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Everything posted by Roger

  1. So would I .... But the pigeon problem has to be sorted. They like any sort of tree. Whatever makeover happens then you will always have the tarmac splodge on that corner ..... It defines Hereford ..... A makeover is only as good as it's weakest link .....
  2. Trees attract the pigeons in that area .... So they got felled ....
  3. There is a tight corner leaving that subway on town side. I think the biggest risk there is getting hit by a bike. No cycling allowed there as signed!
  4. The pictorial vision doesn't incorporate the reality. Which of course is the squeaky Kiddies ride in front of M&S, the Coffee Kart, the Multitude of vehicles and Sky advertising hut, the Shanty Town of tatty gazebo's, the Pork Roll seasonal van .... etc .... All of that open space clutter makes the picture fairly meaningless as it will just be obscured.
  5. Excuse me if I've missed something here but speaking in relative timescales both Eign Gate and High Town were given a total makeover pretty recently. They didn't match but they were both made over. From memory the money never stretched to cover St. Peters St. or Commercial St.
  6. YouTube The lady in the video is sceptical that rats' go for the 'throat' .... But she does say that rats' 'are nice' as well ....
  7. I'm not in on the anecdote but this seems absurd. I think you need to get a grip Glenda ....
  8. I don't accept that people are intentionally feeding rats' as that is not regular behaviour. I would buy into the idea that people frequenting the area might be careless with food scraps. Where is the evidence that people are going out of their way to feed the rats' ?
  9. A basic requirement of school has got to be adding up and talking the native language. Plus tagging on some other subjects to meet basic levels of attainment. Did the Robert Owen School get 4% as a success rate for that last time? Some obscure vocational qualification in using a very expensive lathe is not cutting it in my book. No pun intended.
  10. Really big rat problem in the undergrowth at the side of Morrison's in town (I've seen them) .... They know it and have had bait out in the past. Plus they cut some vegetation down previously. The brook behind KFC is the water source. So KFC probably have rats nearby as well .... But KFC/Morrison's have top marks for keeping them out of the building! This rating below applies to both premises!
  11. What do you expect them to do once you've told them about anecdotal reports of rats' ?
  12. The resolution is two bouncers between 1.30 AM and 3 AM on Fri/Sat basically. Plus an hourly litter pick. Council Minutes
  13. One and a bit 'crime' incidents a day ..... very low .... The rest of the stuff was just yer general noise/nuisance/domestic stuff. Certainly room for more cuts on the stats provided.
  14. This BBC Montage just shows how Labour is a basket case Party. Specifically over The Fiscal Charter. Article was published within the last couple of hours .... BBC
  15. Jeremy Corbyn Criticised by Labour MP For Backing George Osborne's Fiscal Charter Huffington Post That article is dated yesterday. It is now out of date as the whole plan was thrown out of the window last night. It is getting stupid now as everyone in Labour seems to writing a Policy on the back of a *** packet and then it's picked out at random out of a bag. I think it's PMQ's tomorrow. Can't wait! PMQ's 14.10.15
  16. While you got yer camera out the bit behind the Sainsbury shop on Barton Road has a creepy under section at night.
  17. What is the Team ? Do we believe the flyer or the Official WMP website ? Belmont Southside Team Information
  18. Daren Loader got murdered in the underpass on Whitecross Road in 2009. I think it would have been dark as it was about 10PM ... I don't recall The Council getting any flak over that area being unsafe.
  19. Mayor apologises after saying town residents would pay for his parking fine HT I see that the HT couldn't get a direct quote from Cllr. Jennings but she has spoken to The Ross Gazette. She has deemed the episode 'Colingate'. Her letter to the Editor will be published tomorrow in that paper. Brief details on the RG website indicate she is not resigning and is on a 6 month strike over this incident. Ross Gazette
  20. The Cops always know more than they let on. I hope that this can progress positively as the murder happened last June ....
  21. I think that is unfair. I am no fan of how WMP conduct their media strategy (or indeed how late the various appeals come out or meetings get arranged) but I am sure that from Day 1 they were all over that on an investigative level. There just seems not really enough to progress this without further help. There were well publicised arrests. And I agree that WMP will be finding this a nightmare and costly. I also agree that eye witnesses are appearing to be NIL at the moment. Motive is the angle I would hope they bottom out.
  22. Hereford BID have 'adopted' the Eign Gate underpass and will send their 'Glutton' machine to clean there as required. HT
  23. On the contrary I like the fact that he is a man of principle who makes no secret of what he stands for ~ even though I disagree with most of what he says. And I think it's really good that Labour is beginning to forge a distinctive alternative identity to the Tories. Under Blair it all seemed to pretty much merge in the middle. My view of Corbyn might change if he gets bounced into a compromise over Trident when the Labour Manifesto gets written for the 2020 election. Where I have got a problem is that instead of talking about Labour policy we are yet again talking about the minutiae of his role which is quite frankly unimportant. But Corbyn seems to be singularly unable or unwilling to say or do something constructive that will knock it on the head or kick it out of the papers. He's like a rabbit frozen in a set of headlights. The Independent
  24. Stuart Rose to launch pro-Europe campaign saying true patriots are not inward-looking Guardian
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