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Everything posted by Roger

  1. I would guess that Coco never discussed being an exclusive outlet for the Cath Kidston range for Hereford City Centre when they placed the order. It does seem a bit unfair tho that the Old Market people have verbally agreed a deal with Coco and then apparently gone back on it. Does anyone know if there are other existing third party outlets for Cath Kidston in Hereford ? I wouldn't know as I don't purchase that sort of stuff.
  2. Jeremy Corbyn Chose 'Relaxation Time' In Scotland Instead Of Queen Privy Council Meeting The reason Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn missed a chance to be inducted into the Privy Council by the Queen has been revealed, the Press Association claims. The Huffington Post Ben Nevis Bar and Restaurant TripAdvisor (Mixed Reviews)
  3. I think dodgy people are more likely to hang about at the southern end of the bridge. In that underpass there. I try really hard to avoid being negative but I suggest they are dodgy and best avoided. The Eign Gate one is a bit harder to avoid if you are on foot and live in Whitecross. It's been a magnet for beggars for years!
  4. Recent photo's which are set at 'Public' on FB ....
  5. Lord Stuart Rose to lead campaign to keep UK in EU BBC So this guy is leading a 'stay in' campaign before Cameron has renegotiated the terms of our Membership. Make yer own minds up.
  6. No go zone I would suggest. At any time of day. Anyone could be lurking under there. Drinking beer or whatever.
  7. This appeal appeared on 08.10.15 on the WMP website. Nearly three weeks after the event. It obviously seems it wasn't a priority press release. In fact it gives the impression is was a 'box ticking' exercise.
  8. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn visits the Daily Record and has a message for readers Daily Record 41 second video on link where his agenda was tax credit cuts ....
  9. There has to be a single coordinated group to maximise effect I think. Whatever concessions Cameron does or doesn't get out of the EU in his highly publicised renegotiations of the rules' I think he'll be in the 'stay' camp when push comes to shove. And that campaign will be well organised for sure.
  10. Turn off the appliance at the plug. Which is probably indoors. I must say that this sort of sneaky activity is most unpleasant. Even tho it might only be a veranda and 50 pence of abstracted electric per cycle you end up being violated and your brain gets disturbed. These people should be evicted if proved guilty.
  11. A tumble dryer cycle is gonna take the best part of an hour and makes a noisy whirring rotary sound as it does it's stuff. How can that go unnoticed? Or was it a daytime job when everyone was out at work? Has someone climbed across to dry some clothes on the quiet?
  12. Drove over the old bridge tonight and noticed the banner in the picture. Very welcome news in my book. Good luck to all involved!
  13. Huffington Post A snap poll after Cameron's lively speech by Survation. 22% of Labour voters agree with Cameron. When you factor in the 'don't know's' a whopping 46% of Labour voter's are not dismissing Cameron's claims out of hand. Grim reading for Corbynistas. There is a vast discrepancy on the poll from people who had heard about the speech compared to those who hadn't. Of people aware of the content 48% agreed with Cameron. The speech has obviously served it's purpose which is what politics is about I suppose.
  14. What lies are those? I think Cameron is just keeping on the radar the fact that Corbyn went on Iranian TV in 2011 bemoaning the death of Osama Bin Laden as a 'tragedy' and that he wants to bin the nuclear deterrent. Putting the security of our Country at risk. He wouldn't press any 'button' anyway as he's a peacenik. If we had a fix on ISIS executioner Jihadi John today and Corbyn was PM he wouldn't launch the drone to blow the guy into a million pieces either. Labour comparing Corbyn's absence at Privy Council to Cameron and Clegg's is facile as it was total ignoring the true complexities of the issue. Highlighted by Corbyn being a Republican who refused to sing the National Anthem at The Battle Of Britain Ceremony. Anyhow Corbyn is missing in action today for reasons of 'private appointments and relaxation' as reported by Mashable He will resurface in Scotland tomorrow apparently.
  15. Has Jeremy Corbyn really snubbed the Queen? Labourlist.org Labour have made a facile and pathetic argument that Cameron and Clegg missed identical Privy Council meetings previously. The situation is different here in so much that Corbyn is a rabid Republican and all eyes are on him for anything remotely connected with The Queen. With the other two they weren't anywhere near the radar for the same subject.
  16. 0.07mm .... Which is really thin. The typical plastic bag you would have got last week would have been no more than 25 micron. A 'bag for life' is a lot thicker but most are still under 70 micron. I'm still not sure where the 0.83 pence VAT charge per bag is going tho. Or what it might get spent on. But all of the plastic bag VAT might only add up to pay for one rocket fired in the Middle East over the course of a year I suppose.
  17. I was in Asda tonight at the kiosk. The woman in front of me was buying a magazine and 4 x 500 ml cans of lager and she asked for a bag. The Asda lady serving reached underneath the counter and produced some unbranded micro thin bags on a roll and handed one over which looked 50/50 if it could ever handle 4 big cans and so the customer asked for a second to 'double bag'. That added up to 10p.
  18. From what I can see there is only the frontage left! The rest has been frazzled! I was born in Hereford so I don't need pulling up on any history angles .... If any significant piece of reclaimed stone can be incorporated into a mirror rebuild then that is my preferred option.
  19. This has been going on far too long. The planning people need to take a realistic view when any paperwork comes in. I know it's listed as Grade II but if someone wants to flatten the whole lot and rebuild in a similar and sympathetic style Then I think they should go with it. That must be better than seeing that scaffolding for another 5 years ....
  20. Probably as there were so many. And she never allowed any EU migrant in due to our Membership of the EU Club. That is beyond her current control in 99% of cases. According to Theresa May (writing in The Sunday Times in Aug. 2015) 4 out of 10 EU migrants are nipping over here on a wing and a prayer hoping that something will work out. Huffington Post If there is any hint of the UK moving towards pulling up that drawbridge then there is gonna be one hell of an EU rush to get here don't you think?
  21. Immigration policy 'hasn't worked so far', says David Cameron BBC I looked at the figures earlier. Net EU migration to the UK was 183,000 in the 12 months to last March. Cameron has absolutely no control over that type of entrant. Theresa May has said that this is a threat to 'social cohesion and Cameron agrees.
  22. Profile South Sider .... Welcome to your new role ....
  23. Was she shaking a tin in store? If so I can't see a problem. Parking Eye have started to get pretty ruthless in the civil courts so be careful is my current advice! Contact Asda to try to get it waved if the friend is a regular shopper there. But no one takes more than an hour to shop at Asda!
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