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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Corbyn has got a clear 59.5% Mandate from his Marxist/Peacenik fans' for a 'whipped' NO vote over bombing Syria. So what does he do? Offer a 'free' vote over Syria to his Tory Lite MP's .... Very embarrassing climb down over his so called principles .... Very much a case of the tail wagging the dog here ... The alternative was to 'whip' a NO vote and get a load of shadow cabinet MP's breaking the whip and resigning. And there is no queue of Corbyn fans' lined up to replace the one's who would leave. A total shambles .... Cameron has called a Syria bombing debate vote for Wednesday and he has already said he wouldn't call a vote without knowing 100% that he would win. So we know the result already!
  2. Disagree. My wife has to drive past Tesco at Belmont to get home and her brain is so tired after working all day she hands me the keys and asks me to fill up the car. I generally then try to collect Clubcard points. Just the situation in my house. Not ideal.
  3. What should give way over this issue then Colin ? On the one hand we have all the hundreds of thousands of Labour Members' who elected Corbyn in a landslide 59.5% majority ~ on his peacenik Marxist agenda. Or on the other hand we have the PLP (95% who never backed Corbyn) who are fairly inbedded into the Establishment system. And are Tory Lite in their position ~ ie loose a few bombs off. Car crash waiting to happen here.
  4. He was in Morrison's tonight doing some shopping when I was there! Buying a fair bit of stuff in one of those shallow trolleys. Was in a suit so must have been doing something reasonably important today! Unknown. But if you can get a 'net' cash profit for the labour cost of issuing the ticket then maybe. But that area at night, in the dark, is an isolated spot if some Council enforcer wants to spark an argument!
  5. The Labour Party has to deliberate, over the weekend, about what to do about Syria. Prior to the PM calling a vote. On Monday it's got three choices. 1. 'Whip' the PLP into Yes to airstrikes. 2. 'Whip the PLP into No to airstrikes. 3. Offer a free vote. I can't see Corbyn having a good weekend. He already looks dreadfully battered on tv.
  6. I used the Co-Op tonight at about 17.45 .... It was carnage on that corner with a combination of rush hour Friday traffic/shop pavement parkers and it was dark. The yellow lines have not been painted despite the traffic order being 'live' for the last three weeks .... I obviously parked half on the pavement near the junction/shop as if I hadn't there was a car behind me who would have!
  7. There's no link on this thread to any 'planning application' but am I right in assuming the potential garage will be on that lump of grass near the Asda shop exit? Users' of this garage, on leaving, will want to go either left into town or right down either Ross Road or Belmont Road so the redundant slip road exit there already would probably be unsuitable as it would force everyone back north over the bridge and so the garage exit would probably use the existing shop exit. There would be extra vehicles using that exit who have only used the garage so there would be a potential to cause traffic 'back up' into Asda property. That's their problem. And for shoppers' leaving who have used the shop. The only knock on effect for the thru road, as I see it, is southbound traffic, coming over the bridge, might want to use the garage who wouldn't have wanted to use the shop. The Asda lights that cut thru the roundabout only let about 7 cars thru so you might get a back up, over the bridge (in lane 2), caused by extra garage traffic.
  8. Will it be selling 'tobacco' ? Just wondering like!
  9. I drove past the place this morning and it's still seaside blue. And if you look at the Christmas Tree photo the interior window frame is the same. Was that a mistake as well? I've seen no evidence of what new colour was approved anyway. These colours have specific codes and with a reputable supplier and contractor it is impossible to cock up a new paint job.
  10. So you don't support controls over 'listed' buildings ?
  11. By the way .... This is the Christmas Tree at The Spread Eagle .... Make your own minds' up!
  12. I gave you a -1 for that Chris .... You can shove your trendy lefty ideas where the sun don't shine for that comment. It is 100 yards from the Cathedral and it's an inappropriate colour for that area. Or indeed for the building which is Grade II listed. It has never been bright blue in 400 years. Are you mad?
  13. The new exterior colour scheme at The Spread Eagle is remarkably similar to the corporate colour scheme on the website/menu I don't think this is a paint job that went wrong on technical grounds. I think permission was given for a dubious colour/shade. In fact what was the colour/shade that was authorised? In this day and age paint shades have codes so you get it right every time. Where is the transparency? Where is the web link to the Council signing off the current colour?
  14. Roger


    With current breeding patterns the UK could easily be a Majority Muslim area within 50 years! I won't be here but something to think about!
  15. Roger


    Muslim population in England and Wales nearly doubles in 10 years Guardian Am I being unfair in thinking that if you have a steadily increasing Muslim demographic (mainly young) in the UK then you will have more people available to be potentially radicalised ? I got criticised for saying that on FB yesterday and got compared to Hitler who wanted to ethnically cleanse Jews out of the system 75 years ago ....
  16. I don't use that pub these days but I do remember when it had 'Spread Eagle' over the door in gold writing. I don't remember the pub sign being changed to blue as per the photo below. But the 'Spread Eagle' writing changed to 'The Steak & Cider Works' (in white writing in my post above) and there does not appear to be planning decisions viewable on the Council website for any of these changes. What is the point of listing buildings if premises' change with little or no interest from The Council ?
  17. There is no change of use as it's selling booze and food. Identical use to before. But the outrageous new colour scheme is in no way sympathetic to conserving or maintaining the history of the building. That drastic change has been authorised by The Council according to the people currently running the place. If that is the case I would suggest that the person who signed off the work is insane and unfit for office. Here is a picture of the building before the makeover. Taken Aug. 2015 (Google Streetview)
  18. The place is 400 years old and if it's Grade II listed then it's for a reason. It may have been a struggling venue but throwing the planning rules' out of the window just to attempt to keep it viable seems an abuse of process. I doubt the premises has ever been painted bright blue in it's entire history.
  19. I got an answer within 5 minutes. I find it hard to believe but here it is:
  20. I've asked this new fish place directly about how they got Council permission to change the frontage to that blue colour. I'll post their reply when I get it.
  21. Herefordshire Council I've looked on the Council Website and I can't see anything popping up for The Spread Eagle. Other than an old application about a smoking shelter. I find it hard to imagine they would consent to the new colour scheme as it's changed the character of the place out of all recognition.
  22. I suppose there is no real change of use here. The Spread Eagle sold alcohol and food and this new 'plaice' will sell alcohol and food. I echo the comments' of other posters' about the exterior colour scheme. To say it's 'loud' is an understatement. It's very unsympathetic to the surroundings. It's inappropriate for the area I think.
  23. John McDonnell denies backing call to end MI5 and disarm police Shadow chancellor caught in controversy after his name appears on list of supporters published by socialist campaigners Guardian Here is the statement the shadow chancellor denies endorsing: Is the Corbyn appointed chancellor telling the truth? Both of these people are obviously a threat to National Security.
  24. Interviewer (Emily Maitliss) was excellent in her interview of Ken Livingstone I thought. Her clothes were like something off a Xmas tree tho. You won't get it from the still picture but her 'bra' never seemed to be the remotely right size for her body .....
  25. I just watched 'Newsnight' and Ken Livingstone was interviewed live. He said, basically, that he didn't know who was operating his Twitter account. That account was how he issued his 'unreserved apology' earlier ..... About depression ....
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