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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Roger


    I would be in the scenario you pose. Which is how to treat a suspect when in custody. I think your question is disgusting quite frankly .... As regards to the Labour Defence review .... Which is a wider issue .... I am dismayed that Corbyn has parachuted in Livingstone to co chair it. What he knows about defence you can write on the back of a stamp. He is on record campaigning for nuclear disarmament and has previously declared London a 'Nuclear Free Zone' when he was in an elected position there. I would listen to him on transport or housing issues but as far as defence goes he can *cuk off. Rearrange the letters and asterisk as you feel fit.
  2. Dutch consider mini-Schengen zone to cut refugee influx dutchnews.nl An Emergency Meeting will be held in Brussels on Friday to discuss re-drawing the border.
  3. Labour At War Over Livingstone Trident Job Ken Livingstone sparks anger in the party after telling a Labour MP, who criticised his appointment, to get "psychiatric" help. Sky News Maria Eagle MP is the shadow defence secretary and she is pro Trident and it would appear Corbyn has parachuted in Ken Livingstone to 'babysit' her as he's an opponent of Trident. Livingstone's cruel comments about Kevan Jones are quite unfortunate as the guy does actually suffer from depression. Livingstone has refused to apologise.
  4. The Prime Minister was asked about taking back control of our borders at the PMQ's I've just been watching. He kind of brushed it aside saying we are not in the Schengen area and that we have control of our borders already. He backed this up by saying he had refused entry to 6000 EU travellers in the last 5 years. Well that amounts to about 3 a day which is simply not good enough. And they were probably on 'watch lists'. Millions are travelling in and out of the UK all the time. I don't want people getting a sniff of an entry if they have certain types of convictions in their baggage.
  5. I will add that as a Terrorist Sympathiser (in my opinion) I am not over the moon that Jez has been inducted into the 'Privy Council'. Lots of secret stuff there. The man is something that is going to end in a car crash.
  6. I'm sick to death that I have to bump this topic up to the top all the time. He is a '******* disgrace'. I know he's got a Mandate from the Leadership Election but he got that on the back of other issues. I'd ask people to re-visit their support for him. But the alternative is probably 'Tory-Lite' Policy. Labour Party is in a very bad place at the moment.
  7. I bet the Leaders of the Church are living quite comfortably in 'disfunctional Herefordshire.' ~ a phrase I will not actually take issue with. (the quote)
  8. Paris attacks: lax EU watchlist lets jihadists travel freely from Syria to Europe As few as one in a hundred European passport holders are checked against anti-terror watchlist on entry to Schengen zone - and no one knows if any refugees are checked Telegraph The Schengen area is only as strong as it's weakest link. It's just a shambles.
  9. Those Belgian Radical killers' could have got into the UK last week if they wanted as we are part of this big EU vision of 'free movement'. They would have suffered the slight inconvenience of having to show their passports as opposed to drifting about unchecked tho I suppose ~ as we are not part of Schengen. But from memory I have to show my passport when I re-enter the Country as well. We need to take independent control of our borders again. And keep the riff raff of the EU out. Like Arnis Zalkalns. Look him up on the internet if you've forgotten who he is. I haven't forgotten. I'm voting 'out' so won't have to pay my entrance fee for the Three Counties Hotel ...
  10. Jeremy Corbyn accepts shoot-to-kill policy after Labour MPs savage his opposition Labour leader's spectacular U-turn after earlier saying he is 'not happy' with shoot-to-kill policy if terrorists were loose in the UK Telegraph
  11. The only people responsible for those deaths are ISIS and those terrorists in Paris. To twist it around to put the emphasis on the cause of those deaths to be the French Govt. and it's allies is a warped view. Labour MP Chucka Umunna has just been on the radio discussing that tweet. He says he found it grossly offensive and insensitive to the French people. He also said that he is 'disturbed' that Corbyn is attending that Stop The War Christmas party. He said that he should be representing, and speaking up for, the British Public as a whole instead of aligning himself with a fringe element.
  12. 'Stop The War' Coalition posted this disgraceful tweet (since deleted) following the Paris attacks: Jeremy Corbyn is going to their Christmas Party .... Stop The War
  13. Jeremy Corbyn's shoot-to-kill view rejected by Hilary Benn BBC Corbyn is dangerous for UK National Security.
  14. Is he in favour of a pinpoint shot on a knee or arm so as to drag the suspect in for questioning ? I think that's the World he lives in. Which is 'Fantasy Island' .... In my opinion ....
  15. Jeremy Corbyn must pick his side in the war on terror The Conservative charge that Labour cannot be trusted to keep the country safe will stick as long as Corbyn leads Labour Telegraph Corbyn is a terrorist sympathiser .....
  16. They have. Just not found a link to the new person tho! Recruitment websites all show the job as filled!
  17. At some point Assad will be shown the door. Whether that is vapourisation in a drone strike or by some other means. The West has been pretty restrained with these air strikes to date. Cameron's priority should be our National Security within our borders. A few radicals already inside the border unfortunately. They should be rounded up. France has vowed today to flatten ISIS and I hope everyone is behind that. Money no object I would hope.
  18. In my post #444 I pointed out that Jo King had left her well paid role at the top of Looked After Children in Hereford. It is not readily apparent on the internet about the identity of her successor. She had connections with the Freedom Church but I don't know if the new person has.
  19. Sky News takes down article which referred to Jeremy Corbyn as 'Jihadi Jez' after petition The nickname was attributed to an anonymous source Independent What happened to 'free speech'
  20. Independent Apparently an automatic weapon can be bought in Belgium for between €500 and €1000 ....
  21. Paris attacks: 'France will destroy IS' - Hollande BBC 5000 more armed Police for France. We have got yet more Police cuts in the pipeline as the Home Office budget is not protected.
  22. I read earlier that France has 278,000 armed Police. We have 6000. We have very similar population numbers. Not rocket science to see that we would be severely stretched if something happened in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  23. She's a Hereford Social Worker on the Freedom Church Leadership Team. LinkedIn
  24. She left that role in August 2015. She has moved to London and is now Regional Development Manager for Home For Good (UK) which seems to be an organisation in the field of adoption/fostering children with 'Church' input.
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