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Everything posted by Roger

  1. I drove along Widemarsh Street tonight and I was reminded of this as I passed the 'No Waiting' symbol on the revolving type sign situated at the junction with the ring road as you drive into the old centre. Why is that there as it's misleading?
  2. Obviously sommat happened and the pic. never got posted. Feel free to re-post it as I'm interested!
  3. The whole problem is the illegal ranking on the actual road which is too narrow to accommodate a rank. This is a road issue and nothing to do with Tesco. I don't blame them. No enforcement as there are no restrictions/yellow lines. Was it 'forgotten' decision or just a 'bad' decision ? In any event we all know that the so called 'pedestrian' area is anything but that. It's just a compromise dressed up as a foot friendly area only ....
  4. Who is paying for the resident care ?
  5. Just the point I was making. Why have I got to pay £8 to use the paths on that event night next week ? Is it a Public Space or not ?
  6. Yup. Here's one outside the Jalsagor .... Totally illegal.
  7. Who owns The Castle Green and paths? Habitually used as walkways/social area but there are no rights of way there I'm told. And if there are no 'rights of way' there then why is this so? Apparently this is why people can be charged to use it as and when certain people decide that's happening .... ??
  8. This seems as good a place as any to ask this question: I didn't find it easy to quote/reply to two different previous posts' when they are/were on different pages of a thread. Is it me being a bit slow?
  9. Big Joe was Leader of The Council on £52K a year. He became elected Mayor in 2012 and this was increased to £79.5K by an independent panel ~ which was endorsed by the Council. He refused the massive increase and chose to receive £66k a year instead. So being Mayor ended up costing the locals £14k a year more ...
  10. Lots of disruption today on the Hereford to Worcester service. Both ways. The cause was problems around the 'Lickey Incline' in the Bromsgrove area. It's a 1 in 37 gradient which apparently is the steepest in the Country. Problems there just knocked all the timings out of sync ... I'm guessing by the state of my lawn it was the old 'leaves on the line' problem ...
  11. 'Fantastic Stores' apparently .....
  12. Right .... Corbyn has got six questions to ask in exactly 12 hours from now ...... At PMQ's ..... If he dredges up more questions from his email box I will be disappointed. He has got to think on his feet in his new role.
  13. Comments on that Topic are 'closed' on the HT Website .... Far too controversial a subject for comment apparently! Getting a bit like North Korea on that Website!
  14. In fairness to Sunshine I did include the date of the post ~ which was unambiguous .... but I see where you're coming from ....
  15. The multi million costing materials installed in High Town Very Recently were apparently bespoke and up to the job. Then the neglect and trucks etc moved in. The Maintenance Schedule is dubious to say the least and the cleaning has dropped down the food chain to a privately operated Gulper Machine or whatever it's called. High Town is shambolic and dirty/grubby. I was walking down Church Street (main shopping street) in Liverpool at 07.30 last Friday morning and the jet washers were out keeping the area sp!ck and span. All over the situation. Very clean. Just never gonna be happening around here. (I edited the post after noticing that the word 'sp!ck' is on the word censor list! Learned something tonight!)
  16. Is Shaun Tilley pulling the strings here? The timing fits in with 'Live' programming on that station as opposed to a tired tape .... Tuesday, October 27th 2015 13:01 Hereford's Christmas Lights Switch On will be on Sunday 15th November at 5pm. Sunshine Radio will provide the music and entertainment from 3pm in High Town. We've got some great acts who will be playing on the main stage including a BRIT Award nominated singer. The kids will also be able to see, stroke and have photos with real life reindeer including Rudolph. Keep it with Sunshine for more details over the next few weeks. Sunshine Radio
  17. It's an 'isolated incident' apparently .....
  18. Lift broken, escalators broken and no-one to complain to Saturday 24 October 2015 / Letters Hereford Times Letters
  19. Clutter. In the old days there was just the odd 'A' board knocking about but every inch of 'space' in town is now a magnet for a pop up tent/kiosk/trestle table/wagon or whatever.
  20. Roger


    This is an age old argument. How much gain is that land reaping the Council per year compared to a sell off? I wouldn't sell. But The Council might be desperate.
  21. Ukip oppose EU deal to end mobile roaming charges for British tourists Political football over phone stuff when people are drowning trying to get to Germany .... All a bit crazy!
  22. I'll enlighten you .... That is called 'clutter' ..... Too much going on .... As alluded to by The Council Leader ..... Obviously not the point I was making ....
  23. Um .... I'll let others decide that but I'll give you this Lords related bar link .... Published June 2015 ....
  24. Rather extravagant claims about High Town on this Costa Coffee Link ....
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