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Everything posted by Mick

  1. All good publicity for your campaign Colin, keep it up
  2. I like the idea of a flashing amber light. Welcome to Belmont Voice John
  3. This is interesting. I have signed the petition regardless Roger becasue traffic is definately easier when they are out of order.
  4. I have registered on the Herefrdshire Council website and signed the petition Colin, I have also signed the other 2 petitions.
  5. What timescale did you give them to complete this work Councillor?
  6. I thought Amey had raised a works number back in March? this is a very poor show now they want to do this work next year, sorry but this has been going on since the beginning of this year, they should be ashamed and embarressed that this work has not been done, they could not locate the posts last time it's just one excuse after another and franly I think they are completely ignoring Cllr Powells request and make empty promises, I really hope that their contract in NOT renewed
  7. I think that the LED lights are the way forward and they will save money in the long term, however, they could choose slightly brighter bulbs perhaps. Footpath is a good idea (as long as it is installed properly) but lights are a must! I think that this is the finished product? Why have they not completed the path in tarmac? I have just got back from a walk across here and I am absolutely covered in mud and grid. The path installation is very poor in my opinion, a Councillor needs to have a look at this as it is not even level, it's all over the place, mud eveywhere, why did they not take the excess mud away? it's just been piled up on the side.
  8. HEREFORDSHIRE Council will not renew its contract with highway and parks partner Amey, it was announced this morning. The local authority said a 12 month tendering process will now begin ahead of the Amey contract ending next summer. The new company would be involved in various projects, possibly including the much-talked-about city bypass. Geoff Hughes, the Council’s director for places and communities, said the authority wants to provide the best value for money, adding there is nothing stopping Amey from applying for the new contract. More here; http://www.herefordt...abs/?ref=twtrec
  9. I am sure they know what they are doing and yes they can afford it
  10. Some of these post looks really dangerous, have any of them been removed yet?
  11. I think H.Wilson was joking with you Councillor because the traffic is always bad.
  12. Now this has been discussed I have noticed quite a few redundant posts.
  13. Well they certainly seem to ignore Councillors requests and I mean completely ignore them.
  14. So are you opposing this application ?
  15. Petrol and diesel is now cheaper in the Shell garage Whitecross Road and yes another garage would help bring down local prices and it would make no difference to the current traffic problem in my opinion. Ironic as it was Councillor Bob Preece who officially opened Asda when he was the Mayor
  16. Plastic ties is a bit pointless
  17. A Valid point indeed
  18. Good idea to post all corrections that way it stops confusions all around.
  19. I am suprised that someone who holds a position of a councillor does not know basics of the law in the UK? Looking through another persons bin is definately illegal, of that, I have no doubt. Common sense should tell you that. P. Rowe has hit the nail on the head, identidy theft is rife and this would be one of the easiest ways of gaining someone's personal details, bank statements etc... you would be suprised how many people (especially old and vulnerable people) put sensitive materiel in their bins. Just because someone from the council decides to put red tape on a bin becasue it has un clean food cartons in it, does not make their action legal! (It is generally considered polite and requested that you please wash food cartons, prior to putting them into your recycle bin but it is not a legal requirement) With regard to checking details from fly tipping, that is slightly different as that is rubbish that has been dumped! So it would not be considered an invasion of privacy.
  20. Mick

    Belmont lakes

    It will probbly be to late now, but worth a try
  21. Brilliant Colin, a lot can be achieved when we all work together, well done, good result and well done to Amey for a job well done.
  22. So how long has this area looked this bad Phil? you say over a year, so has nothing been done in a whole year, is that what you are saying?
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