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Everything posted by K.Butt

  1. Friar Tuck old shop is still empty Denise, I just drove past?
  2. Denise is not at all in my view but these people are obviously breaking the law in many areas and portraying themselves to be Polish as well as using Polish branding, so I would say they they are taking the pi*% myself!
  3. Well done to BCC, I agree with Mick, there is always something going on at the centre. Keep up the good work
  4. I shop at Pritchard's to buy quality clothing and yes that quality and name comes at a price, each to their own but I too welcome this new store unless you would prefer to leave the premises empty?
  5. Ditto. This design is not bad, fresh looking with a large glass front on the top floor with large balcony I don't think the image does it justice, it will look nice in my view
  6. Absolute joke, that's about the limit of the intelligence of some of them.
  7. Half of these people are leaving comments on the HV Facebook Page
  8. Thank you for this information. I was not aware of Section 59
  9. I do not agree that there are not enough disabled parking spaces, tbh I have never seen so many, nearly half the parking bays in Broad St are for disabled people. Regarding the benefits overhaul, I do not think it is fair to blame the Tories outright, they have find a balance, a lot of blame should be laid at the door of the not so genuine claimants and believe me there are thousands! You should target your frustrations at them and not the governments who are battling the colossal cost, which could be used in the NHS or schools etc l Have no issue paying taxing and supporting real genuine people who need help but it does make my blood boil when I am paying extortionate taxes for lazy sods and people who are making a mockery of the system and what it was designed for. Personally, I think they should do major checks on ALL claimants every 2 years, genuine people should welcome this and not have an issue with it.
  10. You are not wrong with this statement and this is one of the issues, as soon as the government announce any type of benefit overhaul they start loosing votes and that is because there are more and more people on benefits, which also includes more and more fraudulent claimants unfortunately and that is why my taxes are constantly rising!
  11. Thank you for the tutorial, I assume for pictures and files it is the same process?
  12. If you car is taxed I cannot see what the issue is. I understand that this parking is obviously designed for the shops but nothing stopping anyone parking here, unless there are restrictions in place which there do not appear to be.
  13. Omg, I have just walked back home from Asda and I can only see 4 blokes and they are all just talking, is any work actually being done here or is this a deliberate ploy to drag in out over the maximum amount of time?
  14. I agree, this is definitely a go slow project. I walked past at 1.20pm today and couldn't see anyone working at all. 2 blokes talking the entrance to Home Lane. Why are all the roads closed?
  15. The man is a hero. Good to learn that the old lady is okay
  16. It has indeed
  17. This is horrible news again on on TV's
  18. Paul you were absolutely right with your comments back in May - Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic are among the safest countries to visit this summer (2016), funny that...
  19. How many County Wards are there a lot more I am guessing. I am surprised at just how confusing this is
  20. Do these tossers have permission to park on the grass?
  21. I wonder why he has resigned?
  22. He was elected by the Hereford city councillors and to be fair in Jim's case it is well deserved.
  23. Yes I read about this last night, unreal what goes on eh
  24. I witnessed a man almost knocked to the ground by a cyclist yesterday morning, cyclist was riding on the footpath just by Saxty's he rode into a guy and just said sorry and carried on, the bloke was in a little shock, we asked if he was okay, he said yes but was expecting a bruised arm.
  25. HH are still charging rent regardless of their content
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