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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Minimum monthly wage in Poland hit a high of €440 in January 2016. That is £334 per month. Or £83 a week. Trading Economics Will our proposed benefit ban deter new arrivals? Nope ... As you can earn more in the UK ... The outgoings are not factored into those bare stats but I think new arrivals probably only think about escaping the €440 figure ...
  2. We have net migration ---> IN at + 300K per year at the moment. That's the equivalent of building a City the size of Nottingham this year, next year and the year after etc ... Then you populate it and install all the medical/educational/social infrastructure. Then you do it all over again every 365 days ... Hardly sustainable is it? Even with the new people paying their own way the rest of the fabric to support them just won't be there. And can't be there. That's why we need the net figure down to less than 100k per year. Definitely. And preferably a lot lower. Counting paper clips at the benefits office is just laughable when you look at the bigger picture ...
  3. HT The Council seem to have ripped up the Health & Safety manual and have cleared up the mountain of rubbish at Dartmouth Court ... Seems like a green light to fly tip even more rubbish there as they'll no doubt clear it up again if it reappears!
  4. I hope this pending 'deal' isn't just a variation on the 4 year in work benefit ban on new EU Migrants as I think that's just the equivalent of fiddling around at the edges as Rome burns ...
  5. Any disruption there causes chaos. Anyone remember the infamous gas hole there in 2012? http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/9623191.Hereford_gas_leak_has_been_sorted/
  6. Crazy prices on the train website again this week. Hereford ---> Birmingham ---> Liverpool was £1.80 cheaper if you bought a 1st class single ticket. Just about to get on the 10.40 ... There won't be a 1st class car from Hereford but there will be from Birmingham. All a bit academic as the carriages are virtually identical ... Apart from the fact no one is in 1st class!
  7. No wine? No lunch for Iran's president in France French President François Hollande decided having wine with lunch is more important than breaking bread with Iranian President Hassan Rouhaniduring an official visit to Paris. Hollande scrapped Thursday's lunch at the Élysée Palace after Rouhani had asked for a halal menu in keeping with his Muslim faith, and that also meant no wine at the table during his first visit as president to the City of Light. USA Today
  8. Many of Jungle occupants not refugees, says top UK immigration judge Mr Justice McCloskey said there was “no real basis†for many of the estimated 6,000 people in the makeshift camp to remain there. Telegraph Top Judge in the UK has denounced most of the 'Jungle' dwellers' as fraudsters ... As any rational person thought anyway ...
  9. I don't know Osmosis either but the poster, I would guess, lives in far more comfortable domestic circumstances than at least one family living in a squalid tent in the Calais 'Jungle'. I would suggest that Osmosis, as a demonstration of good will, goes and buys a tent from J Mart and pitches it on the Bishops Meadow and lives in it. That will free up some accommodation for a group far more deserving.
  10. No. Not really. Frans Timmermans who is Vice President of the European Commission says the majority of these 'refugees' floating about are 'economic migrants' and shouldn't even be here. Independent A point well made. These migrants want to share in the Wealth. An economic reason for coming if ever I saw one ...
  11. It wasn't the 'torygraph' ... Independent The word 'paper' may not have been used but the jist was there ... The article was quoting Citizens UK as a source for that 200 figure ... Citizens UK
  12. One refugee child costs the Swedish economy between €9800 and €22500 a month to look after ... So it ain't cheap. This includes the 14 year old Saad Alsaud (pictured here last year in the grey sleeveless top ... ) Paavo Tajukangas (link will translate)
  13. There are thousands in that squalid Calais 'Jungle' and if you read my link above then you'll see up to 200 might have some sort of 'paper' case linking them to someone already in the UK. That is probably a generous over estimation by do gooders' anyway. So why are the other 98% hovering there? Yup ... Economic reasons. So your argument is trash Osmosis. To put it bluntly.
  14. Refugees shun France, land of red tape, unemployment and poor housing Telegraph Migrants are not remotely interested in France. They're only there, reluctantly, as it's closer to the UK .... They've got ultra picky with where they want to go so as to better their economic chances/lifestyle ... And I doubt France will be fighting for them to stay ...
  15. I disagree. We had 18 Iraq/Iranian illegals pile out of a lorry at a local fruit farm last week. [link ]They will 'settle' here whilst their asylum claims are processed. They will obviously never get sent back. Any sibling/wife/son/daughter they have at Calais (or they can get to Calais) will then be entitled to come here because of that Court ruling. They know the system and they have access to lawyers. Aid workers are already trawling the 'Jungle' to identify people who might be related to people already here. It's just going to snowball.
  16. There was a Court ruling last week where the way has been paved for more people to come to the UK if they can identify 'family' members who are already here. Quite how many will use that route I don't know. Nor does anyone else probably. Independent
  17. The Council have looked at several scenarios about how much MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) is going to be generated in the future. Obviously not an exact science as population/housing will increase. As will the rubbish!
  18. Mamma Jammas (nearby) also applying for a variation to their licence to push back the last entry until 0300 ... Application
  19. The venue (Snooker/Pool Hall) is applying for a 7 day a week 0900 - 0500 alcohol licence so as to cater for punters who want to watch big screen sport being played in different time zones from outside the UK ... Application
  20. I see the newish car park at Station Approach is going from £3 to £5 for a days parking. That's getting towards a figure where people will think twice before using it. In addition if you tend to use it every day in the week (for work maybe) then it's cheaper to use the NCP railway station car park where a weeks pass is £23.20. That equates to £3.31 a day. Or £4.64 if you only need the parking Mon-Fri. Better still is the free parking opposite the railway station entrance by the Sorting Office post box. Seems to be a bit of a loophole there. Until they start building that new internal road to nowhere I suppose ... NCP
  21. Dartmouth Court ... Yesterday ... Hereford Times Not sure where anything can be recycled. The green bins' appear to be full!
  22. Roger

    The BBC

    Funding the free TV licence cost the Govt. £608 Million in 2013/14. That's about 20% of the BBC budget. The BBC pick up that tab from 2020.
  23. Roger

    The BBC

    The BBC are moaning that they don't get enough funding so they are cutting back on output. The ain't too happy either about having to fund free licences for old people. However they are minted in my opinion. As far back as 10 years ago they were paying Radio 2 DJ Steve Wright £440,000 a year for spinning a few discs in the afternoon. The radio output is good but a lot of it is just stuff that everyone is doing. The licence fee isn't very expensive but people should have the choice to pay it or not. Especially as the BBC have got next to no sport on anymore. I know it has MOTD but that is just highlights in a graveyard slot.
  24. No smoke without fire is there? Now might be the time to get into the B + B business. Licence to print money in that sector if we get an influx!
  25. Syrian Refugees Herefordshire Cllr Ewan Archibald from Herefordshire County Council and members of voluntary agencies and the different churches attended a meeting hosted by Bishop Richard on Wednesday 21st October in the Bishop's Palace Great Hall. At the moment it is not known whether Herefordshire will receive any Syrian Refugees. However plans are being made for any families coming to the county. Housing, schooling and welfare issues are being discussed and it is envisaged that families will be housed in Hereford in the first instance. Safeguarding issues are also under consideration both for the families coming to Herefordshire and for those who support them. The Diocese Of Hereford Unaccompanied, or vulnerable, kids' will need a Foster Parent .... Just saying ...
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