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Everything posted by Roger

  1. I'm not on here to be positive or negative. I call it as I see it. I'm just injecting some realism into the thread. I'm just waiting for the next HT headline saying someone got battered near there again. Not a pleasant wait but it will probably come sooner rather than later.
  2. I see what you are saying but when the Sun goes down you are just relying on Moonlight ~ plus whatever the street lighting situation is. This solution is being applauded as some sort of major watershed when I don't think it will be. I can well see that after the area has been tidied up and everyone has congratulated themselves for helping out then someone will get battered again. The people hanging about around there are probably not thinking about a few overhanging branches or some overgrown bushes.
  3. Seemed to be fairly hard work to get the Christian Bagley Murder meeting off the ground but this 'hate crime meeting' has been parachuted in at the drop of a hat. Is this because there is loads of 'hate crime' locally ? More likely the locals have been sucked into a regional project by someone who has read some 'blue sky thinking' manual .....
  4. Dan seems to run Play and posts here so over to him I suppose. :-p
  5. Jesse Norman's 'Paula Radcliffe' Doping Questions Lambasted By Twitter Users After Car Crash Radio 4 Interview The Tory MP who suggested that a British winner of the London Marathon could be linked to blood doping has received mounting condemnation after he the blamed the press for misquoting him - but he still refuses to deny that he did not mean Paula Radcliffe. During the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee on Tuesday, Jesse Normanasked UK Anti-Doping chairman, David Kenworthy: “When you hear the London Marathon, potentially the winners or medallists at the London Marathon, poten­tially British athletes are under suspicion for very high levels of blood doping… when you think of the ­effect that has on young people and the community nature of that event, what are your emotions about that, how do you feel about that?†Radcliffe, 41, is the only non-disabled British winner of the marathon since 1996 Although not mentioned by name, the long-distance runner hit back at the comments, maintaining that she is a “clean†athlete in a 1,700 word rebuttal. Speaking to BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Wednesday, Norman said he was surprised that a row had erupted as “no names were given, no allegations were made, no specific athletes were describedâ€. He said: “We went through a whole bunch of countries of which things have been said, serious allegations made – Russia, Kenya – and it’s absolutely right to raise the question of whether or not British athletes may have been involved in some way [in doping]. “And what is interesting also is that, of course, in a three hour hearing what’s happened is that the press pack – and it is a pack, it’s a herd of ungulates – have basically taken this single snippet and run off to Paula Radcliffe and attempted to bounce her into some kind of statement and I think that’s very unfortunate.†Despite numerous attempts made by Today's presenter, Sarah Montague, Norman refused to acknowledge that he was referring to Radcliffe. People were highly critical of Norman on social media following his Radio 4 interview, with some calling for an apology and even his resignation. Huffington Post
  6. I agree. His question basically nailed the suspicion down to one candidate. I disagree. His question only led to one answer. No one was named but are people wrong when everyone was over the comment in about 30 seconds ? With the same conclusion ?
  7. I suggest you lobby your local Councillor for a PSPO ....
  8. Of course it will. I commend the Tupsley Councillor for his efforts to help sort this out but removing rubbish adjacent to public paths is covered already in the Council Tax. Why pay that when you end up having to do it yourself for free? Some might say that once the bushes are pruned back then people on Community Service could do this litter picking in groups instead. It can't be that dangerous in the daytime in supervised groups. Especially as no vehicles are whizzing by. Jesse Norman has previously litter picked in town. I think it was a photo opportunity tho. I doubt he was at it all day. In any event he is currently busy on that Sports Select Committee ~ that has raised his profile somewhat today ....
