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Everything posted by K.Butt

  1. They won't be unaccompamied for long! 30 relatives will soon follow
  2. Someone is starting to listen to what Colin has been shouting about for years, lets hope Cllr Price takes note!
  3. Congratulations to BCC
  4. In fairness, I don't see anyone asking for an apology but H.Wilson has made some valid points. There was clearly a cover up here but I do not believe that all 100% of the fans were blameless and if you do, then obviously you never attended any of the big games at that time.
  5. It is good to see some real positive things happening. Well done to HFC.
  6. I was only just reading the article, lets hope they finally can convict the person responsible
  7. So the Queens 90th birthday celebrations are pointless?
  8. You beat me too it.
  9. A Ledbury town councillor has been forced to apologise after she tried to ban Union Jack bunting being put up to celebrate the Queen's birthday - in case it upset FOREIGNERS. What the hell? Councillor Liz Harvey voted against having the patriotic bunting, saying visitors to the town would mistake the red-white-and-blue flags for the National Front. She made the bizarre comments during a town council meeting to discuss ways to mark the Queen's 90th birthday in the Herefordshire town of Ledbury. Story here
  10. Look at these hooligans! They are breaking down fences, didn't see one child or woman either http://news.sky.com/story/1676020/hundreds-of-migrants-hurt-in-breakout-attempt
  11. So with £100k in the bank you can still apply or a grant!
  12. The council have decided to install CCTV cameras at the Hereford Cemetery on a temporary basis. See quote from the Hereford Times below:
  13. You are better off being a thieving drug addict another slap on the wrist.
  14. I see that the HT are running a poll: Your vote Mooted proposals for a light tramway system to run along Hereford's Great Western Way have been ruled out by Herefordshire Council. Do you agree with this decision? Your vote Mooted proposals for a light tramway system to run along Hereford's Great Western Way have been ruled out by Herefordshire Council. Do you agree with this decision? Yes – it would cost too much and is not a viable transport solution 41% No – it would be a good, cost-effective way to link both sides of the city 55% I don’t know. 4%
  15. Ice rink indeed, lots of cars just waiting to be hit when t's icy looking at these photo's, how did the visiting Cllr's come to their decision not to provide grit bins following a request from the public? They complain that hardly anyone attends their meetings and when someone does attend with a legitimate and sensible request it gets denied or if you want to dress it up it gets deferred. Where is the common sense here?
  16. About time! Well done to Tesco though for leading the way.
  17. Yes I have just read this on the HT website
  18. I think it means that dippy has completed her tick box exercise just ignore obviously looking for reactions, don't play to it. With regard to the crime, there has been little communication from the police and I think more information is needed, lets hope that this crime is solved and solved quickly.
  19. They are a good band, I have seen them before, I was out of town yesterday otherwise I would of come down myself.
  20. Wishful thinking perhaps
  21. Thi is what is really happening in Calais https://www.facebook.com/downtrendcom/videos/1855449277887123/
  22. We will have to provide them will mosques next, they will soon be popping up more and more.
  23. I appreciate it would take a lot of resources but these shops should all be raided at the exact same time, i'm sure they all know each other.
  24. HT website is down, anyone else got the same thing?
  25. But sometimes you are better off pasting a larger part of a quote/reference in order to have the impact intended, it is not always appropriate to just post a link, some people will not click that link, but a few paragraphs they may read.
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