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Everything posted by Mick

  1. You two must be joined at the hip!
  2. Asylum seekers will cost Germany an estimated €50 billion by the end of 2017, a new report has found. The Cologne Institute for Economic Research has found that shelter, welfare and integration will cost Germany €22 billion this year and €27.6 billion next year. Chancellor Angela Merkel is under increasing pressure to reduce the numbers of migrants reaching Germany and voters are increasingly doubtful that the state can tackle the refugee crisis, Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble warned on Monday. The migrant crisis will be Angela Merkel's eventual demise, mark my words.
  3. The PM has nothing to apologise for in my view.
  4. I appreciate your apology. I am in the UK because my grandfather fought alongside British in the war and met my grandmother here. I am pleased that Poland became a member of the EU, it was long overdue.
  5. Yes my grandparents were Polish and were invaded by the Nazis and then by the Russians so please do not attempt to preach to me! Are you so naive to believe that all of thee refugees are just Syrain? This is a forum and we will all hold different views and opinions, I respect your views, although I may not agree with you but I will not throw my toys out of the pram and lower myself to name calling, that is uncalled for.
  6. I am shocked at this comment after what happened in Germany and Sweden. They should allow woman children and the elderly into the EU and give the single (frustrated) adult men a gun each and they should fight for their country like our grandparents did in the 1st and 2nd world war.
  7. ha ha the HT weeks behind HV again.
  8. You have taken a few stunning pictures, I love the lonely tree
  9. Thank you for undertaking this exercise again this year Colin, it is very interesting to realise that although some places open and some close the number of empty units hovers around 50-55 and that has not really changed, other than the same ugly units are still the ones that are empty. Something clearly needs to be done rather than let them just sit and rot. Numbers 3, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26 and 41 stand out to me.
  10. Chris, I did not say have no pedestrian crossings I just think there are too many to0 close together. Having a garage here will make no difference whatsoever?
  11. Welcome to HV Andrew and I will look out for you tomorrow. Good luck with the garage
  12. Good idea if it helps catch criminals.
  13. RIP Brummie you were a legend among legends.
  14. How strange, we were only having a meal in the Glass Tandoori Christmas week and it was very nice too, service was good and nice clean surroundings. Looking forward to going back for another meal in a few weeks time. I can recommend the Chicken Jalfrezi.
  15. A very warm and happy new year to you and your family bobby47 and to all the other member here, lets hope 2016 is a good one.
  16. Merry Christmas Colin and I love the photo
  17. I was wondering that very question.
  18. Excellent news good to see many shops becoming occupied. I have see the TV adverts but that is about all but I will have a look when they open.
  19. Seasons greetings to you Colin and all members.
  20. Well actually I think it does matter. Nobody should be parked on a pavement and certainly not near a pedestrian crossing. I am sure if this was your vehicle dippy you would be booked within minutes. All the emergency services do a fantastic job 99% of the time and they all have my utmost respect but they also have to abide by the law. The public would be up in arms if someone got hurt because a vehicle had mounted the pavement, regardless of who the vehicle belongs too.
  21. Thanks for the heads up I am listening live now.
  22. Hopefully!
  23. I just read about this on HV FaceBook page. Driver is unhurt which is good news.
  24. Chris, there are too many pelican crossing around these lights imo. There is one up by the roundabout stores (Belmont Ave) then another stupid/dangerous set actually ON the traffic lights, which has caught many motorists out coming from town, the main lights change to green and then you have to stop immediately again and inside the yellow box because someone has crossed the road and lights changed again. Then there is the set you refer too but what is wrong with getting rid of those altogether? They are not really needed because pedestrians have Drybridge Walk. If they cleaned that up and added more lighting it would encourage people to use it.
  25. Good to hear that the shop will no longer be empty, good luck to the owners of the new shop I wish them every success.
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