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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Looks like a Morrison's hand basket ....
  2. Some shops have vegetable aisles with the really thin bags on a roll (with handles). The one's you put yer sprouts in. They are technically 'carrier bags' .... There is going to have to be some serious monitoring of the self serve area of shops to make sure none of those slip through the net! Govt. Website
  3. I used the Hereford Morrison's self service tills tonight. There are 4 which are soon to increase to 6. Anyhow. All of the carrier bags have been removed from every self serve till. I asked the monitor fella what happens if I needed one? He said he would have to go away and get one (or however many I needed) and then come back and scan it through the till himself to make sure it was paid for. Or he would give it to me and stand at the till to watch me scan it. He said that they would be fined if they didn't follow the rules' to the letter. It had been ruled out to trust the customer to select a bag as previously and then scan it. We quickly worked out he had to do that for all 4 tills on top of authorising booze and dealing with the screens dealing with all the 'take the last item out of the bag' error message type stuff. As I left all of the other three tills had people just balancing stuff on top of each other in the now bag less bagging areas.
  4. They employ over 4000 people nationwide so they have no choice but to charge.
  5. I had a fella knock on my door the other week brandishing an A4 sized HD quality aerial photograph (in frame) of my house and garden. He asked if I wanted to buy it for £40. It was a really good photo so I offered him a fiver. He laughed and asked if I knew how much a helicopter costs to fly per hour. He then left to knock on some more doors when I refused to up my offer. The photo had obviously been taken with a drone so they are getting a lot more common!
  6. My perception is that the cops have probably got a policy to generally have more night staff on for Bank Holiday weekends. Hence the chip shop being guided into amending their application to fit in with what the Police think they can deal with. Which doesn't appear to include weekdays or regular weekends. There was evidence in 2013 of Jim Mooney arguing against a Play Nightclub hours extension on the basis that if it was granted then the Police would 'struggle to cope'. Similar sort of situation. HT archive
  7. About 4 years it's been in. I'm not sure if they have the same exemptions for goldfish and potatoes in Wales but you never hear about loads of Welsh people getting confused over carrier bags!
  8. A drone must be cheaper to use per hour than a helicopter and you can go much lower so I'd be all for it if it was a workable idea. You can get really good footage from a drone. Monitoring football crowds immediately springs to mind as a good use. Drone News Report with video
  9. These arguments have more holes than a Swiss cheese. Meeting 'most' of the 'criteria' means you can open until 04.30 on crazy busy weekends .... But when it's more quiet then 03.00 is the cut off. I don't think anyone is grasping the agenda from the Police here ....
  10. Employee irregularities .... Review underway ....
  11. £100 fines for dropping litter: Crackdown on rubbish louts in a drive to clean up Britain's streets Fines are irrelevant in Hereford City Centre now as the sucker machine gets rid of anything in it's path! Daily Mail
  12. I went to Morrison's earlier in the week and the cashier took my money and the machine issued one of those long yellow tickets that no one really understands. I'm pretty sure anyone who uses that shop on Commercial Road has received one. It told me to use it next time I did a £10 shop. I used it tonight for a one item purchase. I used it at the self serve for a sale that needed to be authorised anyway. The item was priced at exactly £10. The fella appeared and he immediately pressed a load of wrong buttons which meant he had to monitor my payment phase. With him scanning the long yellow voucher. The final payment screen came up and I was charged £9.99.
  13. I think we might very well have to wait to see how this shakes out in a few days as that suggested practice seems time consuming. My guess is that it will end up depending on trust in the self service user to grab the bag and scan it. You will never have cameras and staff worrying over carrier bags (that are free today) when the vodka and cheese is going missing in different parts of the store!
  14. Nope. If you leave Play when it chucks out tonight or tomorrow you will have to trudge for that cold sarnie from the garage chiller again.
  15. Before we all get carried away (and I won't be) I offer you this from FB: It's been accepted that the chip shop ARE promoting the licensing objectives otherwise they wouldn't have the few 04.30 ending times that they've got. However they could easily promote those same licensing objectives (with the 9 conditions listed here) on any old day of the week. The chip shop appear to have been massaged into a position by the Police (with the amended application) which, for the most part, avoids it being open when the really late places turn out. But the cops can say that the chip shop no longer wanted the longer hours (true on paper) but I think we all secretly know they did want them ~ to mop up custom from The Play stragglers for a start. The question I would ask is what part of the licensing objectives are the Golden Galleon not meeting for a wet Monday in February that they appear to be able to meet on a Saturday Night on August Bank Holiday weekend? Or is something else factored in here that the Golden Galleon has no control of?
  16. Good point. I've got a Morrison's plastic bag in the cupboard. Never noticed before but it's got a bar code on. I suppose it could be confusing if I take it back into Morrison's on the 5th to re-use it and they they think I'm stealing it if they didn't see me pull it out.
  17. I hope no one slings a bag of chips back over the counter at the Golden Galleon at 02.30 in the morning or something is going to hit the fan ....
  18. I'm not sure how this will work at the self serve. How will the machine know how many bags are being used or not being used? Will it have to ask?
  19. The original application was for a 04.30 finish every night. Presumably to totally cater for all the potential customers sliding out of the late drinking holes. In reality, however the compromise was thrashed out, they've dragged out of the Council a 03.00 finish every night including weekends except for a 04.30 concession on Bank Holiday weekends. Which is very much along the lines of what Jim Mooney had written about. An improvement but the shackles are still on in my view. Far from taking a leap into the 21st Century The Council have begrudgingly had a fudge dragged out of them. Why couldn't the chippie have a 04.30 finish every night? If any wheel fell off the wagon then they could be taken back for a review? The other week I was quite happily munching some early hours food in the 24 hour Maccies in Shrewsbury Town Centre. Their locals seem to be coping with that and it's not even a city!
  20. Another detection for the books ....
  21. I'll include me in that group I don't think anyone was suggesting The Council forked out for the hoover. Anyhow. We'll see if HB want to answer my question ....
  22. I think that the Council apology in the HT about the crazy Planet Buffet ticket says it all really. Hand wringing when they get found out with their dodgy tactics. But then appearing on camera to exude a persona of being a beacon of fairness. 'Quality' tickets issued instead of 'Quantity' ..... All a load of rubbish.
  23. Outrage at Mayor's Parking Wars Ross Gazette Putting to one side the comical comments of the Mayor I would point out that the enforcement appeared to be happening in the evening in that half empty Gaol Street car park. They were sorting out a problem that didn't exist. There were no issues with traffic flow or congestion. It was purely an exercise in revenue enforcement. If the Council have got spare people to wander about in the evening I would sooner they don some high viz clothing and get given a broom and a barrow so as to sweep up some rubbish.
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