looks like the loading bay. Have Tesco commented at all?
  24. I saw both articles in the Hereford Times Colin and I heard you on BBC Hereford and Worcester, I have checked this morning and you have 112 signatures which is a great response, keep up the good work.
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