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Everything posted by Roger

  1. I'll post a link when something appears on tunein.com ..... As it's radio my interest level is set at 'high' ....
  2. The HT are all over this website and FB .... as they are with Twitter and various other websites. This story has crossed their radar so it's up to them if they want to run with it ....
  3. I watched. The programme featured Hereford more heavily than I thought it might. Hereford Council fronted up one of their veteran attendants to be followed. His name is 'Andy'. He knows the rules inside out and back to front and was assisting a newish female attendant. Andy values 'quality' over 'quantity' when issuing parking tickets. His words not mine. He is also awaiting a more funny joke than the one's he's been hearing recently on the streets. He is CEO 40. His last 'quality' ticket, that I have knowledge of, was issued very recently. Pictured here: The grovelling apology by the Council for the issue of the 'joke' ticket outside Planet Buffet can be read below on the link: Hereford Times The Council says that "It is not the council’s intention to issue penalty charge notices so quickly after a restriction commences" but quite clearly it is as one of their most experienced people is at the forefront of issuing extremely disturbing tickets. This must be a trend I would guess. It may just not have hit the surface sufficiently?
  4. Revealed: ‘unspun’ Jeremy Corbyn used a four-year old reject speech for Miliband Spectator I watched Corbyn give his Marxist 'speech' today at the Labour Party Conference ~ which he delivered wearing clothes which looked like he'd found them in a skip. I agreed with what he opened with. I don't think it's right that Saudi Arabia should behead and crucify that fella for taking part in a demo. But he rambled into his peacenik 'don't bomb anyone' stuff and about scrapping Trident. And he started to get into areas that although desirable simply won't be happening as systems just wouldn't cope. Like providing cheap housing for everyone and taking the brake off the benefit cuts. I also actually agree with him in treating Mental Health in the NHS more equally. Nationalising the railways as the franchises come up needs serious consideration as well. But he never went seriously into the economic area of how his utopian dream would be paid for. Which would be to borrow more, increase taxes and print more money. Which of course would wreck the Country.
  5. I did the research. Reluctantly I (or rather my wife) paid the amount due tonight via the internet. I looked at the evidence and the latest appeal in identical circumstances failed. It was taken to the Appeal Court by a Billericay Chip Shop Owner. My daughter hasn't got the time to fight a parking ticket and we don't want her to get a CCJ on her credit history. I saw no evidence of the Appeal being overturned at The Supreme Court so I thought it was stupid to dig an even bigger hole. The evidence I relied on is on the link below. Brentwood Gazette
  6. There are so many blue badges and taxis out there! This has caused a situation where there will not be enough parking space in Hereford City Centre unless you make everywhere only accessible to those groups. Are you suggesting Bilbobobby that the Council are not operating a 'proper regulated service' at the moment? I do think it is fairly comical that The Council are hounding a taxi bay that serves the old Odeon cinema and Fusion Nightclub when both premises are currently empty. I know for a fact that taxis are never going to park outside Planet Buffet if they can get away with tagging along behind a full rank on a yellow line a bit further down the road outside Yates ..... Situation is a total joke.
  7. I couldn't agree more. The Council give up on street cleaning hoping that someone will do it for free and hey presto someone does with a machine that probably cost more than my family car cost us! What was wrong with this? It hasn't got a £10,000 mechanical sucker and you have to push it but it works.
  8. There's the actual ticket that was issued by Civil Enforcement Officer 40. His machine only operates in whole minutes so we'll never know if the car was illegally parked for a nanosecond or 59 seconds. That's if his machine was absolutely synchronised with a recognised accurate time source. At any rate it was a truly desperate attempt by the Council person to ruin someone's day just to get another ticket on his bedpost and to prop up the shaky finances of The Council. Everyone involved in that cash cow parking operation should hang their heads in shame. The Council, in the HT article, have trotted out the very easy and obvious reply that they are responding to complaints from taxis about misuse of that Planet Buffet taxi rank but I'm pretty sure we (The Public) could argue a lot more about what the taxi drivers' get up to. Not all ... But a fair few.
  9. I know there's no cost to us as it's private money but it just struck me as being expensive for what it does. Anyhow I hope the funding has stretched to another accessory for the machine. Road Sweeper cool box so you can carry your lunch/picnic with you whilst on the move ....
  10. Yeah. He's basically said that they haven't demonstrated anything towards promoting the licensing objectives which is a bit harsh. On their application they've listed several things like bins, CCTV, door staff etc. They may not have listed that they've researched local crime patterns and places where kid's hang out but the application form doesn't really lead you down a path to cause them to do that. The place is already open until 01.30 so I don't think it's being realistic to get them to list where kids' are hanging about at 01.45 and for them to say what they are going to do about those kids' potentially causing trouble with the remains of a portion of Golden Galleon chips.
