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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Obviously I posted the story because the victim is a bit vague ..... The incident happened over a Month ago. There is no description of the 'offender' .... There is no cctv image linked (area is under a camera). There is no request for witnesses to come forward. And there is no mention of whether the incident is being treated as a Terrorist related. A valid point as the 'Middle East' was mentioned. Apart from those points I thought it was a pretty good item!
  2. I'm not sure if that was an ironic post or a comment from a previously long standing Councillor who actually thinks there's a Rank outside the front door of Tesco!
  3. Police investigating 'threat' to former soldier in Hereford CLAIMS that a man threatened to cut off the head of a former soldier near to a taxi rank in Hereford are being investigated by police. I was unaware that there was a taxi rank in Bewell Street! HT
  4. Not how I remember it. Not googled it but fire/smoke ingressed into the building on 21/10/10 ..... Spotted by a passer by .....
  5. I'm pleased it was approved Paul. I don't think it was at all clear from the Council website. Good Luck for your Christmas/New Year Trading!
  6. Not surprised by this. Everyone in Poland has moved here! It's the EU ! The UK economy is doing OK so Councils are now trying to kick the arse out of parking while it lasts! I was in the queue at the shop last week and no one was speaking English!
  7. People in Tupsley can get to Rotherwas in 5 -10 minutes by bicycle via that new cycle bridge. No good if you are unable to ride a bike of course. Brilliant bridge I suppose ~ if you use it. I never have ....
  8. Their application for a 2 AM Licence was kicked into the 'long grass' on 02 December 2015 by The Council ... It had already been adjourned once .... The application is now going to be heard on 22 January .... Which, by my maths, means they miss the extra Christmas/New Year trade ... Link
  9. The Council made a £2.6 Million surplus on the parking last year which is a 39% increase on 2013/2014. It wouldn't need creative accounting to point to where £2.6 Million might have been spent to fill in potholes or other road related/transport stuff so I think they must feel they are fairly bomb proof in that area. But I think they are prioritising their financial position over Traders' who will suffer from this negative parking message they are sending out ~ and indeed imposing shortly ...
  10. It's been over a month since that Traffic Order was passed. Total chaos at that junction tonight at 5pm. Cars abandoned everywhere (including mine) but strangely no queue at the till in the shop! No yellow lines have appeared yet. Obviously the £2.6M surplus on the parking tax must have been spent ~ otherwise The Council could have bought a pot of paint and a couple of signs ... ....
  11. Is the product range similar to what you would expect to find in a regular established Polish Shop run by Polish people ? Probably. My corned beef I buy probably comes from Brazil .... In Tesco. People will obviously have the choice to stay in Europe in the EU vote which is sometime in the next two years. I think the genie is out of the bottle but there you go!
  12. No movement on the Licensing Applications page of the Council for ages ..... Just for info! Council Page
  13. Yeah ... I was wondering that .... A critical element I would have thought ..... But the bomb site/hoardings won't be gone in 2 weeks so fairly irrelevant I think. I won't be going until all that fire damage has disappeared. I can go to millions of better places (not next to a burnt out shell) to spend the little cash I have.
  14. I wouldn't have thrown any money at that venue whilst it was still next to/behind the bomb site from 2010 ..... I love that pub ..... First went there for Jazz evenings in the 70's ....
  15. Not sure how close to the finished article this paint job is but this is what it looked like at lunchtime today (Sunday). Bit of a shambles in my opinion ...
  16. Is this a first coat or second coat ? When the new paint job dries I'll comment properly. The splodges on the pavement are chewing gum. Which the Glutton machine won't suck up. Ever ....
  17. Morrison's have improved their self serve area. Plus the 'bags' are back. The onus is on the customer to press the screen to 'own up' to using a 5p bag. Good news.
  18. What do you mean ? A Murder is top of the tree for attention. I'm sure this is not being neglected. But when you are trying to look at something with little or no evidence available then it's gonna be a struggle. No one charged after 5 months is a testimony to the struggle. Best of luck trying to solve this. It will get solved ....
  19. Females eh ? Real shame .....
  20. What locations would this proposed TIC be directing people to ? Didn't the last one fall flat on it's arse when it was in a prime location?
  21. Ian certainly likes to string this out as long as possible! (No pun intended). Some unit on Faraday Road has got to be cheaper than Broad Street where he used to work! Are there any female dj's ..... ?
  22. Karin Cooke has an agenda ..... In my opinion ..... Surely her beliefs must influence her work decisions? She appears to be a 'beacon' for that Church. I would sooner see that Professionals in that Sector have no distractions that others' perceive as being dodgy .....
  23. Coming out of St. Martins Street onto the Asda roundabout at peak times is a VERY long wait and then the road ahead is blocked as there is no yellow box ~ road is clogged by southbound A49 stuff. I nearly got taken out there a few weeks ago trying to exit to go to Asda. I don't subscribe to the campaign for 'all lights out' at all times as I think this needs proper investigation.
  24. I was, today, unfortunate enough to have found myself, again, on the 10.49 hrs Birmingham ---> Hereford London Midland train. (After arrival it changes into the 12.40 Hereford ---> Birmingham train.) It is the dreaded two carriage 'Pacer' train that's a donkey's years old bus that's been adapted to run on the railway. I normally sit in the rear carriage but today I sat at the rear of the first carriage which is directly adjacent to the bog. Never sat there before. This is probably why I've never noticed that there's an air vent in the bottom of the bog door that lets people sat opposite (today that was me) see all the movements around the toilet pan behind the locked door. Grim is not the word .... :-( I will have to alert London Midland directly as it's not a good situation. Also the adjacent connecting squeaky carriage door was completely knackered. It was swinging open/closed every 10 seconds. About 6 people tried to ram it closed. No chance ..... Just a total 'nail' of a train. On the upside tho the ticket was cheapish. Liverpool Lime Street to Hereford was £11.50 single ....
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