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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Asda selling petrol today for under a £1! Another reason to allow this garage planning, competition will help keep prices low! Taken from BBC Gloucestershire FaceBook page
  2. I cannot stand the man and it would be a disaster for the UK if he were ever to become PM. The bloke lives in cuckoo land and must be a terrorists dream leader.
  3. I agree and I am surprised that we have not been hit yet because we would be a soft target.
  4. I noticed that the Xmas lights in Eign Gate are already on? Whats that all about?
  5. I went and it was excellent. We had a choice of a couple of venues but glad we decided to go the the Castle Green we went on the the Saracens Head for a jar after
  6. Can you upload a photo so we can see what you mean?
  7. Neither did I. This will cause problems if this is a regular occurrence.
  8. Thank you to all of those people who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Lest We Forget
  9. You have been busy again today.
  10. This must be in their contract surely? To be fair, the 40mph signs that Colin has cleaned look like they have not been cleaned in years! So how often are they supposed to be cleaned? Can a Councillor please clarify this also please? PS. Great effort Colin, this has made a big difference clearly.
  11. Cafe Nero offers the best coffee in my opinion but quite happy to give place a try.
  12. How pathetic and sad are some people
  13. Good luck to them with their new venture, I wish them all the luck in the World.
  14. Tree's are great but the trouble in Hereford is once planted they leave them to grow wild and out of control, many tree's throughout the city are way overgrown through neglect! So for me personally, I would love to have tree's in High Town but if they are not going to maintain them like the rest off this city then I would prefer to be without.
  15. I came through the subway near Eign Gate yesterday evening and yes it is dark, paricularly the other side of the road by Steels, it is very dark walking around that curve into the subway, definitely in need of some more brighter lights.
  16. I had a chuckle at Cllr Price's video, I think that bloke is on a different planet to the rest of us.
  17. Well done that is big reach, excellent, keep it up
  18. I like the sound of this already Colin.
  19. Congratulations DILLIGAF and good luck with your new role.
  20. Not sure how that works?
  21. There was also the Hunderton Bridge discussion. That was an accident waiting to happen but through discussions on here extra fencing was installed to prevent kids in particular climbing up onto the bridge. Another good achievement.
  22. Over 3 years Colin, so this is a good result for the Golden Galleon, Hereford Voice and Hereford. Well done, I know this meant a lot to you.
  23. Anyone found to illegal in this country should in my opinion be deported, other countries do not mess around.
  24. I am genuinly pleased that dippy and flam's accounts are clear and look forward to seeing them back doing what they do best. It will be good to get the forum back to normal. I applaud Colin for sharing and being very transparent during this process because that is the best way imo.
  25. Another shop closes, oh dear this is never good to hear.
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