  11. The price of these 'Glutton's doesn't immediately jump out of the screen at you but I saw they were on sale in Australia for $30,000 in 2012 which converts to about £13,800. Seems quite a lot for what is a motorised hosepipe that sucks stuff into a wheelie bin inside. They have a plethora of add on's which includes a state of the art receptacle for items that are the wrong size or shape to get sucked up the hose. I would call that a 'bucket'.
  12. The Golden Galleon application is up before The Council on 1 October 2015. The Police are happy for it to stay open until 03.00 hrs except for weekends prior to Bank Holidays when they could open until 04.30. They've listed conditions they would expect to be met. Police Report The Council sound less enthusiastic and object Council Report A disgruntled local has written in with an objection Objection
  13. I can't really complain about a Councillor cutting grass if I'm honest. I like grass being cut. As for being 'missing in action' then vote him out next time if you are so inclined is an option.
  14. Same point could be raised about a double yellow line. Only painted as it indicates an inconvenient place to park. But it is free parking for a blue badge holder.
  15. I think it is. More potential participation and more potential revenue. The Forum is free to take part in so fair enough if an area of the site was only viewable if logged in. I doubt the hidden content would be any more interesting than the Public content to be honest. Hidden areas have to be seriously exclusive in my view. I've previously helped moderate seriously exclusive areas by the way.
  16. I look forward to The Parliamentary group tearing itself apart as very few agree with much of what he says. And I don't think he gives much of a toss about people agreeing with him. His 'bottom up' style is fresh tho. Giving a say to the ground roots. But I don't think any of this is thought through enough.
  17. Corbyn suffers blow as Trident vote is rejected at party conference Guardian Chaos and Confusion in Brighton .... The Unions wanted Corbyn as Leader but now only 0.16% want to talk about what he wants to talk about. 59.5% Mandate evaporating to 0.16% (7.1% for Constituency Labour Parties)
  18. I've got nothing to say on here that I would need to keep more private than current arrangements allow. I'll go with the flow but if a few tweaks led to more people logging in and engaging in the site (to see the hidden stuff) then from that angle it seems a good idea. This site already carries adverts and so more activity and then people perceiving the site was getting more popular could only increase revenue potential.
  19. That does seem a convoluted and costly process at the moment. Everyone sees these garages renting out space to these car wash groups and I don't really know how having done so they can keep a total eye on who might be turning up on a daily basis to do the car washing. There might be some named legal person who the process goes through but I've no doubt that once permission to work on a site has been agreed then sub arrangements get made with the actual washers. Some of whom then might be illegal. All a very murky process.
  20. You can't fail to notice these groups can you? I think most people would describe/perceive the people as Eastern European. Nothing wrong with that as plenty of those Eastern Countries are in the EU with all the rights that brings. But without asking to see their passport before you let them clean your car you won't know who they are or where they're from. There might be an illegal Albanian washing cars as part of a bigger group who could very well be legal. Who knows? The hand car washing industry does lend itself to cash only transactions though (at the point of delivery) so I would guess The Treasury will not be getting 100% of what it might be due. But when you rock up for a £3 hand car wash all you're looking for is a decent job to be done and you probably get it.
  21. Ah .... I see someone posted somewhere else that they did just that yesterday. Outside Planet Buffet which I consider to be the old part. They were in a 07-19 parking bay that changes to be taxis only at 19. She returned to her car bang on 19 to see a CEO had slapped a massive fine on it showing the end time as 7 PM ~ for being in a taxi bay. The ticket only shows whole minutes on it and so she was there potentially illegally between 19.00:01 and 19.00:59 .... So The Council are really showing no common sense here for people visiting or buying stuff locally using cars. The ticket got cancelled within 24 hours after the internet decided the issue of it was plain daft.
  22. Trip Advisor showing the Basmati Indian Restaurant closed at Swainshill Trip Advisor Dunno if that was due to any financial fallout from two raids by the Border Agency in 2011 HT
  23. All Tesco 24 hour stores are being looked at on a case by case basis. The new hours for stores affected will be 6 AM - Midnight (except Sunday).
  24. To keep it simple I'll say that I've seen various media releases in Hereford over the last couple of years and Indian and Chinese food outlets crop up quite often. I think it's probably safe to say that no patron of those would have a clue about the Immigration status of anyone working there. I suppose people living next door to them might have an idea of the comings and goings or indeed how many people might be crammed in at the back or upstairs behind the scenes. Ultimately I don't think this is on the radar of many people. It's not on mine.
  25. I can't remember mine but I can remember my Mother coming into The Lichfield Vaults waving my birth certificate at the Landlord. (It was in the days when they had lovely pies in a heater on the bar.) I got chased out. Not by the Landlord ~ But by my Mother! Late 70's I'm on about. The Landlord (Mr. Worthy) then went on to run The Bell in Leominster. So I obviously had to pop in there!
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