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Everything posted by Roger

  1. When I lived in Ludlow (over 20 years ago) my next door neighbour was a Magistrate. His day job was being a postman. I just think the punishment they can hand out is a bit constrained within guidelines. I'm glad that the arbitrary Court Charge was binned today. You were £150 out of pocket for a nothing offence even before the sentence was handed out!
  2. Saw this fella's death mentioned on FB on 19th of this month. RIP .....
  3. I left Wetherspoons 1 1/2 hours ago at 00.15 and the rank in Commercial Road was filled from the start (by the Long Bar) all the way back to Planet Buffet. And it was snaking back into the bus station. This included taxis right on the junction by Union Walk on the yellow lines. The only premises where customers could realistically come from were the only two places with visible people left in them. The dregs from Wetherspoons ~ which shut at Midnight. And people in Perfect Pizza. There were five in the pizza shop which included me and my son. And we walked home. In fact there were more taxi drivers' than potential customers. Just more evidence of too many taxis in town.
  4. We've all read the HT item on this. Caution issued. Cops 'unable' to identify premises involved. Which has cued some sarcastic comments on the website unsurprisingly. I was in Wetherspoons last night between 23.00 and Midnight. Quiet as a grave. Two bouncers on duty for no apparent reason. They looked bored stupid.
  5. BBC very rarely give proportionate coverage to certain demo's ..... I agree with you ..... The evidence is there.
  6. Really aggressive noise pollution and you are pissing in the wind with the Council. In my opinion. I'd ring the Police on 101 every time. They seem to have a reasonably robust recording system. Really excessive noise and ring them. The record is their end and no diary needed your end. I don't consider reporting 'anti-social' (really bad) noise behaviour to the cops as abuse of the system as we are paying for their service. They are stretched but is that your problem?
  7. This topic has echo's of THIS thread from earlier this year. Parking on the zig zags but not on the road itself. It's all about context and perceptions .... Who knows? What I do know is that I was in Tesco in Bewell Street at about 6PM 3 days ago and a blonde female PC was at the checkout (in full uniform with appointments) buying a shed load of Christmas Shopping! I didn't recognise her but she had a CSO in tow who I did recognise. Just shopping! They may have been shopping for a 'good cause' but it didn't looked good to me! Obviously there may be an explanation for this event I witnessed. I am just relaying eye witness information.
  8. Mr. Joyce joined the HT from the Kidderminster Shuttle Publication not long ago. I remember it well. I wish him the very best in his retirement. I was hoping for him to shake up the website content. It never happened. I despair when you get 'Senior Reporters' publishing a news story on that site when it's simply a 'cut + paste' job from another source. There is no investigation of the story and it seems, almost, as tho the reporter concerned is just on autopilot to report anything they can copy or embroider. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the reporters concerned have degrees ~ but they are hardly stretching themselves from what I've read. Mr. Joyce could have changed that. He never. In my opinion.
  9. I've not read any of those links but the UK is filling up by 300k extra people (as a net figure) every year. Very few of the extra people have come here to sponge. Cameron is just fiddling around at the edges with his 'paper clip' shuffling demands over a 4 yr. benefit cap for new people. Those might not even be agreed to. We need a system that allows access to skills we are short of. A total 'open door' from nearly 30 Countries is not working when everyone gravitates to the most prosperous parts of the EU area. It will all fall apart at some point.
  10. Pissing in the wind with that vote. Why bother filling in the postal vote or dragging yerself to the polling station! Absolute waste of time!
  11. I was in town last Sunday and folk were in front of The Freedom Church Entrance with guitars and stuff. I went and did my stuff and then a little while later drove down Union Walk and saw more people with guitars outside The Holy City Church next to The Washouse appliance shop. They had guitars out as well .... I had never noticed that Church before .... I have nothing against guitars by the way!
  12. lol. I'll resist my inclination to post a sarcastic reply. But an 'overspill' is not a legal extension of a full taxi rank. Everyone knows why it happens but there is no Rank in Bewell Street. It is just illegal ranking. If the rank is full the drivers' who arrive (obviously knowing it would be full) should drive off. In fact they are taking the pi*% even turning into Bewell Street on a fair few occasions as you can see the queue of taxis snaking back before you've turned off the ring road! I'm not in the best of moods with taxis/private hire cars by the way. At least 50% of the time they try and rip me off. Last time was 3 days ago. Not in Hereford by the way. I rarely use taxis here as I don't need to.
  13. The story has a photo with no photo credit attached to it. At a guess it was lifted off google.
  14. Cameron seems to be hanging his hopes on getting some agreement about a 4 year benefit ban on EU Migrants .... You get the odd drunk or Murderer creep in (as they got an EU document) but most of the 'net' increase is down to people coming here legally to work. And they get jobs! The problem is that the Country is filling up and squeezing housing and services! Wasn't it 300k net last year?! Good job we are not in the Schengen area!
  15. What is the 'net' gain for The Council over 25 years if they lease the land for £25 .... ? Seems the Lads Club may have got a bargain there by your information ....
  16. Glad to hear that this is up and running .... Like Radio Playlist BBC Radio 1 Playlist BBC linked for comparison purposes only .... And no criticism intended or implied .... LIKE RADIO has targeted an audience which I don't think is catered for in excess locally ... Not sure exactly what Youthcomm Radio 106.7 broadcast but they are Worcester based.
  17. Warm Welcome For Corbyn At Stop The War Dinner Yorkshire Coast Radio
  18. On a Grade II listed building the rules' cover the inside as well. Is the paint job inside still like a Manchester City fan club? And that hanging pub sign is not too brilliant either. A botch from start to finish.
  19. Paradise Balti & Tandoori Herefordshire Council I can find no trace of an inspection on the Food Agency Website but on TripAdvisor the premises has 5 reviews. It has an average mark of 4.5 out of 5 ! TripAdvisor
  20. HT have published an update on their story with the below photograph of the remedial work: Instead of the 'agreed' one new colour ~ which ended up as being too bright we now have a frontage of 3 colours (main front a dark blue/black .... gates' that are blue and a legend over the door which is a lighter shade of blue). It just looks like a dogs dinner of a job. There is absolutely no sympathetic treatment towards the character of the building. Has this been signed off as being acceptable for a Grade II listed building next to The Cathedral ? Who knows! This all seems to have been cobbled together on the back of a *** packet. HT
  21. Jeremy Corbyn wins Parliamentary Beard of the Year for record sixth time Total Politics
  22. I have my suspicions! What was the original 'minor dispute' .... ? The HT article does have an author attributed to it and for some reason she never reported on that angle.
  23. Licensing Application has appeared on the Council website. There will be structural alterations and it looks like they generally want to serve up alcohol/music/food until 1 AM on a Thursday. 2 AM on a Fri/Sat and Midnight on other days. Application
  24. Test Broadcasting now on Tunein Tunein
  25. It was rammed at 5.45PM tonight on Blackfriars Street ..... Cars .... I was in the area. Everyone trying to go shopping as the parking was free ....
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