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Everything posted by K.Butt

  1. Is this your monthly pop at Cllr Edwards by any chance Glenda?
  2. Good for you Dan, lets hope the letters stop altogether.
  3. Good to know, thanks for sharing this information.
  4. I have my own views on beggars but I am not saying a word otherwise the loony lefties will start and I cannot be arsed with them.
  5. What is the fad with Land Rovers all of a sudden? They are being stolen to order no doubt.
  6. What is the view of the forum or do you mean the view of some of the members of this forum? Please do not be naive believing the view that you refer too is limited to just this forum. Roger you are 100% correct we do have a housing crisis. This house should be made good again and offered to the next family on the waiting list.
  7. ha ha well spotted. A lot of unhappy people too.
  8. Saracens head is still empty too.
  9. The place has looked pretty shoddy for a number of years, so no investment eventually the inevitable has happened. Every time I have have gone passed over the last 3-4 years all I ever saw was a mobility scooter outside and a dog in the window, cannot remember seeing much other activity.
  10. I too voted for you Glenda, that said, you can't really have a go at IOC for trying to get as many candidates to stand, the person at fault here is not your opposition but your own party member!!!! I agree with what others have said, joining forces would be an option certainly worth having a discussion together about, nothing to loose by having a look if both parties can find common ground. There are some bad apples in both parties as far as I can tell, so this *** for tat is nonproductive. Together you could easy get rid of the conservative council or you can both plod along and they win every time.
  11. Says the man who lives in Hinton?
  12. You have only got to look at the state of the man to see what a vile creature he is.
  13. Some really great photographs, out of interest, what camera do you use Colin?
  14. This is interesting considering what has been happening around the world.
  15. Phil's way or the highway as usual.
  16. Well they can be identified assuming that they put their number on the bin, I know that I have not put my number on my bin because I never had a leaflet, unless it blew away before I got home the day that they were delivered, but yes, in general common sense should prevail.
  17. Yep ignore these scammers dishing out the fake parking fines.
  18. I think the Malvern Gazette and Worcester papers are the same people who run HT.
  19. Video is not working, admin please delete this thread
  20. I am fed up treading on eggshells with these fanatics! They preach on our streets and nothing is done, yet when someone says the slightest thing the events of today happen over and over, I hope they rot in hell! Yes yes masked always! Such cowards!!!!!
  21. So what if the driver is not from Hereford? I have just come back from Germany and even though the tai driver was local he was not familiar with a restaurant and also had to refer to his SatNav. I think you have an issue with foreign taxi driver by the sound of it Roger, get in the real World my friend! It does not matter about Colour, Race or Nationality, that has nothing to with it and I am shocked in this day and age people like you still discriminate. This topic is about taxi drivers including non 'foreign' drivers refusing short trips.
  22. Where were all the so called directors when the club was struggling?I notice most left the sinking ship, just in time. Nick Nenaditch another article here Dave Preedy Grenville Smith Listed here are all of the clubs directors earlier this year.
  23. If this happened to me I would take their badge and vehicle registration number and report them, so not they can pick and choose the best fares? Not only that but this will end with in fighting between the drivers of the various companies. Council need to start revoking licences.
  24. Good to have additional supporters of such a good website, keep up the good work.
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