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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Tesco attempt to trademark logo 'dashes' denied by Jennifer Creighton, 14.08.2014 Marketing Magazine I think 'hashes' are one thing but hashes together with certain fonts' and a colour scheme are on a different level ...
  2. I've previously been told that they (Philip Morris) shift a surprisingly large amount of unlikely stock online ... Like these items ...
  3. Noticed this weekend (just gone) that there's a large pothole, inbound, on the Barrs Court side of the metal bridge. Went over yesterday (Monday) and it's got 50% bigger and deeper in a couple of days ... So be careful if you are using that bit of road! If you hit it full on there's a potential to do some damage!
  4. Lets put it this way. My Uncle was living in a modest semi in Hazel Grove on the Southside ... Then he was living in a detached house on Roman Road ... I've several friends' who are Freemasons. I probably should have asked them what it's all about and what would be the benefits to me if I'd have joined. I never have. Probably because I assume that if you have not been inducted into their World then they wouldn't say!
  5. I can relate to that. I'll tell you a not too dissimilar story: My dad was one of two brothers and their very elderly parents (my paternal Grandparents) lived in Hereford in a big house. My dad died very young, in the early 70's, of an incurable disease. I was about 11 or 12 at the time. My two brothers were about 9 and 5. Very soon after my dad died both his parents died. Very rapidly. Probably the shock of it all. You would think that their Estate would be split with the surviving son getting 50% and the other 50% getting split 3 ways between me and my two brothers. Seems reasonable ~ as everyone got on. Nope. After my dad died the Grandparents Will was rewritten (I wonder at whose suggestion?!) leaving the bulk of the Estate, including the house, to my dad's brother. Me and my brothers had a few crumbs .... Within a few week/months the Grandparents were dead ... Such is what goes on sometimes! Needless to say I have never sent him a Christmas card. That's if he's still alive. I haven't checked ...
  6. I'm not a Freemason. Or a Member of any such similar Organisation. It's not my 'bag' ~ that sort of thing. They (Masons) do a tremendous amount for Charity tho ~ which is no big secret. But I am sure there is some mutual back scratching that goes on. I had to pull you up about your 'true friend' as he seems a thoroughly nasty piece of work. Serial woman batterer and I think he was 27 when he strangled the life out of that old pensioner whilst trying to steal a few quid. I suppose that's what he means when he says you got to do the dirty work yerself. Who else would murder a defenceless old woman on your behalf? I have a tremendous amount of time and understanding for you tho about other matters you raise. I was working in Ludlow, Shropshire in the 80's when Ralph Morris was running Castle Hill School. This was before, during, and after things came to light about what was going on there. You may know already but if not all the info is on google ....
  7. Folly Lane. Agreed. The font/styling/colours are virtually identical to Tesco. I think they've wasted money on that makeover as they'll have to remove it when Tesco get on the case ...
  8. Merkel is not going to send anyone back to a Country where it could be argued that their life would be in danger. Even with toughened up deportation rules'. That definitely rules out Syria and much of North Africa I would have thought. ISIS is everywhere around there and detainees would just argue that they would just be thrown off the top of a tall building upon their return. I doubt ISIS would be overly impressed with someone turning their back on the Caliphate so as to get drunk on New Years Eve in Cologne so that would probably happen!
  9. I saw a Sky news report from that area where they interviewed two English speaking white Parisien female passers by about the shooting. Just luck of the draw I suppose. Or maybe they were quite comfortable talking to a white British tv reporter? And maybe others' were not ? I don't know if you are aware or not Ipussycat but the area around the Gare Du Nord railway station is in the 10th arrondissement of Paris which is very well known as being very heavily populated by Turkish people ~ less than the usual number of 'whites'. It's called 'Little Turkey' or the 'Turkish Quarter'. Turkish people don't integrate too well in that area and I doubt you would get many 'locals' coming up to a British TV reporter to appear on camera. In fact that whole Ile - de - France region of France (which includes Paris) is heavily populated by people who were born outside of the Country. I think the figure is about a quarter. I don't buy into your suggestion that the 'illuminati' have manipulated a situation here. So as to then exploit a situation of their own making so as to impose their own answer. I do think tho that in 10/50/100 years time then Israel and it's enemies might end up blowing each other apart in a sort of WW !!! That's if we don't have one earlier than that somewhere else!