  9. Paula Radcliffe denies ‘cheating in any form’ after allusions in parliament A “devastated†Paula Radcliffe has insisted she has never cheated “in any form whatsoever at any time in my careerâ€, following a parliamentary select committee hearing into doping allegations she claimed forced her to speak out. The marathon world record holder, one of Britain’s best-loved athletes whoretired from competition this year because of injury, had not been named in connection with the recent spate of allegations regarding blood doping that have engulfed the sport. But after Jesse Norman, the Tory MP who chairs the culture, media and sport select committee, asked questions that appeared to suggest a British winner of the London Marathon was “potentially†implicated, Radcliffe said she had no choice but to speak out in order to clear her name. “These accusations threaten to undermine all I have stood and competed for, as well as my hard-earned reputation. By linking me to allegations of cheating, damage done to my name and reputation can never be fully repaired, no matter how untrue I know them to be,†said Radcliffe, whose 2003 marathon world record of 2hr 15min 25sec in London remains almost three minutes faster than any other woman in history. “Whilst I have the greatest of respect for anyone responsibly trying to uncover cheating in sport, and of course for parliament itself, it is profoundly disappointing that the cloak of parliamentary privilege has been used to effectively implicate me, tarnishing my reputation, with full knowledge that I have no recourse against anyone for repeating what has been said at the committee hearing.†At a hearing of the culture, media and sport select committee, convened to look into recent allegations by the German broadcaster ARD and the Sunday Times that a third of endurance medallists over a 10-year period had suspicious blood values, Norman was in the process of questioning the UK Anti-Doping Agency chairman, David Kenworthy, towards the end of a three-hour hearing when he appeared to raise suspicions about a prominent British marathon runner. “When you hear the London Marathon, potentially the winners or medallists at the London Marathon, potentially British athletes are under suspicion for very high levels of blood doping … When you think of the effect that has on young people and the community nature of that event, what are your emotions about that, how do you feel about that?†Guardian Response to Paula Radcliffe In response to a press statement by Paula Radcliffe, Mr Norman said: "Ms Radcliffe's comments appear to focus far more on the Sunday Times's reports than on today's hearing. But for the avoidance of doubt the witnesses in evidence and the Committee itself at the hearing were all careful not to identify any individual athletes, and did not discuss specific allegations or test results. The Sunday Times database has not been passed to the Committee, and Committee members have not had the ability to consult it. No names of any athletes were mentioned in the hearing except those already in the public domain. It is untrue to suggest that 'the cloak of Parliamentary privilege' has been used to implicate any specific individual in any form of doping. Anyone with concerns about this is encouraged to view the hearing online , or to consult the transcript, which will be published shortly." Parliament.uk
  10. This Station is airing 'very soon' .... according to an enquiry I made tonight. Info message from me.
  11. I took that on Saturday. The car park is hell on earth on a working day! At the Bath Street Offices .....
  12. The application cost £190 so quite a few bags of chips. If the permit was granted ( I would be surprised if it was) then I suppose they have covered all bases and could close early if appropriate for them.
  13. Just underlines that the £8M temporary cell block at Bath Street was very expensive.
  14. I've never seen a Charity Collector as I exit Lidl. Morrisons seem to have random people ambushing you every day in Hereford. Very irritating.
  15. What about The Queens on Broad Street? The board outside seems to advertise very cheap ale prices. But there is a direct correlation between their prices and the type of clients sitting inside. For what it's worth I paid £3.80 for a pint of draught 'Lawless' lager at The Shack Revolution this afternoon. But they are not setting their prices at a point that would attract the wasters tho.
  16. Grabbed a taxi tonight outside Yates on Commercial Road to go to my gaff just off Aylestone Hill. It wasn't for my benefit but for the person I was with. The driver did not have a scooby doo about where our requested destination was. He had to be guided in street by street by my son. Not hard because after the 'U' turn in Commercial Road he then had to perform one left turn and two right turns to get to where I live. As he never knew where he was going he probably never knew it was so short as to be not worth his while to take us. Meter said £3.40 at the end and my son gave him a fiver. Bit too generous a tip I thought.
  17. Walked past M&G County Wines tonight at 8 PM and a female beggar was sat slap bang in the doorway. She never asked me for any change. She didn't look like she had the energy to do so. Quite a sad state of affairs.
  18. The so called 'chuggers' are my only real moan. Usually an agile young student aged person (with bib and clipboard) who can intercept me even tho I saw them from 50 yards away. Begging is more lucrative tho. I've spoken to someone who made £200 sitting in the passage down the side of Maccies in Town! In one Day! Crazy! ~
  19. What ever happened to Guy Taylor ? I can't even remember if the case got resolved ....
  20. That is very misleading Colin. Your post suggests that if you sign up everything will be wiped .... It may well help .... But that is all ...
  21. That's what I thought I read as well. Lets face it. It was a rental of a section of the KCPF by the Council to an Event Company (based in Derby) for their Mutual benefit. What was provided was high priced low grade generic entertainment and off the shelf supermarket type food which was misrepresented as a festival of food and sausages ~ with a search at the gate thrown in. The reputational damage has been done to both The Council and the Event Company. I don't really care about the Derby aspect but I hope the Council has learned a lesson from this and they don't farm off Public Space to fly by night Companies in the future to prop up their fragile finances.
  22. Nope. Sounds promising though as it seems to have been set up to challenge Council tickets which are totally different to tickets issued by cowboy firms. All the streets by me have the little yellow signs that give the timings of the parking restrictions but the little round symbol has faded on every one so you cant read it. Rather like this sign published in the Worcester News. They should have a symbol visible like this below ... The red circle with the blue bit. Could you get off if that is faded?
  23. The Councillor for that area should have this issue as item #1 on their agenda today at 9 AM .... But it won't be. The issue has been drifting for 15 years ....
  24. So how could the system cope with housing Syrian arrivals ? .... Who haven't even arrived in any numbers.
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