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Everything posted by K.Butt

  1. This guy is a Hereford legend as your have already stated, he is clearly in a difficult place right now, lets hope that they find him safe and well.
  2. This will be handy for my niece who is taking lessons right now thanks for the info
  3. 75 years! This seems a long time, is this a normal amount of time?
  4. So it is illegal (in most cases) to ride a cycle on a footpath yet you can climb on it to ride across a pedestrian crossing? That will only encourage cyclist to keep ring on the footpaths once they have crossed surely? What is the point of this?? Cyclists should NOT be riding their bikes on footpaths at all!
  5. I have been stuck in the traffic for almost an hour
  6. You see what happens when I assume too lol
  7. Well the bus driver could of been on his/her way back from a trip and could of been driving before the snow started, you know what they say about assumptions... :) But yes generally do not need to go out in their vehicles in this weather unless it is a must.
  8. I saw this bloke nearly knock over a woman, didnt even stop
  9. I just noticed these new signs today, all looking very clean and smart I must say.
  10. I could not find a parking bay free in town ended up parking in St Martins Street, this was 40 minutes ago at 11am
  11. Jesus how confusing is this? It looks like a lot of this is one way around the city. So if your coming down Barrs Court Road you cannot turn right over the bridge into the city centre? What is that all about? I can see many people doing U Turns once they have turned left towards Aylestone Hill.
  12. I might get one of these to ride on the pavement :) I wonder if that is acceptable too? This is no different to an electric bike and there are loads of those around and they are becoming more and more popular.
  13. Tossers! The guys walking should of pushed him off his bike
  14. Good to see the Prince in Hereford today, made our day when he came over and said hello.
  15. In defence of the FC or any other business, I would not want drunks and vagabonds roughing it out and urinating in my entrance either and yes this was going on there before anyone jumps down my throat. I am sure that if genuine homeless people jut used the entrance for some shelter but then moved on without leaving a mess during the day it may be a different situation.
  16. The HT have deleted harmless posts of mine in the past for no apparent reason, that is why I choose to reside here, virtually no editing or censorship here.
  17. What is this all about? First I have heard of it tbh
  18. Super effort by Colin and all the volunteers, you should all be feeling very proud of yourselves, credit where credit is due.
  19. What about the multicoloured LED lights on the front of the Kerry, I do not see the difference here.
  20. Riding on a footpath at night without lights is not a criminal offence?
  21. So he committed a crime then? So it is a criminal offence?
  22. I should be able to help, just let me know the dates.
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