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Everything posted by K.Butt

  1. This was always going to get passed. The whole planning application is a complete farce. I agree with all of the above comments. Companies submit planning applications knowing it will cause local upset, then once all of those objections are submitted like in this case, original planning application is withdrawn and a new one submitted and now all of a sudden there is a huge drop in objections because the people who objected think they have objected already. The Belmont Rd is possibly the worse road in Hereford and approving yet another supermarket at this location is beyond a joke. Herefordshire Council planners have a lot to answer for with this one! (Brown envelopes come to mind)
  2. You always make me smile Bobby, good to see you online 🙂
  3. This is probably one of the most stupid planning application I have seen locally. Can you imagine trying to get out onto the Belmont Rd! This should be be refused. Surely the hotel is not that old, think it was only built in the 70's or 80's
  4. This is pretty neat, I have not seen this before.
  5. Moved from Belmont Medical Centre years ago, always found them useless. We are now at the new Station Surgery and no problems for us tbh
  6. That does not look good. Must of been some impact
  7. Cannot stop watching the live webcam. Good to see over 2,000 people have visited since it went live Tuesday afternoon.
  8. We passed many times and there was always a lot of people coming and going throughout the day, so not surprised at the numbers.
  9. Of course they should be insured, just like any other vehicle using the highway
  10. Good to see all the places reopening after a bad year. Good luck to the new Mayor for 2021/22
  11. Sounds like a good idea but should have been done from day one perhaps
  12. People should use common sense, if you are in a queue of people regardless of whether inside or out wear a bloody mask! At least until they get this virus under some sort of control.
  13. The EA are responsible for the river banks I believe but these railings will be the responsibility of the council.
  14. I'll be tuning in later to see what this is all about but sounds good and it's for a fabulous cause.
  15. K.Butt


    There is some good talent locally, will keep an eye open for you.
  16. How lovely to read such a nice story to start off the weekend, thank you Hereford Voice
  17. This is different, incredible view, I assume fro ma drone but still nice to see
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