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Everything posted by Roger

  1. It seems to have gone down a more bohemian path with the makeover. I suppose I'd have to look at the food offerings before I could describe it. I don't think 'pub' would be the first word to cross my lips! Maybe bistro ? Open within a couple of weeks apparently ....
  2. An application to vary the licence for the Saracens Head is here Apparently the refurb has reduced the size of the drinking area inside and they want to formalise the external drinking area outside by the River path. Premises is owned by Rone Properties LTD. Facebook
  3. Thankfully this issue was resolved once and for all on BBC Question Time tonight. Corbyn's best mate (Shadow Chancellor) explained that Jeremy always sings the National Anthem but was so 'moved' by the Battle Of Britain Service that he became 'distracted' and forgot to sing it. You can't make this up really.
  4. I agree completely. Also Glenda lost and withdrew etc and I totally appreciate her continued engagement on this site.
  5. Flypaper approach. Used quite often elsewhere. Hang a name out there and see what gets attracted to it.
  6. Valid point. As with Maverick who had to hang his head in shame for a while after this bombshell: Seems that his account being accessed by 'several members' was an open and shut case. But it wasn't and he has been cleared. How the system wrongly showed that his account was being misused only Colin knows. But Maverick may still be having sleepless nights about being publicly accused of potential Forum Rule breaches. This seems to mirror the case of Sir Cliff Richard who had his Berkshire Mansion publicly raided over certain 'allegations' of an unpleasant nature. Hung out to dry by the BBC who covered the raid in August 2014. No charges have ever been brought and they are now airing his new song 'Golden' on Radio 2 quite happily.
  7. Corbyn will be singing the National Anthem at all future events in his capacity as Leader. BBC He wiped the floor with the other candidates in that recent Election. 59% of the vote. The biggest win by anyone for decades. I fully expect him to be Leader into the next Election because if he wasn't it would be a slap in the face to the nearly 2/3 of the Party who want a Marxist Prime Minister.
  8. Did I read somewhere that the Old Market was the only large shopping/leisure complex that opened in the whole Country in 2014 ? Who is to blame for not factoring in a couple of non cumbersome looking ATM's when the place was being planned ?
  9. Checking for contraband materials Adrian. Any miscreant will be dealt with as they see fit. My black bin was collected as normal today. It was only about 1/3 full but I think it may have contained banned content. Good job is was totally knotted inside the black sack. Plus I checked the bin for blades of grass. You need to act clever to get your rubbish collected.
  10. Not practical on any level. Well used shop on that street as well. As alluded to by AS ....
  11. It says Rheidol Retail Park on the summons. I'll have to reply to it within 14 days and get her to approve the reply and sign it. The reply will be researched off the internet!
  12. I see megilleland that he was getting stick from his own side about the National Anthem stuff today. But water under the bridge for now. Lets see how he shapes up at The Cenotaph. I watched Corbyn's first PMQ's today with interest. I thought he was competent for a first go. In mentioning that the questions he posed were sampled from 40,000 emails he'd received, and in naming the authors, he avoided being rubbished by Cameron as that would be rubbishing the member of the Public who wrote the question. It also meant that Cameron couldn't rubbish Corbyn with his answers so all a bit safe. Unfortunately for Corbyn the PM had very good answers for the all the questions which incidentally were not followed up with a counter point. Corbyn never thought on his feet having heard the answer and Cameron was never required to do so as Corbyn had no immediate low baller. All a bit sterile. Cameron only had one real swipe at the opposition in that half hour and it was directed at the Labour Party and not Corbyn.
  13. My daughter allegedly overstayed on a retail park in Aberystwyth on 02.07.15. I think it was free parking but with a 2 or 3 hour maximum limit. She ignored 2 demand letters from Parking Eye who wanted £85. Today she got a County Court summons from Northampton County Court asking for the £85 and £70 costs.
  14. Laura Kuenssberg (BBC Political Editor) was on the radio this morning and she said the Tory tactic is going to be trying to avoid making personal attacks on Corbyn. Instead they will try and 'maim' Labour by wrapping that whole Party in one big lump with it's Leader. She has very likely been briefed on the plan. Unlike Jesse Norman MP. PMQ's should be interesting today. Midday.
  15. Jesse Norman could sleepwalk into being voted in next time. He is currently in the papers every day with his 'Select Committee' role ..... Anyone who doesn't want him as MP next time might as well move out of the Constituency. He is here next time. Just a random fact!
  16. Window dressing by the Mayor and the local plod. The photo's make it look as tho it was a 'fun day' ..... Instead of hanging around in some gazebo there should obviously be some real time stuff going on there. But I know the budget only extends to the gazebo and the jokey photo's ....
  17. If he wants to turn up at an important event dressed like a tramp then fine. If wants to appeal to a certain section of Society in his fan base then fair enough but he will rapidly realise that if you widen your appeal then you might get more votes. Dressing smartly on a budget involves no change of principle on his part. Policy wise. But it would compromise his belief that you can turn up for work looking like you just got out of bed. I know he famously only claimed about £8 for printer cartridges in the expenses scandal but if he got in as PM he is the sort of person who would travel to Syria on a bicycle to check stuff out to save money on air travel. He is living in a parallel Universe in my view. And I'm not even rich. :-p
  18. The Genie is out of the bottle and it won't be going back in anytime soon. Having got out the only possible option is as per the picture below .... It's here and we await the results ....
  19. I have just read the forum rules. There is a link at the bottom right of the portal. It may be missed if you are not specifically looking for them. Forum Rules Rule 13 covers the alleged breach it would appear. I wouldn't know how recently the rules' may, or may not, have been revised.
  20. I see Jeremy Corbyn turned up at the Battle Of Britain event at St. Paul's today. As he's a pacifist I've read he did it reluctantly. The picture certainly gives the impression he was uncomfortable. I see he made minimal effort by wearing clothes that seem to have been rejected by the local charity shop and he couldn't even be bothered to button up his ill fitting shirt properly. He's a Republican so never sang along with the National Anthem. Corbyn seems to have forgotten that the only reason he's got his free speech to air his views is because of the sacrifices of the sorts of people who lost their lives during the Battle Of Britain. There were many hundred.
  21. Is it in the site rules (which I do agree should be a 'sticky topic' now that this inquisition is occurring) that you can't have an alias/pseudonym and then have an additional alias/pseudonym? Or a proper real name and a secondary alias/pseudonym for use when you want to 'stir the pot' a bit? What do the rules' say? As Colin may have wrote them perhaps he can quote them so none of us are in any doubt.
  22. They have. It was wooden but it's been replaced with uPVC in the same style and colour. I think I last went past before this door 'pipe' was installed as I never noticed it.
  23. I'm not against people who shout loudly under an identity you can pin down ~ which may be a pseudonym. It's called free speech. Colin has promoted that from the start. With more minimal moderation than I have seen on other Forums. But I am against deceit to try and promote some point being made. Which Colin is suggesting.
  24. 8 affordable homes on the Agenda to be built at the old St. Martins swimming pool site .... I look forward to you for championing that cause .... With all due respect you sound like you've attended some sort of Conference and absorbed some sort of Manual you got issued. Those sorts of Crimes are totally different.
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