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Everything posted by Roger

  1. I agree. No guns or violence. Mind games in my opinion. Just like domestic violence abusers' ..... These people persuade your mind in their direction. In my opinion. I urge people to avoid these people!
  2. If you can't pin some fly tipped rubbish on a person then eventually The Council will have to cart it away ..... Just what happens after several weeks of moaning ....
  3. And those people will now be vetted even further. 20,000 over 5 years. But we now appear to have radicalised Belgium born people involved in attacks. They can come here under EU free movement Treaties. We need to leave the EU and take control of our Country again. ALL aspects of it. Genie is out of the bottle with the swathes of people here already but something different has to happen.
  4. Passport linked to terrorist complicates Syrian refugee crisis CNN I believe we should only let refugees in after intensive vetting. Even then you don't know for sure that they've not been radicalised.
  5. Freedom Church â€@FreedomChurchCC 3h3 hours ago TONIGHT Hereford campus is having two events to launch their new building! See you there!! Twitter
  6. Paris attacks: Police seek 'dangerous' Abdeslam Salah French police have issued a photograph of a man wanted in connection with Friday's deadly attacks in Paris. The man, named as Belgian-born Abdeslam Salah, 26, is described as dangerous. Seven attackers, including two who lived in Belgium, died during assaults on a series of targets, officials said. French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said the attacks had been prepared "by a group of individuals based in Belgium" who had "benefited from accomplices in France." BBC
  7. I suppose in a worst case scenario there may only be one double crewed armed car patrolling in Hereford sometimes. And potentially that could be in Ross dealing with something. And the next nearest armed car could potentially be in Worcester. I'm confident a fair few armed units could all converge on a location in the force area within a couple of hours but I suppose that's no good if you need them there immediately.
  8. All the 'tree huggers' (as Steve describes them) accuse people who are wary over security of not being 'compassionate' towards genuine refugees. That is not the case. Germany can't possibly have properly vetted the million or so they have let in. I think they were granting asylum to anyone who had a Syrian passport at one point. I've no doubt a fair few radicals were among them. The UK has decided to take 20,000 Syrian refugees in who they will select/vet at source over there. That is an element of control over the small influx that is realistic.
  9. 'Jihadi Jez' Under Fire From His Own Side Jeremy Corbyn is copping flak from Labour figures for suggesting 'Jihadi John' should have been brought before the courts. Sky News Corbyn obviously wanted The Met to send a couple of Officers' over to Syria to arrest 'Jihadi John' for his war crimes. That may have been impractical and so he was vapourised in a drone strike instead. I think Corbyn is about the only person in the UK not happy with that outcome.
  10. In the wake of the Paris attacks France has locked down it's borders .... A bit late in hindsight. As one of the attackers arrived in Greece via boat from Turkey last month as has been mentioned. What can the UK learn from the attack? Lock down the UK border twice as tight as it is now. We have been on a terror alert of 'Severe' for over 12 months now and that means that a terror attack is 'highly likely'. Yet we still read of 'refugees' clambering put of lorries at service stations etc. Those people could be anyone. This is just not good enough. And it's not helped by the Schengen Free Movement area which enables people to drift about in Europe at will. One of the attackers has been revealed as a Paris born man who worshiped at a certain mosque in the Capital. That mosque needs to be investigated to the ends of the earth. The worrying thing though is that this Parisian could have drifted into the UK at will last week if he wanted to as he would hold a French passport which is valid to use here with no questions asked. He would have found it hard to smuggle a gun into England but he could easily buy a very large knife inside 5 minutes and use that to behead someone. There is absolutely every likelihood that people are already in the UK who could carry out a similar attack. They may have been born here or they may have snuck in. So the threat is definitely severe and highly likely.
  11. No comment on the WMP website ..... They are out of touch.
  12. Rats' have now migrated to Newton Farm and have forced a family out of their home! OK .... It was a single rat ..... Can't believe the tenant has dragged photos of his kids' through the media over a rat! HT
  13. I think this is connected. The Council want to dig up and replace High Town because it's grubby and doesn't fit in with Widemarsh Street but if they do that are they going to have a sensible maintenance/cleaning regime? Or are we going to throw a load of money at it and then rely on The Glutton?
  14. She's at the light switch on to promote her new single 'Earthquake' which Radio 2 and Absolute Radio have refused to put on their playlist. Bandsintown.com VIDEO: Sandi Thom has meltdown on social media after BBC Radio 2 ditch her song The Press and Journal
  15. 'Why have we blown money on that?' is my caption. Has anyone ever seen it in action?
  16. It would be better as it's original purpose. Why is it not a JD Wetherspoon already ? Probably because of crap location. That roundabout/junction is a nightmare!
  17. Latest video ... Spider related .... ITV News
  18. Contractors have obviously been fed a manual of language that resulted in that reply. The reply was very complicated! Keep replies concise and short!
  19. Agreed. But the locals have got to get a grip of a situation where stuff is just getting trashed and dumper trucks are getting interfered with. Hinton and Newton Farm are adjacent pretty much. The people who live there have to sort it out. If they want to live with out of control kids' then carry on ....
  20. Hinton is down the road. The locals need to get a grip of their area.
  21. The locals will know who these toe rags are that are trashing the place so I'd pull the plug on the funding unless they want to help sort it out.
  22. The graphic does not reflect the reality of that location. But the pub is a derelict shell and if the place gets built then it will be filled pronto as housing has basically run out.
  23. Possible 48 hour Arriva strike on the rail from Thursday .... BBC
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