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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Mick

    Tram Talk

    I do not believe the council will found this good idea either but private funding may be the way forward.
  2. Mick

    Tram Talk

    Where are these comments Denise? I cannot see them on the topic put up this week, so a these comments from the original discussion last year?
  3. Why didn't they collect the grass? Those piles will stink in a month
  4. Well done Tracy and Colin, this area has not been cut for a few years by the colour of that grass or is it straw?
  5. No need for the traffic light and cones by the oval yesterday at all then! What a cockup
  6. TWG, I am not having a pop at you but the council cannot seem to win, when applications for houses are submitted people moan. When a garage on a site that was going to have a block of flats built on it people still moan.
  7. I have just walked home at 6.30pm and there is nobody working on these roadworks at all now. Why don't they have 2 shifts and get this job done sooner rather than later.
  8. Completely off topic. I see Angela Merkel has changed her tune here, a bit late now though I feel.
  9. This is interesting, any update?
  10. Yes it will most definitely get worse, particularly in Germany I feel.
  11. I tend to agree with Alex last statement, this is more about the people that have been allowed to enter Europe. (As for Blair and Bush were acting upon the advice and intelligence that they had received at the time, easy to criticise after the event I guess when no WMD were found, it would be a different had they of found WMD's, to be honest Saddam Hussein was a loose canon anyway, so it would only of been a matter of time, the dictator needed removing and the same with Gaddafi imo. This is for another topic though).
  12. Lessons need to be learned here Angela even though it is too late.
  13. Omg how lucky was this lady to have such a good neighbour, well done to that man he deserves recognition.
  14. I only just noticed this yesterday. That tree has been there for as long as I can remember a shame to see it gone but little choice by the seem of it.
  15. Than he should do the right thing and move aside, he has not been popular since day one
  16. I agree, I have read the comments on the HT website, clearly either Mr Davies or a close friend trying to defend him, unbelievable it really is. The judge should of made an example of these people instead he has basically given the green light to others to do the same.
  17. This is disgusting and I am very shocked at how lenient the judge was, no deterrent here and this will just encourage others. Good to know that the tax payer is now paying scroungers mortgages too
  18. What a super photograph
  19. Yes diving boards are going to cost £60,000 to replace so Halo have decided they will not be replacing the diving boards and the pool will be used as another pool
  20. This is disgusting and I hope the catch and prosecute the culprits, make an example of them at the same time.
  21. Thank you for this information, these calls are a real pain and I will register with TPS now.
  22. I agree BB should be doing this work but you cannot fault Phil Edwards if he is doing this in his own time also, fairplay to the bloke.
  23. Congratulations Mr Kenyon a good choice of Mayor.
  24. I like your thought process lol this will be interesting.
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