  10. Police in Paris have shot a man dead who tried to enter a police station armed with a knife, shouting “Allahu Akbar.†The man was found to be carrying a cellphone and a paper with an Islamic State flag, the Paris prosecutor says. RT
  11. Latest WMP Website report here calls the incident an 'altercation'. HT are now calling it a 'Mass Brawl' ~ 7 days after the event ... All very confusing! What was it? An 'altercation' or WW III ?
  12. Dead Paris Police Station knifeman being inspected by Robot...
  13. Paris Police Shoot Man Holding Knife Outside Police Station Bloomberg No word on this fella's Nationality yet. Reports on the radio suggest he was shouting 'Allahu Akbar' at the time he was shot ...
  14. Lets take a look at how this is going wrong for Corbyn as a timeline of events: The Labour Party went into the 2015 Election (with Ed Miliband as a lacklustre Leader) with a Manifesto Pledge to keep the Trident Missile System ~ ‘it remains committed to a minimum, credible, independent nuclear capability, delivered through a Continuous At-Sea Deterrent. ' CNDUK Labour badly lost the Election (in my opinion because of a useless leader and crackpot economic policy) but it returned 232 seats. Labour then lost it's Leader as Miliband threw in the towel. The subsequent election of a new Leader featured 4 candidates. 3 could be considered to be to the Labour right and you had Corbyn as a proper old school Labour Left Winger. He won with a landslide 59.5% of the vote (anyone could buy a vote for £3) which he has subsequently used as a stick to beat everyone with. He considers it to be a justification, and indeed a Mandate, for any hair brained Marxist/peacenik view he has ever held. To the contrary, it was the Labour grass roots saying they were fed up of Labour just being a left of centre Tory Party. They would have voted for any single left winger on the ballot paper up against 3 pseudo Tories.That's just my view. Despite his Landslide victory only about 10% of the PLP voted for Corbyn which indicates to me that 90% of the rest are either centre Labour or right Labour which is not good for Party Unity as it quite clearly does not reflect the views of the current voting Membership. Indeed he had so few like minded people (proper Lefties) to pick from that when Corbyn was forming his Shadow Cabinet he had to pad it out with a Foreign Secretary, Hilary Benn, who likes bombing if the need arises and A Defence Secretary, Maria Eagle, who likes funding our dangerously threatening submarines. A couple of weeks after Corbyn's Election Labour held it's annual Conference and the Trident Missile System cropped up as an item that could be debated if enough people wanted to. A vote was held and only 0.16% Of Trade Unions wanted to talk about it. The figure for Delegates (representing Rank & File) was 7.1%. The debate was binned ~ a desperate blow to Corbyn as the Party had no appetite to go down his much loved nuclear disarmament route at that time. No 59.5% was anywhere in sight at Conference there! Bombing Syria then popped up as voting issue in The Commons and Corbyn reluctantly gave a free vote to his MP's and unsurprisingly some voted with the Tories. We all know who. Cue problems. Paris then got bombed and a Junior Shadow Minister, Pat McFadden, came out with the view that the only people responsible for that were the terrorists involved. That annoyed Corbyn ~ who is considered by many to be a terrorist apologist. He considered it to be a disloyal attack on his position. This is a view from a Labour MP who has voted against his own Party whip hundreds of times over many years! But apparently, according to his Crony mate John McDonnell (Shadow Chancellor) it is OK to voice disloyalty/dissent to the Party line if you do it from a back bench! Anyhow ~ Corbyn then decides to have a reshuffle to freshen his Shadow Cabinet up and to get rid of annoying people. Instead of doing the groundwork before firing the starting gun ~ and then taking a couple of hours to do the deed, he fired the gun and only then started thinking about the detail. That's how it looks. In any event he took 2 days to fire just 2 very junior members of his team. Which included the one who is too hardline on terrorists. He also shuffled sideways Maria Eagle as he was bored with her liking submarines. He brought into her place a lady who doesn't like submarines. I've never heard of her before! I think the net impact of his shambolic reshuffle tho was a net increase in women in his team which was a moan the first time he had a go. One person he couldn't get rid of tho was Hilary Benn. If he was sacked the Majority of the PLP would have exploded like a Syrian Carpet bomb. So a compromise has been reached. He has been allowed to still like bombing if the need arises but he's not allowed to say so from the opposition front bench. A handful of junior people have since resigned in sympathy for the sacked Ministers. I really think it's important to have a credible opposition who can challenge any existing Govt. ~ who are never perfect whoever is in Office. People will make their own minds' up as to whether the current situation is in any way sustainable.
