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Everything posted by Roger

  1. That is basically where the boarded up BP garage is at the moment.
  2. I wouldn't go litter picking wearing a Mayoral Chain of Office. Just my view!
  3. GPS is my favourite feature of a phone. Swarm is my very fav. app on the phone. Sorry for going off topic!
  4. I'm not in my own bed every night but if I am I sleep very sound indeed! I'm sure IP addresses will figure in this inquiry quite highly. I love a good investigation! We just got to sort out the punishment now (innocent until proven guilty of course.) Maybe a poll ? I suggest that at the very least it involves throwing tomatoes at the offender. In as Public a space as possible! :-)
  5. lol! I will sleep soundly tonight as I only have one account under my own name. Interrogation of private messages sounds like it might be greeted with a couple of raised eyebrows but I ain't sent anything dodgy there either! I look forward to the Inquiry findings! Hopefully it will report back sooner than the Chilcot Inquiry! :-)
  6. I don't doubt a word he says. He isn't saying anything to be popular. He says what he's been saying for 30 years. He will have to water down some of his more insane policies though ~ simply because he has so few very left wing parliamentary Labour MP supporters. They probably don't even number 20. He only got onto the Leadership ballot paper with about 5 minutes to go with the support of MP's who won't be real fans' and who just wanted the election to exhibit a wider range of views. Without him we might have just had 3 very similar candidates all pumping out policies that were the same old. In any event he hasn't even got the chance of doing an awful lot until 2020.
  7. Angela Eagle's extra title due to Labour 'women row' Shadow business secretary’s second post as shadow first secretary of state was an afterthought, Labour source confirms The new shadow business secretary, Angela Eagle , was given an honorary title of first secretary of state after one of Jeremy Corbyn’s staff had said they were “taking a fair amount of shit†about the lack of women in top jobs in his team. Guardian
  8. Housing costs X amount of money ..... So what is the bottom line? Who will own these houses and what is the rent per month?
  9. He is already being sucked into the Machine. He said before he was elected that he would take the Queen off his Radar. A good decision was an immediate compromise. What will he say about Trident ? His Deputy wants to keep it I think. His easiest option is not to talk about it at the next PMQ's ..... I think he is totally out of his depth.
  10. Ian Murray has been confirmed as Shadow Scottish secretary on Jeremy Corbyn's Front Bench BBC He is Labour's only Scottish MP by the way ...
  11. Do you want Hereford to just be a 'soup' of whoever may arrive here ? The young people are already leaving because of lack of opportunity. It's getting to be like the 'United Nations' here.
  12. Just catching up and the Daily Fail (right wing obviously) is reporting a plot to oust Corbyn as Leader. A plot by it's own elected Mp's. They don't seem to register that 59.5% of Members don't agree with them.
  13. I don't know any in and out's of this but I agree with that comment totally ..... I look at the World Trending Radio Shows daily and normally it is BBC Radio 2 every day all of the time and normally #1. This is via the #TuneIn app. Radio is very popular.
  14. Convenience. High profile point of contact and if you want to sit down the surface has absorbed warmth on a reasonable day.
  15. I read on the web the other week that a recycle bin wasn't collected as someone spotted a greasy pizza box in it. Apparently the contamination would cause the whole lorry load to be effected. I know for a fact that my recycled items have got grease/residue on them so what is the real story here? How many bin loads have to be land filled for dodgy content ?
  16. Do they still do chicken curry in a tray ? And faggots/chips in a tray ? I loved those meals!
  17. 59.5% of the active Labour Party want very left wing policies. The Party will now have to reflect that and adapt their Policies. Pure and simple. So will the MP's. They have to reflect their voters'. End of story. But Liz (4.5%) secretly loves Jeremy ..... That photo is fairly tongue in cheek I will add.
  18. This 59.5% of votes is a staggeringly large margin of victory and Corbyn now has a total Mandate to put forward his ultra left wing policies. Which includes paying for most extra things by ringing up the Bank of England and telling them to simply print more cash. It's quite clear that there is now a total disconnect between what grass root Labour people want and what Parliamentary Labour MP's think. A huge number of them are centre left (or Tory-Lite). In fact within a few minutes of him winning Yvette Cooper, Chuka Umunna, Rachel Reeves, Tristram Hunt, Emma Reynolds, Jamie Reed and Liz Kendall all resigned from the Shadow Front Bench.
  19. If you need to form a 'residents association' then my brain tells me that the Councillor is on some sort of mission (probably to get re - elected) or that there is a problem festering.
  20. I take your point. That area is a very dodgy situation at night. Would you stroll down there in darkness on your own after all the tree cutting and other stuff Rebecca ?
  21. The flyer has just stuck some stereotype images on it and organised Regional Meetings to promote some sort of trendy Agenda. Unless there are a raft of Transgender people being beaten up that we don't know about in Hereford!
  22. Membership want him in but virtually all existing MP's don't want him elected. I think the Labour Party will tear itself apart if he gets in!
  23. Correct. I'm just suggesting that people wake up and smell the coffee. I'm not being negative. When the bushes are cut back and the camera is working then I doubt you will have vast swathes of extra people walking 'the lines' (or nearby) in darkness. It will be dangerous regardless.
  24. What does 'affordable housing' mean ? Is it free accommodation on Housing Benefit ?
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