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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Some Peers in the bar there I think ... The combined 'expenses' there for those that voted amount to £175,200 .... for an afternoons work. I suppose others may have attended who never actually voted. Who knows!? The turnout was good tho .... I saw it on tv. Some very old people were wheeled in. Probably from a nursing home!
  2. You can't buy coffee on the internet as by the time it arrives it's cold. Same as a haircut. You can't buy that on the internet.
  3. Council Leader (Tony Johnson) was quoted in the HT today ... So that describes the 'ghost shopper' picture. No clutter, no stalls, no coffee cart and no squeaky kiddies ride ... etc. But hang on ... Cllr. Rone has a different vision ... We've already got that clutter. The kiddies ride by M&S, We have flame throwers, We've got an endless supply of buskers' (some are verging on begging) and we have the Peruvian Pan Pipe Players. I doubt that the rent paying Coffee Cart will get thrown out or indeed I doubt the shanty town of tents will go ... So a couple of million to waste on some vanity project. HT
  4. I suppose a coffee shop is better than an empty shop. They will know that there is the opposition situated about 3 feet away (who have no rates to pay). It's part of the clutter that gets wheeled into High Town every day. I would anticipate this new coffee shop will try and cordon off some space out front for the tourists' who will have quickly worked out that there's actually not a lot of proper shops in High Town to go into.
  5. Good luck with that. Population is ageing and I think that the 'Market' (and advertising revenue) is in the Radio 2 type listener. Stiff competition from Radio 2 but it then falls off a cliff locally. Just my opinion. Yup. In my opinion. A similar 'local' service would attract listeners' if the blend was right. In droves I think. I don't doubt that for one moment. And good luck! ps. I hope your radio app. is Chromecast enabled as a few people use that! BBC Radio Player added that feature in the last couple of days! Very impressed!
  6. When they collect the leaves behind my house that haven't been collected for years then I might take some notice. While they're about it can they remove that tree they felled and then forgot about? More a BB moan really .... But when you get talking about getting a 'Lenghtsman' you are going back into the 1800's ..... Desperate times ....
  7. I get deluged with Charity requests daily. Through the door, on the telephone, in the Post, on the TV and you can't get about 3 feet out of Lime Street Railway Station without a 'Big Issue' request. All getting too much for my brain to handle .... All getting too much ....
  8. Apologies and a belated 'Happy 5th Birthday' to the bomb site. It was 2 days ago ....
  9. The light phase out of Asda car park onto the A49 only allows out about 7 cars per lane. That's ok at normal times (just) but I'm not convinced it might remain that way if a garage was on site also.
  10. My son could moan all day long about BT OpenReach! I'm guessing that is the same outfit involved! Or a branch of it! I'm gonna give this a real listen to when it comes over the air and give it a chance. I'm still worried tho about the demographic that Like Radio is aimed at as it's the 15-30 age bracket. Which I'm assuming is Radio 1 type content.
  11. It's within the CIZ and no Application is on The Council Website re: food/alcohol ....
  12. The householder private CCTV seems to show Christian walking towards the Bridge on his own. It doesn't show anyone following and no one has suggested that he was followed. Not that I've read anywhere. I'm not sure if his movements were set in stone as regards to meeting people but I doubt his departure from where he just left was fixed. His route home might well have been tho. But I'm erring on a random attack from the very little that has been released.
  13. Incredibly intelligent pair. I've seen lengthy writings' (I think by Mark) and I was very impressed with what I read. Obviously a few issues going on but there we go ... On the subject of East Street you've probably got a 1000% more chance of getting a Council Parking Ticket than getting stopped in East Street by the cops for that sign thing. Even then it would probably be a telling off. And that would probably only come after a publicity stunt to say stops might be happening. I think the last time for that was 2008. People aren't bothered quite frankly. Hundreds of offences every day of the year.
  14. I saw it and think that although technically probably within the rules' it should be removed (or adequately changed) to avoid any possibility of confusion.
  15. Not including exempted vehicles you can only use that entry into East Street if there was absolutely no other route to go about doing your business in East Street or beyond. Which immediately cuts out anyone who could do stuff by driving down Offa Street and turning left to go past the back of the Town Hall. This includes everyone on the school run into Castle Street as well. If you think about then you can do virtually next to nothing in the first bit of East Street in your vehicle unless it's picking up in the M&S loading bay. I don't know exactly when they changed the sign but they have and it now has the same 'no motor vehicle' round symbol with the words 'except for access and taxis' underneath. It would have coincided with the new traffic order that came in on 30.01.15. There has just been some minor tinkering with the wording to specifically give exemption to Taxis. And a taxi is not a private hire vehicle. It's a 'hackney carriage'. There are other exemptions as well but if you put them all on the sign it would be six foot long and very confusing. Certain BB vehicles will be exempt. All Police cars are exempt if they are on Police business. Which includes if the driver just fancies a drive down East Street because they're bored.
  16. I think the buttons should come back. Forum has got rather sterile since they were removed ..... Just my opinion ....
  17. I will do so as well at no cost! I think it's all up in the air at the moment with paperwork from what Ian is implying as regards the start dates. Sooner the better in my view!
  18. He won't and I wouldn't. Cameron hammered home the Policy again at PMQ's today .... Less welfare. It is out of control.
  19. Tickets are priced at £1.51 per person if booked individually on the web (with booking fee) .... Charging for patrons' to listen to propaganda is a bad tactic I think. I can read both sides on the web. Good luck with those meetings .... But I won't be there ....
  20. Thursday 23 April 2015 / Letters HT Comments were never 'open' on that archive letter. But first hand evidence is being given which seems pretty believable ....
  21. She obviously featured in the first #PMQ's question from Corbyn today. He followed up with questions from his email box which were Tax Credits/Steel/Disability stuff. Having asked his various questions he never went for the jugular after listening to Cameron's answers'. All too easy for Cameron ~ who managed to get in his topical joke!
  22. Today at The Palace .... He gave in to protocol! Albeit very scruffily!
  23. Skype connection from quite a cozy current location it looked like. He sounds' like a broken record to me but we'll see ....
  24. Before above .... After .... RESULT! ..... Well done Colin ..... Lets keep this up!
  25. Disabled badge stolen from car A DISABLED parking badge has been stolen from a car which was parked in Whitchurch. A couple left their vehicle unlocked in the car park at the Old Court Hotel in Whitchurch on October 12. HT
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