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Everything posted by Roger

  1. I think they have failed via their brand name and confusion over exactly what they were. Was it a destination for a BBQ with an expensive drink thrown in ? And the BBQ scene is seasonal anyway. Marketing? I never saw much. I've never been.
  2. We need transparency over these allegations I think. As this Forum is now at the forefront of transparency. Are we on to IP issues again ? And what is the vague outline of the 'disturbing' messenger content ?
  3. I would have given you a +1 for that comment but that function is now banned ..... So I got this instead!
  4. What were their User names and how many posts each did they have ?
  5. All you need at that location is something that serves cheap beer and has several large TV's showing all the Premium Sport ....
  6. Ian (or someone in his circle) just said The Shire radio offering will be orientated towards the younger market. Which I assume is the same as the presser for Glasgow. Direct reply to me on FB just a couple of minutes ago ....
  7. I only hope this new station is not trying to do too much too soon. I'm not arsed other than what was offered in the original press release. I will then vote with my dial.
  8. I, with others, was puzzled as to what was going on. The screenshot is as much as I know!
  9. I doubt Corbyn gives a toss about the tittle tattle in The Daily Mail but if he's got any sense at PMQ's tomorrow his first question should be about Lord Ashcroft's Non Dom status and when did Cameron know about it as both men are saying entirely different things about the timeline of events ...
  10. We need a new pic I think ..... Is the fridge door still there ? Or the trash ?
  11. What are the car parking arrangements there ?
  12. I think everyone from day 1 knew that. I got treated in some fancy portacabin last time I visited. The hospital has 208 beds and they do treat out of County patients as well. Clearly they will always be struggling with that capacity. And there is not much scope to expand. The remaining huts need to go but they are probably supplying more capacity than anything new that would be built instead.
  13. As I alluded to the other day. It seems hit and miss as to whether they rotate at the correct time. A 16.30 rotation TRO does not mean the sign can turn at 16.25 or 16.35. Very fancy signs but someone has taken their eye off the ball with them.
  14. I can officially say that I have no idea as to how the initial press release (see my post #1) has morphed from covering Hereford and Worcester to covering Glasgow.
  15. I disagree. A supposed new bespoke shopping centre without a basic cashpoint is a disgrace.
  16. Out of date font on the signage at the Treacle Mine. Place just exudes negative vibes from the outside.
  17. Those ratios are just a guess. The only facts we know are that Jesse Norman and Bill Wiggin both polled over 50% of the vote in the last election. ie they both had more votes than all the the other candidates combined in their respective constituences.
  18. Corbyn has appointed Mike Watson, Baron Watson Of Invergowrie as his education spokesman. Whatever his credentials he's best known (and only really known) for being jailed in 2005 for fire-raising after getting drunk at an event in Scotland. Spectator
  19. We could argue until the cows come home about at which point does a genuine refugee become an economic migrant. But I suggest that if you find yourself wandering around Austria but you then frantically try to get into Germany then you are getting pretty close to it. I see Worcester Council had a well publicised debate the other day (covered live by Worcester News ~ Report here) where they agreed to take in Syrian refugees having decided against doing so in June 2015. I didn't see a well publicised debate by the same Council about the 1300 people in the Worcester area who deem themselves to be homeless. Of course not all of those are sleeping under a hedge or in a doorway but it will include sofa surfers and others reluctantly being given a roof by friends or relatives. I gather there are about 20 people actually sleeping out in the open in Worcester and all this seems to stray under the radar.
  20. No. I was pointing out that Jesse Norman and Bill Wiggin campained on the back of a Tory Manifesto that was austerity based with a well advertised benefit cap and a crystal clear policy that if they got back in they would slash the welfare budget by £12 Billion. They both got back in comfortably. Presumably with votes from some of the 50% of people you suggest are 'just managing'.
  21. Martin Samuels is on a different planet with his quotes. HT
  22. They obviously were. As North and South Hereford are safe Tory seats. It's not just wealthy landowners voting them in as they are vastly outnumbered by rank and file people just living in a street near you. Just a fact.
  23. Germany sent out a 'magnet' style message and so everyone came ~ causing carnage in Eastern Europe as it was the land route to get there. I hear all the 'push' ~ 'pull' arguments but Germany sent out such a 'pull' message that I think it was actually greater than the 'push' of ISIS/ISIL. I think Cameron has got it spot on. Help minimal desperate people that we pick. Don't send out the message that the UK is a sponge. The sponge is actually full. For instance 1300 people class themselves as homeless in Worcester.
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