  15. Man who travelled to Syria to 'join brothers in martyrdom' jailed Mustafa Abdullah, 34, of Stockwell, London, jailed for four and a half years after being found to have ‘veritable reference library’ on planning a terrorist attack Guardian The fella above was born in the UK and he's been radicalised. Jailed for 4 1/2 years when he returned to the UK. What do you do when he gets out on parole after serving half his sentence ? Which will be in 2018. Do you watch him forever ?
  16. Telegraph Going on for nearly two days this #reshuffle and all that's been achieved is the sacking of a very low key guy in the low key post of 'Culture'. And we only found that out as he ran to the press moaning! Nothing from The Leadership. Other things that have reliably leaked out (but entirely unofficial) are that the Shadow Defence Minister will be shuffled sideways as Corbyn doesn't like that she's a fan of the Trident missile system ~ which she was when she was appointed, and that the fairly high profile Mr. Benn will keep his Foreign Secretary Shadow post if he promises to only criticise/disagree with Corbyn privately. All very shambolic ....
  17. First 'real' working day back at work/college today after the 1.1% rise in the price of tickets to use the trains. A bit of a let down if you use the Cardiff ---> Hereford ---> Manchester route (or any part of it) as the whole Arrive TW network was on strike! Corbyn was protesting at Kings Cross Station this morning about these 'Tory' rail price increases ... Probably should have put his #reshuffle off until tomorrow as doing two things on one day was clearly too much for him! Guardian
  18. Well ... After spending 8 hours today trying to #reshuffle his shadow cabinet Corbyn failed to do so ... Announcement now expected tomorrow ... Having been heavily criticised when he initially appointed his shadow team I fully expect Corbyn to include more women this time around. If he ever gets around to a final decision. Obviously his firebrand mouthpiece Diane Abbott will be getting a half decent role ... Mirror
  19. This 2011 image is still floating about on google which shows what the sheep lorry wiped out. It was a tall street lamp. I can only assume that the powers that be have decided that the light is not a priority to replace. Would this be the Highways Agency as it's a main 'A' road ?
  20. I think most people with DAB radios have got the basic 'kitchen' type with just one speaker but you can tell the difference in sound quality depending on the signal output which is displayed. BBC H+W is 128 kbps stereo ~ as is Radio 2. Sunshine is 112 kbps stereo. BBC Radio 5 is 64 kbps Mono but it is a speach station. I agree with you that DAB is a really rubbish medium to listen to. I've given up on it as well.
  21. Has anyone got any views on the signal quality? Showing up as 80 kbps Mono on my radio since start up.
  22. Noise is a 'Council Problem' which they fail to deal with. They are not a 24/7 service. I would have no issues dialing 101 as often as it took to record serious problems that are alluded to on here .... That is the reality.
  23. What post has caught your eye? I'm not entirely sure.
  24. The Company was trashed on BBC Watchdog recently ... Their response here I've bought from them and I'm perfectly happy with their product. So make yer own mind up. And buy with a credit card for the Card Provider Protection. Simple!
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